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Phonics Road users and lovers


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Mass insecurity going on over here. . .


After that long, awful, hideous agonizing process known as :D "Decision Making" I purchased the Phonics Road Level One. Sat for a month. **In the meantime** my 7.5 yo has continued with his current LA line-up including HWT, ETC, Rod & Staff spelling, WWE 1 and FLL. He LOVES all of it now and it is going surprisingly well. All of it. Now I am hesitant to stop that, re-route and start down the New Road.


:001_smile:I watched the first Phonics Road DVD. Found it very interesting and educational for me. Learned things that I didn't know :D.


HERE are the questions that resonate and keep me from *plunging in*:


1. Is PR MORE teacher intensive than other LA? What I'm doing takes some time right now. PR seems like it will take A LOT of time for EACH child. Yes, I want to teach my children as much as I am able HOWEVER I am finding myself LONGING for some balance between teacher intensive and independent. The busy-ness of the days are overwhelming. I like having some things that I can hand them and say, "Here sweetie. Do this :D." knowing that they are learning something. Is there eventually a balance in there?


2. PR is spendy! Yes, I understand why. It's GORGEOUS and the DVDs are a very big bonus. But, the WWE/FLL/spelling workbook options aren't too bad. Is PR necessary? I'm trying to understand if it is more than my kids will need. Perhaps I won't know until I use it. We have to accelerate through Level One with the oldest and anticipate having to purchase PR 2 in the same school year. :glare: I knew this going in but now those doubts and questions creep in. I keep wanting to use CLE LA for simplicity of use and the fact that a zillion people seem to love it. Sigh!


3. Is there a PR *fog* kinda like a TOG fog? Maybe I have entered the fog.


4. IF Phonics Road didn't exist WHAT would your Language Arts line-up look like? That might help me more than anything.


5. Can Phonics Road be used alongside an all-in-one kind of program along the lines of MFW or TOG (not exactly all in one) or HOD? Do you ADD anything to your PR line-up? I know it's AIO but most of us are 'tweakers" and often feel the need to adjust something.


6. Last question: At what level do you think Phonics Road really begins to *shine*? I was thinking that I should give it through Level 2 BEFORE having the panic attack but, alas, the panic attack has already begun!


Thanks. I am :auto: myself crazy and think that it would be easier to have someone else choose curriculum for me.

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I can only tell you that after a few years of Spelling Workout, my kids didn't retain a thing...except dd13 who was a natural speller. She really didn't even need a spelling program at all. My boys, on the other hand, spelling "phonetically" while that was good for a while, it doesn't work long term, kwim? Phonics Road is teaching my ds9 the "why" of spelling and giving him the tools to be able to spell new words that he might not know. PR is expensive. Really expensive. I had to purchase 2 levels in the span of 6 months, but luckily I found them used. And, I'll be purchasing 3 and 4 by September. :glare: For me, it's worth it b/c I'll be using it with 6 children. And, I like the program. Teacher intensive? Not really much more than any other program. I teach the lesson with ds9 and it doesn't take much longer than 30 min...and that is doing one week in one day! When we get to Level 2, we'll slow down and I imagine it will take about the same time to do it all. Maybe. It's a good compliment to FLL, WWE. Level 2 does have grammar, btw.

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((((((HUGS))))) It really can be so stressful, can't it? As you know I am using Phonics Road with my youngest. I am very pleased with it. I have never been a big fan of the workbook spelling programs. I used Spelling Workout for a while with both of my older ones (one is a natural speller and one isn't). I didn't do any good. I do think my youngest is more of a natural speller but it is doing a great job. I think I've mentioned before that she loves to draw pictures - all of which have words written all over. I have no idea why LOL. But I can already see a huge improvement in her spelling and we are only on week 12 of PR1. So I am seeing it as a completely worthwhile curriculum. I can hear her say the rules as she spells and really applying what she's learning.


