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Considering switch from R&S Grammar to ABeka in 7th. What says the hive?

Robin in Tx

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I really like the idea of the workbook format, and the consistent offering through 12th grade.


Has anyone tried tried this and wish they hadn't? Or glad they did? Isn't content about the same? I know I'd have to use something else completely for composition if I went with ABeka.


Work gets done more consistently when it's in workbook format around my house. That's one of the main reasons why I want to switch. I'd love to be able to hand over a few more workbooks in areas where they are available so that I have the time and energy to guide other subjects more thoroughly.


Okay, I'm about 99% sure this is what I'm going to do because it feels right, but I'd like to hear if you have experience with this in case there's something I'm not considering.




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I don't have an answer for you, but I have had the same thought this weekend as I was reading all the posts from people who stop or plan to stop grammar after R&S 8. We are only in book five, but I love the series, so far. I like the writing instruction, too, although it is not the only writing I use. One negative I've heard about R&S is how time consuming it is in upper levels. I guess I'd want to know what kind of time it takes for ABeka. Good luck finding the answer - but sounds like you know what you'll be doing. :)

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I wouldn't do it. R&S doesn't drill-and-kill grammar the way ABeka does, and R&S has much more writing than ABeka. If you complete R&S through 10th, that will be all the grammar your dc will need. After that you can focus on literature and writing. ABeka will continue beating grammar to death for two more years.

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I'm one of those who drops grammar after 8th grade. Not to contradict Miss Ellie, but R&S 9/10 is mostly writing. If you use R&S grammar books 3-8, your student will have all the grammar necessary--more grammar than public high school students will EVER see.


My college junior did just that--used R&S 3-8 for grammar, then concentrated on writing in high school. She's now the president of the English Honor Society at her university.


I wouldn't switch...I'd finish the R&S program.

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Ellie, have you talked to anyone yet who has actually finished R&S 9th & 10th grade? Everyone that I've talked to or seen posting here who has tried it has ended up dropping the course.


I'll have to look closer at ABeka... the worksheets, especially in 11th and 12th, seem pretty quick and to the point (circle the misplaced modifier and put a carat where it should go). Drill, yes, but I'm not so sure I wouldn't put my dd through those two books even if I did complete R&S through 10th. SWB says that her mom made her review grammar every single year no matter what. And that it was a good thing. That recommendation definitely carries some weight with me... I'll also take a closer look at the drill and kill aspect of ABeka (something that I was not aware of, so thanks!).


Thanks so much for the feedback. Let me know if you can direct me to someone who has actually done R&S past 8th grade - I would love to hear what they have to say.



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Good question - how do they compare time consumption wise? I will have to check into that. Right now, R&S is taking just a little bit too much of my time, because I'm trying to focus on other things this year. That's why I was hoping the workbook would be quicker and more portable (we do workbooks in the car on the way to music lessons, etc... next year we have more things to attend, so we'll be spending more time in the car... that's really one of the reasons why I think grammar will get done more regularly if it's part of our car school program :)).



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IMO, I think your choice may depend on what sort of format you and your children prefer. Is R & S getting done and done well? Maybe stay with the familiar. But if you really sense a change is in order then go for ABeka. I have not used R & S. I looked at the books at a convention once and visually they just sent me over the top on the "looks boring" meter. That's not addressing the content, just the layout. *For our family*, ABeka just has a nicer feel to it. I didn't use anything higher than Grammar & Comp. IV. I didn't have my older children do any grammar beyond 10th grade. There were times that I chose to cut the number of questions my students needed to answer. If the question set had 20 sentences and they did well answering 10, they were done.

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That's what I thought about R&S 9/10... and I don't know that I couldn't use it alongside a grammar workbook, to be honest. But I really do have my eye on other things for high school composition, to be honest. One thing I remember SWB saying when comparing ABeka to other programs in high school is that ABeka spends a valuable amount of time on developing a thesis statement... R&S covers this, too, but more briefly.


Your daughter's experience is definitely a good testimony. Maybe, if I finish R&S through 8th, if I still feel like dd needs the review I can use the ABeka 11th & 12th handbook worksheets combined with whatever writing program we're using.


Thanks so much for posting your experience!



