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We are bringing another child home!


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:D DD13 has asked if she can homeschool in the fall!


Dh said absolutely, if that is what she wants to do!


He is tired of dealing with bullies. There are student bullies and teacher bullies. She has a teacher that doesn't teach.... she assigns a student to teach every day. :confused:


So we told her, she doesn't need to decide now, but in the summer we'll sit down and have a real conversation about it. If it is still what she wants, I'll do the paperwork and we begin her adventure in homeschooling as well.:lol:


For a man who said 10 years ago, "No way, no how, absolutely NOT!" He's done a complete 180º turn on the issue.


Now to figure out how to set a new home routine. My poor house!!!!

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:D DD13 has asked if she can homeschool in the fall!


Dh said absolutely, if that is what she wants to do!


For a man who said 10 years ago, "No way, no how, absolutely NOT!" He's done a complete 180º turn on the issue.



Unfortunately, I think this is turnaround is inevitable. Most people don't realize just how bad our schools can be until their dc come home from them to tell about it. (And I say this with inside information from my dh, a high school teacher!)]

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For dd11, the issue has been other students. She's been horribly bullied, and lack of concern by the teachers over the years. For dd6, it's been neglect in grade 1, ignored as a whole by the teacher, or encouraged to stay home due to a runny nose(she has allergies). Now dd13, has a great group of kids in her class. I know MOST of them. They are great kids. Sure, a little sarcasm, etc, but a good group. But to have teachers screaming at them, scolding them non stop over something that shouldn't be an issue. Is a case of teachers being bullies.


And to think we considered sending the younger 2, one evil to the next.



Yet in other schools, they can have incredible teachers, but horrible classmates. So.... I'm tired of rolling the dice. Enough is enough.

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My dd13 asked to come home as well. She went back to ps this past year for a "trial" and b/c she missed her friends. Well, it turns out she just didn't enjoy the social aspect as much as she thought. The girls were too "petty" she said. I'm thrilled, b/c we can give her a better education here at home. It was ridiculous what was or wasn't being taught at her school. Books assigned were on 6th gr. reading level, they put her in Pre-Alg. even though she already finished that last year, and basically had a "cake-walk" of a year. Not to mention all the negative influences there. :glare: I'm thrilled for you and your dd. :001_smile:

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:D DD13 has asked if she can homeschool in the fall!


Dh said absolutely, if that is what she wants to do!


He is tired of dealing with bullies. There are student bullies and teacher bullies. She has a teacher that doesn't teach.... she assigns a student to teach every day. :confused:


So we told her, she doesn't need to decide now, but in the summer we'll sit down and have a real conversation about it. If it is still what she wants, I'll do the paperwork and we begin her adventure in homeschooling as well.:lol:


For a man who said 10 years ago, "No way, no how, absolutely NOT!" He's done a complete 180º turn on the issue.


Now to figure out how to set a new home routine. My poor house!!!!


:party:Yaaay! Celebrating with you!


It means so much to have our dh's support. Hope it will be a wonderful year for your family. :)

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It will be an interesting year! We just brought dd6 and dd11 home at the end of March! I'm going to a mainstream school path to homeschooling 3!!!!!!!


Can you say the thought is a little overwhelming???


My poor brain! And what I am having to learn to teach..lol :lol:


We will all be smarter for it.

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