As far as what my LA curriculum looks like... for us it will always be Classical Writing at the core. There will be times I add grammar and times I don't. (we love JAG and AG for the upper levels) To me PR and CW go very well because PR is giving her the tools to make the words and CW teaches her what to do with the words. I know there is a lot of grammar and other things in the upper levels of PR. I don't know what I'll think when I get there. I do wonder if at some point PR and CW will be too much. At that point I'll have to decide if it's worth keeping PR just for the spelling (CW is staying. I know that). But I really hope it just continues to complement each other well.



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This year: All About Spelling, WWE 1, FLL 2. (This is what we switched from.)


Next year... AAS, Megawords, WWE 2, FLL 3


Maybe you should think about why you got PR? My main reason was because I wanted All-In-One. I can see now that the spiral format is working better for us than AAS, and it is a little easier for me to teach.


I am not adding anything to PR. Have you looked at the building codes? I really had to take some time with the binders, not just the DVD.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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We dropped FLL 1/2, WWE1, and a couple other things for PR1 for ds7. (These things were going well.) I tried very hard to use SWR with older dd, and LOVED the concept but could never teach it right-we hated it. PR is exactly the program I was looking for to help me teach spelling the SWR way, but more doable. We're on week 7 and it's much easier than anything we've done, and going great! I add in bits of grammar here and there because so far PR1 has none, and I'm confident enough to be able to throw in what he needs for this level (and more), since I've already taught five years of grammar with older dd. He does some miscellaneous copywork sometimes, and writes little stories too. We are pretty rigorous here though.


Next year we are doing TOG1, and he will do only PR1 (into 2) and math along with it. I will probably have him doing some of the simple TOG writing and copywork from our TOG lit or sci, just to make things a little more cross-curricular.


I am a MAJOR tweaker usually, but PR has it all nicely laid out for me. (Okay, so I add some dictation practice for review of previously covered words.) It takes me about 20 min on a Sat to look at the DVD and make my notes for the week-I am already able to Fast Forward through parts of it. I have a great confidence every day when I pull it out that I will be able to teach it well. I don't think it takes me any longer to teach than if I were using a bunch of different curricula for LA. I did that with older dd, and I don't want to do that with ds-it is too time-consuming to do things piecemeal. What we are learning so far in PR is sticking with him and he loves it. Even dd is learning some from it (the parts she overhears.)


That being said, I am planning to jump from PR2 into CLE LA 3. By then my older dd may need more of me so I will need him to be more independent, and I'll feel like I laid a really good foundation for him. From that point on, my goals change some and CLE will be a better fit for my goals. Also by then I believe we will be able to carry over the core things we learned from PR (how to mark the words, divide syllables, etc.)


Gee, I hope some of my rambling helped! All that to say PR is easy to teach, it is nice to have it all in one, it does replace those other curricula, it is working perfectly for my goals for now, but we don't plan to stay with it forever-lol!


In your case, I don't know. I had a really, really, really strong reason for switching to PR: I desperately wanted to teach ds the SWR method of spelling, in an easier way. I am sold on the method, AND I knew it would be a perfect fit for ds's learning style (and I was right.) I found that easier to teach format in PR, and that's why I switched. Maybe you should sit down and list your reasons *why* you want to use it, and the same for the other curricula you are already using, and compare.


:grouphug: I pray you will come to a decision you feel at peace with-I know it is so hard deciding!

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I can only tell you that after a few years of Spelling Workout, my kids didn't retain a thing...except dd13 who was a natural speller. She really didn't even need a spelling program at all. My boys, on the other hand, spelling "phonetically" while that was good for a while, it doesn't work long term, kwim? Phonics Road is teaching my ds9 the "why" of spelling and giving him the tools to be able to spell new words that he might not know. PR is expensive. Really expensive. I had to purchase 2 levels in the span of 6 months, but luckily I found them used. And, I'll be purchasing 3 and 4 by September. :glare: For me, it's worth it b/c I'll be using it with 6 children. And, I like the program. Teacher intensive? Not really much more than any other program. I teach the lesson with ds9 and it doesn't take much longer than 30 min...and that is doing one week in one day! When we get to Level 2, we'll slow down and I imagine it will take about the same time to do it all. Maybe. It's a good compliment to FLL, WWE. Level 2 does have grammar, btw.


