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Quick questiona about Phonics Road to Reading and Writing

Guest D'LifefulDaisha

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Guest D'LifefulDaisha

Hi, I just joined the WTM forum, but I've been reading for a while.


My son turns 4 at the end of May and is very interested in reading and spelling. I plan to homeschool and have been doing preschool things with both kids for a while. But now I'm looking for more formal curriculum since he is expressing an interest.


I am really intrigued by the Phonics Road to Reading and Writing and think that it will be a good fit in almost every area. Since he will just be 4, I plan to go at a slow pace and spread the first year over K4 and K. However, my son DOES NOT write. He will occasionally draw a picture, but shuts down with any kind of attempt to get him to write something. I plan to work with him on this, but my question to those of you out there who have uses PR before is this:


Can I use this curriculum with my son and focus on the reading and spelling at first and as we work through his writing issues add that element into what we do?


Thanks for your help.


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Phonics Road moves very quickly. I wouldn't do it with a 4yo...even a bright one. My dd4 is also very bright and can even write very well for her age. However, I plan to wait until she is 6 to start PR with her, as is suggested by Mrs. Beers. You could always do ETC with him and read and start a handwriting program if you wanted, but I would wait on PR. Just my .02.

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