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your 12 & 13yo sons?


DS's voice is changing and he is beginning to sound like a man.

We were at the YMCA the other day and this boy kept calling his mom. Mom? Mom? Mom? MOM!?!?!


I thought to myself "Why doesn't his mother answer him?" I turned around to see who the avoidant mom was and it was me. It was my son calling me. I didn't recognize his voice.:tongue_smilie:


I love that he wants to be a man but still has boyish qualities.


I keep telling him to wash off his mouth, forgetting that the dark spots are peach fuzz.

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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He's not quite my height yet - so I can still tease him that he's "stubby". (He's only a 1/4 inch away from matching my height, though. I won't be able to keep this up for much longer!)


When I see him sometimes in the kitchen, I think he's dh for a moment. Then he moves and the spell is broken!


He still has his boyish enthusiasm for his lego creations.:)

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I have one of each - a 12 yo and a 13 yo. (Well, the 13 yo is nearly 14 - two weeks!)


I love how the 13 yo comes downstairs and seems to have grown an inch or two overnight. I'm not looking forward to the time when he's taller than I am!! He's getting so close and I'm 5'10"!!!


He's no longer mistaken for me on the phone! He loves that!


He no longer lets me in the bathroom when he's in the shower.


He's got peach fuzz plus a long hair here and there.


I love how, when I'm overwhelmed, he'll pick up the slack. He'll take the 4 yo to the park or offer to help with dishes. I love that he's sensitive enough to pitch in.


I actually like that he still cries.


My 12 yo still looks and acts like a little boy. He's not hit the puberty stage yet. We're expecting it soon!!!

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ds 13 and a half is maturing enough emotionally for everyone not to be telling him to knock it off every 3 minutes.

He's taller than me which hopefully means he won't be a shrimp like the rest of us.

He helps make meals and cookies!!!

He cleans!!!

He's not afraid to go door to door to sell pizza for scout camp, nor afraid to call people he doesn't know from church to sell the pizzas. (He sold 31).

His sense of humor.

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And it gets better-----ds is 16 (almost 17). He can drive his sister to ballet, can go to the library to pick up a held book, will run to the grocery store/drug store with a list, cash AND COUPONS, will kill bugs for his sisters :D, will make his own food if not a family meal time AND clean up, will console his littlest cousin when he falls down (awwww), will help younger kids with their math, will hang wet laundry one the clothesline, etc.


And he takes showers and grooms himself without being reminded :D (That 10/11yo time was r-e-a-l-l-y long, let me tell you!)

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your 12 & 13yo sons?


DS's voice is changing and he is beginning to sound like a man.

We were at the YMCA the other day and this boy kept calling his mom. Mom? Mom? Mom? MOM!?!?!


I thought to myself "Why doesn't his mother answer him?" I turned around to see who the avoidant mom was and it was me. It was my son calling me. I didn't recognize his voice.:tongue_smilie:


I love that he wants to be a man but still has boyish qualities.


I keep telling him to wash off his mouth, forgetting that the dark spots are peach fuzz.


I recall calling home one day when my oldest's voice had changed and having a moment of panic when he answered the phone (I was the first time in a while I'd heard him on the phone).


I had left the kids home to run some errands and for a minute there thought some strange man was in my house! :lol:


My 2nd ds turned 13 yesterday. Now I get to go through this all over again. :001_smile:

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I recall calling home one day when my oldest's voice had changed and having a moment of panic when he answered the phone (I was the first time in a while I'd heard him on the phone).


I had left the kids home to run some errands and for a minute there thought some strange man was in my house! :lol:


How long did it take to convince you it was really him?

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How long did it take to convince you it was really him?


It took about a minute. I finally figured out that someone who didn't belong there probably wouldn't answer the phone. :D


Oh, and he is wearing men's size 11.5 shoes at age 16. I hope his feet are done growing! DH has nice pair of his hand-me-down boots, and my brother has another. I know at that shoe size he probably doesn't have his full height (He's 5' 9.5").


My younger son that just turned 13 is hoping for a similar growth spurt. He's always been smaller though (People think he's about 10 or 11 now.) so I just don't see it happening.

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Aren't we blessed to experience life with these guys?


:iagree:My ds is 12 1/2, he's awesome. I love the peach fuzz, the voice (OMG!) deeper every day. How he'll try more foods now, because he's HUNGRY! How he can hand me down his socks and flip flops. How we can run off on a tangent at school and he's easier to refocus now.


The absolute best thing is that when he gets up in the morning he still comes to sit on my lap and gives me a big hug.

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Lol, mine is a late maturing 14yo with no peach fuzz yet, and no voice change yet. But man, can he eat! And he is now taller than his sister and I, and he is SO proud of being able to reach higher shelves in the pantry than we can!

I just LOVE waching him grow into a man. I love that he adores me and shares secrets with me. I love watching him learn to flirt with girls. I love watching him feel empowered to take control of his own life.

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:lol: Is he any good at it?


ds9.5 (it's past midnight) is a 'born' flirt. He was barely a year old and we noticed that he would follow (with his eyes) any blond if we were out in a restaurant.....and if the waitress was a blond, he would just gaze at her.


The principal at the private school he attended last year referred to him as a 'force of nature.' She was always having to speak to 2nd grade girls who had been caught writing ds love letters.;)

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