Okay! I feel better about having to purchase only TWO levels in one year!! Wowsers!! :D

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((((((HUGS))))) It really can be so stressful, can't it? As you know I am using Phonics Road with my youngest. I am very pleased with it. I have never been a big fan of the workbook spelling programs. I used Spelling Workout for a while with both of my older ones (one is a natural speller and one isn't). I didn't do any good. I do think my youngest is more of a natural speller but it is doing a great job. I think I've mentioned before that she loves to draw pictures - all of which have words written all over. I have no idea why LOL. But I can already see a huge improvement in her spelling and we are only on week 12 of PR1. So I am seeing it as a completely worthwhile curriculum. I can hear her say the rules as she spells and really applying what she's learning.


As far as what my LA curriculum looks like... for us it will always be Classical Writing at the core. There will be times I add grammar and times I don't. (we love JAG and AG for the upper levels) To me PR and CW go very well because PR is giving her the tools to make the words and CW teaches her what to do with the words. I know there is a lot of grammar and other things in the upper levels of PR. I don't know what I'll think when I get there. I do wonder if at some point PR and CW will be too much. At that point I'll have to decide if it's worth keeping PR just for the spelling (CW is staying. I know that). But I really hope it just continues to complement each other well.




Heather, I always love to hear your view points on everything. We like many of the same things!! It helps me to hear that you aren't totally positive where you'll end up but you seem to be saying that you'll figure out as you go and you'll know when you get there!!!




This year: All About Spelling, WWE 1, FLL 2. (This is what we switched from.)


Next year... AAS, Megawords, WWE 2, FLL 3


Maybe you should think about why you got PR? My main reason was because I wanted All-In-One. I can see now that the spiral format is working better for us than AAS, and it is a little easier for me to teach.


I am not adding anything to PR. Have you looked at the building codes? I really had to take some time with the binders, not just the DVD.


Good question! My WHY is big and after reading these responses I am reminded and more calm. I truly am just bucking against all of the decisions and that everything in home schooling feels so BIG! Just watching the first DVD was eye opening for me. I was able to tell DH that it's worth it just for the teacher training. I will take time with the binders. That is good advice I'll follow up on.

We dropped FLL 1/2, WWE1, and a couple other things for PR1 for ds7. (These things were going well.) I tried very hard to use SWR with older dd, and LOVED the concept but could never teach it right-we hated it. PR is exactly the program I was looking for to help me teach spelling the SWR way, but more doable. We're on week 7 and it's much easier than anything we've done, and going great! I add in bits of grammar here and there because so far PR1 has none, and I'm confident enough to be able to throw in what he needs for this level (and more), since I've already taught five years of grammar with older dd. He does some miscellaneous copywork sometimes, and writes little stories too. We are pretty rigorous here though.


Next year we are doing TOG1, and he will do only PR1 (into 2) and math along with it. I will probably have him doing some of the simple TOG writing and copywork from our TOG lit or sci, just to make things a little more cross-curricular.


I am a MAJOR tweaker usually, but PR has it all nicely laid out for me. (Okay, so I add some dictation practice for review of previously covered words.) It takes me about 20 min on a Sat to look at the DVD and make my notes for the week-I am already able to Fast Forward through parts of it. I have a great confidence every day when I pull it out that I will be able to teach it well. I don't think it takes me any longer to teach than if I were using a bunch of different curricula for LA. I did that with older dd, and I don't want to do that with ds-it is too time-consuming to do things piecemeal. What we are learning so far in PR is sticking with him and he loves it. Even dd is learning some from it (the parts she overhears.)