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Thank you for this! YEs, one of my problems is the R&S is not getting done well. As much as I love R&S, I need to realize that something needs to change... either us or it! As I said above, workbooks are always completed regularly because they are portable and we take them in the car (and we do spend quite a bit of time in the car - more than I prefer!).


Yeah... it's a "feel" thing.


Thanks again!


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do you use the R&S worksheets? They are soooo inexpensive. Not exactly a workBOOK, but pretty close. They are even all bound together (they are meant to be torn out, but you wouldn't have to tear them out! We do precious little of the actual excercises in book...just some of the diagramming. But ds always does the worksheet. As you get higher up into the levels there is practically a worksheet for every grammar lesson. Well, at least this has been true for the grade 6 book! Just a thought. I absolutely love R&S for grammar (we use another program for writing).

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(I have no R&S experience.) However, we moved from Calvert into Abeka's Language Arts this year. The work-text takes a lot of the sting out of the Drill and Kill many mention:D. My dd honestly wants to continue with it next year and so on. This surprised me a little. I asked why. The write in text, color and layout are all to her liking.


I do not love the TM, but was spoiled for Calvert's style. I've adjusted and now it works easily for both of us. I do supplement with more living books and writing CM style.

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and the thing that drove me crazy was their use of the King James Version in some of their sentences. I have nothing at all against KJV, but the sentences were difficult to understand, much less diagram. I would stick with Rod & Staff. We do it orally, except my dd does complete the worksheets. HTH-


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We've used R&S English 3-6 and just about to start English 7. I was also contemplating switching to Abeka's DVD for English 7, or AG for 7th & 8th, because of the time R&S takes to complete. But dd wanted to stick with R&S English 7! We plan to do it over two years (7th & 8th) and R&S English 8 (9th & 10), so dd can have more time concentrating on writing and literature. After that I'll probably used AG High School Books.


Dd does R&S primarily independently. She'll read the lesson, do class practice from my TM orally (she covers up the answers), if she gets any wrong from the CP she lets me know and we go over it, then if there is a worksheet she'll complete that, if not, I'll assign her about 1/2 the written practice. If she doesn't get 95% or better on the chapter test we go over the lesson that she had problems with.


There is something to be said about "drill & kill". Drill is important, but in modification! You don't have to be slave to the curriculum (I learned this the hard way LOL!)

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You know that I have no experience with the upper levels of R&S :) but I wanted to second the suggestion to use the worksheets as a sort of workbook. I have been reluctant to give up R&S because it is so thorough and does not need too much brain power from me. I have continued to use it in conjuction with CW Aesop. We do most of the work orally, except for the diagramming. I use the worksheets when indicated.


I'll be curious to see if you find somebody who has used the 9/10 grade books. I have not decided how far we will go especially once we get into CW Homer.



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You've made it through four years of R&S grammar. Congratulations are in order! :-) At this point it might be easier to stick with it than start a whole new program.


I'm also considering the idea of spreading it out...

7th grade book in 7th and 8th

8th grade book in 9th and 19th

We'll both review and build upon skills already mastered. It looks like we'll only need to do grammar twice per week, opening up a significant amount of time for additional writing or other subjects.


But, before I commit to this plan, I would love to hear any criticisms! :bigear:


p.s. I will third the suggestion to use the workbook, if you don't already.

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Thanks, everyone, for all the input! Yes, we do utilize the worksheets and up until now I have found them to be an excellent substitute for a "workbook"... but I'm beginning to see that there *is* ia need for regular cummulative review, which the worksheets don't provide (worksheets usually give lesson practice only). I absolutely love R&S for grammar, and can't believe I'm contemplating the switch, but then I looked at a sample page of ABeka and believe it or not, there was an explanation on one of the student worksheets that was actually clearer than what we've received on the same topic from R&S. And I thought nothing could be as straight forward and concise as R&S! Go figure!!


Hmmmmm.... still thinking about it... I hear what you are all saying. I'll let you know what we do and how it goes.


Thanks again!


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(Sorry to get a bit off topic.)


My college junior did just that--used R&S 3-8 for grammar, then concentrated on writing in high school. She's now the president of the English Honor Society at her university.
Sandy in Indy, that's impressive. May I ask if she used a specific writing program in high school?
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