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Phonics Road or FLL/WWE/AAS combo?


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I believe you'll spend less time with PR. It also makes more sense to a dc to have 1 program that means Language Arts, at least that has been my experience. Another benefit is no Latin needed, as the program will turn into Latin for you (starting at level 3 you'll get to roots). You get the benefit of lesson plans laid out, but not scripted AND DVDs that can provide "scripting" if you need it.


Just so anyone knows....I am not a rep. I don't work any booths. I don't benefit in any way for all my PR love :)....except I so love talking about PR :) That's my benefit! {added b/c of an earlier thread}


Best wishes on a decision that best fits your family!

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We are finishing up the FLL 1/2 book and AAS level 2 (level 1 was done earlier in the year) and my dd LOVES it, as do I! The lessons are scripted, easy to do and don't take a lot of time. We will be adding WWE this coming year since I felt dd needed to get a good handle on spelling and grammar before trying to get her to write (she had an aversion to it so I didn't push). One of the last lessons in FLL 1/2 had her write a composition and she did great.

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Well PR 1 doesn't cover most of the things in FLL and WWE. It is mostly spelling. There are a few things (like contractions) that show up in FLL. It does have writing, but not like WWE.


Personally, Phonics Road is working better for us than AAS did and AAS costs are comparable considering how many levels are needed.


I am very glad that we got the enrichment of memorizing poems and the lessons on phone numbers, addresses, and months from FLL.


I think that if I could tell you what to do I would get PR 1 and still add FLL and WWE.:o You can then use PR 2 and up alone.

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We are loving PR. I had been using AAS for my ds8 and ds7 but quickly realized that AAS was moving much too slowly for ds8 and I would have to speed it up significantly and buy subsequent levels. PR just made better sense financially and academically for us. We are only in level 1 right now, but have 2 on the shelf for the near future. Ds7 is just starting PR (a late bloomer academically). I will say that I add WWE at times for ds8 and will start with ds7 next year. I do not use a formal grammar program with either boys yet so found no need for FLL. Ds8 will be tested in a month and so we do go over basic parts of speech and sentence structure using KISS grammar (free) and a Voyages In English workbook I had left over from our K12 days. I can't wait to get to the next levels of PR...so much more "meaty". I also like having everything in ONE program...no need for juggling multiple books. IMHO...a 1st grader doesn't need formal grammar anyway. (don't shoot me!) :)

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What about a PR1 and WWE combo? Is that too much? He already knows how to read and write letters. I'm not too concerned about ds getting grammar right away - I already have AAS levels 1-5, but I notice that PR goes MUCH faster through spelling lists which I think is more grade appropriate.


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I am agreeing with Sue. If you can wait til 2nd grade, PR2 will have it all.


Now that I've said that-if you do want to have that stuff in 1st grade, FLL and WWE are easy, quick, and perfect. (I personally have already taught FLL 1/2 and WWE, etc with older dd, and until we get to it in PR2, teaching these materials before has made me very confident just teaching all of it now with younger ds by pointing things out conversationally or teaching off the cuff. (while we're reading, pointing out some adjectives, saying what they are, seeing if he can name some, having him call out when he sees more in the reading, etc). Copywork/narration/dictation is easy to pull from whatever we're reading, etc.)

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We were cross-posting! YES-if you aren't concerned about grammar yet, PR1 and WWE would be perfect.


I totally agree with you on AAS-I have owned levels 1 and 2 with older dd-tried it as an easier-to-teach alternative to SWR-and it does NOT follow the Spalding philosophy of teaching all the phonograms quickly. It also uses word families, which goes against the philosophy. Not knocking AAS, some people thrive with it, but for us, PR is the "easier-to-teach SWR" that we were looking for.

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Guest tglomski

We are using PR1 with AAS. I know that is strange, but the down side of PR is that it's not scripted. As the teacher I needed the scripted lesson plans. I e-mailed Beers and asked if she will ever offer it scripted along with the dvd's and she said "no". I also used FLL/WWE with PR this year with my oldest because she needed more challenge than just the sounds since she already new most of them. They are all excellent. Good Luck not an easy choice.

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