That being said, I am planning to jump from PR2 into CLE LA 3. By then my older dd may need more of me so I will need him to be more independent, and I'll feel like I laid a really good foundation for him. From that point on, my goals change some and CLE will be a better fit for my goals. Also by then I believe we will be able to carry over the core things we learned from PR (how to mark the words, divide syllables, etc.)


Gee, I hope some of my rambling helped! All that to say PR is easy to teach, it is nice to have it all in one, it does replace those other curricula, it is working perfectly for my goals for now, but we don't plan to stay with it forever-lol!


In your case, I don't know. I had a really, really, really strong reason for switching to PR: I desperately wanted to teach ds the SWR method of spelling, in an easier way. I am sold on the method, AND I knew it would be a perfect fit for ds's learning style (and I was right.) I found that easier to teach format in PR, and that's why I switched. Maybe you should sit down and list your reasons *why* you want to use it, and the same for the other curricula you are already using, and compare.


:grouphug: I pray you will come to a decision you feel at peace with-I know it is so hard deciding!


YOU were tremendously helpful!! I LOVE your *rambling* :D. Very very helpful. My WHY is similar to yours AND also wanting the different parts of the LA to fit together and not feel so disjointed. I also want and need the "whys" which Phonics Road teaches quite thoroughly!!!


Thanks to all of you for quelling my "new curriculum jitters". Now if someone can just help me decide between TOG and VP and LBC I'd be set!!! :D

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((((((HUGS))))) It really can be so stressful, can't it? As you know I am using Phonics Road with my youngest. I am very pleased with it. I have never been a big fan of the workbook spelling programs. I used Spelling Workout for a while with both of my older ones (one is a natural speller and one isn't). I didn't do any good. I do think my youngest is more of a natural speller but it is doing a great job. I think I've mentioned before that she loves to draw pictures - all of which have words written all over. I have no idea why LOL. But I can already see a huge improvement in her spelling and we are only on week 12 of PR1. So I am seeing it as a completely worthwhile curriculum. I can hear her say the rules as she spells and really applying what she's learning.


As far as what my LA curriculum looks like... for us it will always be Classical Writing at the core. There will be times I add grammar and times I don't. (we love JAG and AG for the upper levels) To me PR and CW go very well because PR is giving her the tools to make the words and CW teaches her what to do with the words. I know there is a lot of grammar and other things in the upper levels of PR. I don't know what I'll think when I get there. I do wonder if at some point PR and CW will be too much. At that point I'll have to decide if it's worth keeping PR just for the spelling (CW is staying. I know that). But I really hope it just continues to complement each other well.





I took a peek at CW again. It's beginning to make more sense to me ( as many things do after awhile :) ). Do you have any criteria you use to determine a child's readiness for Aesop? Do you have some *things to look for* that will alert you to the time to phase out PR and phase in CW Aesop? Why wouldn't you just use PR through Level 4 and then shift over to CW? I am curious because I have NO clue about these things right now and hearing how someone has thought through their plans is so so so helpful!!! :D

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I bought all 4 levels within the past few months. I need to get my 14yob on track.


I was stuck on the toolbox and the build it flashcards. So today I went to Michael's. They had little wooden tiles (like Scrabble.) I also bought the self-sticking magnets. I wrote all the letters, digraphs, markings, music notes, etc in either red or blue. And now they are all mounted on the magnetic board.


Building words is SO easy now.


I was thinking about switching to Barton for my 8yob but I really think that he will get PR. He knows his sounds and their numbers. He sings (not happily) the rule tunes. And now he has tiles.

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I bought all 4 levels within the past few months. I need to get my 14yob on track.


I was stuck on the toolbox and the build it flashcards. So today I went to Michael's. They had little wooden tiles (like Scrabble.) I also bought the self-sticking magnets. I wrote all the letters, digraphs, markings, music notes, etc in either red or blue. And now they are all mounted on the magnetic board.


Building words is SO easy now.


I was thinking about switching to Barton for my 8yob but I really think that he will get PR. He knows his sounds and their numbers. He sings (not happily) the rule tunes. And now he has tiles.

