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I can't get the lawnmower started.

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And before anyone (who knows my health situation) yells at me, I'm trying to start it for ds12. Dh is in bed with pneumonia, so I can't ask him. This is the first time we got it out this spring. The oil had been drained, so we put in new oil. There was still gas in the tank. I primed it and pulled and pulled and pulled. It won't even begin to start. Do you think it is the old gas? If so, how do I get the old gas out without killing myself?

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There might not even be enough gas at all. If you've added a bit of gas, give it a rest. Try again in a few minutes. Do you have any nice neighbors who might have energy to help?


I can see the gas in the gas tank. It is nice and full. Also the gas smells funny (not like gas normally smells).

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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How old is the gas? My brother works in landscaping/mowing and just told me today that the most common reason for a mower not starting first time after winter is that that water has gotten into the gas tank? Perhaps drain the gas and start fresh? I'm not inclined in this way, but that's what my pro. bro. says to do! Check spark plugs, too. Could need a replacement and they are easy to replace.

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Take the air filter out and pour a teaspoon of gas into the carburetor and then try to start. Do this a few times. This gives the initial kick-off; then it will pull it through the system on its own.


If it's a fuel-related problem, it will probably start.


If this doesn't work, let me know.


Make sure the choke is closing fully, if it has one.


(spoken by my husband -- the lawn maintenance owner and repairer of mowers).

Edited by nestof3
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And before anyone (who knows my health situation) yells at me, I'm trying to start it for ds12. Dh is in bed with pneumonia, so I can't ask him. This is the first time we got it out this spring. The oil had been drained, so we put in new oil. There was still gas in the tank. I primed it and pulled and pulled and pulled. It won't even begin to start. Do you think it is the old gas? If so, how do I get the old gas out without killing myself?


When I was in almost the exact same position last year, it turned out that the fuel line switch had been shut off.

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This is when I'd be calling the guy across the street. :D


Well, I've had to call the guy next door to help me change a tire when dh was out of town, to get a heavy piece of machinery up into the back of my car because I had to deliver it somewhere and to break my leg out when it got stuck in our rotten deck (again when dh was gone). He was very nice about all of it. But - I will do anything before having to call him for help again!

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