WOW! Does anybody else do this? I'm filing this away. Do AAS tiles work? I have that but haven't found that the tiles are very easy to move around on the magnetic board :glare: Scrabble-ish tiles sound GREAT though and would appeal to my DC.

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We use the AAS tiles, but I bought them before they had the magnets on them and did the magnets myself. They move fine.


It is a nice change of pace to build the words this way or quiz phonograms-we do it a couple times a week. I wouldn't do it all the time because I think writing them is very effective. So far they have had all the phonos I have needed, but we are early on. It would be easy to make any that we'd need later on.

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When we use tiles we build the word and then write it on the page. We don't skip the writing part.


We have AAS tiles. Wooden tiles was a great idea!


For all of those who don't have PR: Barbara Beers actually shows us how to build words using the cards provided in PR. They are rather large compared to the AAS tiles and don't have lamination or magnets provided, you are told to do that part on your own.


I also wanted to mention that after looking at the building codes I am not worried about skipping grammar (parts of speech type) until we hit PR 2. There are concepts in the building codes that I have seen in grammar programs.

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Mass insecurity going on over here. . .


After that long, awful, hideous agonizing process known as "Decision Making" I purchased the Phonics Road Level One. Sat for a month. **In the meantime** my 7.5 yo has continued with his current LA line-up including HWT, ETC, Rod & Staff spelling, WWE 1 and FLL. He LOVES all of it now and it is going surprisingly well. All of it. Now I am hesitant to stop that, re-route and start down the New Road. You'll appreciate the all-in-one as you grow through grades, particularly if you have many children. You'll also have benefit for your dc b/c it's easier on them to have one LA place to go, as opposed to workbooks, notebooks, etc. in greater number.


I watched the first Phonics Road DVD. Found it very interesting and educational for me. Learned things that I didn't know . You'll continue to grow as a teacher. The teaching instruction is really a tremendous value and it only gets better!


HERE are the questions that resonate and keep me from *plunging in*:


1. Is PR MORE teacher intensive than other LA? What I'm doing takes some time right now. PR seems like it will take A LOT of time for EACH child. Yes, I want to teach my children as much as I am able HOWEVER I am finding myself LONGING for some balance between teacher intensive and independent. The busy-ness of the days are overwhelming. I like having some things that I can hand them and say, "Here sweetie. Do this :D." knowing that they are learning something. Is there eventually a balance in there? No more intensive at all. In fact, I find I spend LESS time us PR then when I used several resources. By the time you get to PR3 the student is Very Independent. I spend about 30 min. total with my 4th grader, who is using PR3. That is for ALL L.A., including lit study. There are occasional exceptions, but the 30 min. rule is pretty constant here. You begin to dictate, then assign the work, they finish the Building or Framing Code independently. It's very effective and allows for great independence. I actually block teach my 4th grader, so we spend about an hour to an hour 15 min. together teaching math, PR, and any assignments for history (TOG). That's it! Not a lot of time at all.


2. PR is spendy! Yes, I understand why. It's GORGEOUS and the DVDs are a very big bonus. But, the WWE/FLL/spelling workbook options aren't too bad. Is PR necessary? I'm trying to understand if it is more than my kids will need. Perhaps I won't know until I use it. We have to accelerate through Level One with the oldest and anticipate having to purchase PR 2 in the same school year. :glare: I knew this going in but now those doubts and questions creep in. I keep wanting to use CLE LA for simplicity of use and the fact that a zillion people seem to love it. Sigh! It will be exactly what your kids need to cover all of Language Arts. Some people, mostly those who haven't used it much ;), worry about writing....how about this. PR2, week 22, Day 4 complete an outline on Uncle George, using research and dictation/copywork (3-part outline, A, B, C in all, with D, E, and F subtopics in part 3); the next day you turn your outline into a 3-paragraph essay on Uncle George....not too shabby for a 2nd grade writing program! It's hard to see into the future, but each year really grows. PR1 is mostly about phonics and spelling, but WOWZA! the grammar and writing kick in, in year 2. I am a writer at heart. I love to write. I have no worries that PR will take care of that for us. No concerns at all.


3. Is there a PR *fog* kinda like a TOG fog? Maybe I have entered the fog. Yes. Exactly. Give yourself about 3 weeks of teaching. Then when you start PR2, there is a teeny tiny fog b/c you're increasing to literature and grammar. The FOG is lighter than with TOG, though :)


4. IF Phonics Road didn't exist WHAT would your Language Arts line-up look like? That might help me more than anything. I'd probably jump to the MCT camp at this point, or hit some old school Charlotte Mason....so much planning....thank goodness PR is there...it Truly makes my life easy!


5. Can Phonics Road be used alongside an all-in-one kind of program along the lines of MFW or TOG (not exactly all in one) or HOD? Do you ADD anything to your PR line-up? I know it's AIO but most of us are 'tweakers" and often feel the need to adjust something. I am a serious tweaker and as a tweaker, a rigorous schooler, and a veteran home schooler who has already taught 5 dc to read, and have 3 dc past grammar school, I do not add any language arts to PR. Nothing is needed. We use TOG with ease alongside PR (and I have students in 3 levels of TOG, 4 next year). I am currently teaching 2 levels of PR and will also teach pre-PR next year. That means, I plan to successfully use PR3, 4, Sensational Strategies, and TOG in 4 levels next year. I am confident that is will be hard work, but I can do it b/c of the simplicity of PR (and a lot of summer lesson planning). If I had to teach all that using a larger variety of L.A. materials...I don't think I could.


6. Last question: At what level do you think Phonics Road really begins to *shine*? I was thinking that I should give it through Level 2 BEFORE having the panic attack but, alas, the panic attack has already begun! Year 2 brings the shine as a complete LA program. Then you get into 3 and you think....I didn't think it got any better, but it does. Then you use the program all the way through and pick up with an excellent Latin program and you think.....I adore you, Barbara Beers. She really, truly, honestly and with all the sincerity in my heart has made home schooling easier, better quality, and enjoyable for our family.


Thanks. I am :auto: myself crazy and think that it would be easier to have someone else choose curriculum for me.



Next year we are doing TOG1, and he will do only PR1 (into 2) and math along with it. I will probably have him doing some of the simple TOG writing and copywork from our TOG lit or sci, just to make things a little more cross-curricular. Me too :) I just consider that good for school and would probably follow this method no matter what LA I chose.



That being said, I am planning to jump from PR2 into CLE LA 3. By then my older dd may need more of me so I will need him to be more independent, and I'll feel like I laid a really good foundation for him. From that point on, my goals change some and CLE will be a better fit for my goals. Also by then I believe we will be able to carry over the core things we learned from PR (how to mark the words, divide syllables, etc.) Just a head's up for you, by the time you get to PR3, the program is much more independent. My remarks above lay that out...just for a point of reference for you.



Go to the social group here and read the threads. Hit up my blog and look for a day in the life. Look at Homeschool6's blog for a day in the life. You'll see ease in language arts. If there was anything I could shout from the roof tops about PR and all the peaking and talking we've done this year, it would be.....Patience. Once you see Y2, you'll fall in love :) And yes, I know one size doesn't fit all, etc., but I can say, I've been relieved to see that everyone who has started PR and worked through it a bit, has reported nothin' but love! Best wishes on a successful journey!

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Thanks for your specifics Tina! Talking things through really helps doesn't it?? It helps me tremendously . . . I am chomping at the bit to get to PR 2 so that might be part of my issue (read: I'm impatient!).


I am 100% re-assured in this decision and I'm excited to move forward and get to the MEAT of the program. The example from PR 2 is awesome!!! Laying the foundation is critical and I won't shirk that on the way by pushing/rushing too fast . . . I promise!!


I had planned to wait until the late summer/early fall to start but I am going to jump in next week (after looking over those building codes AND watching the first DVD again :D).


Tina, what do you mean by pre-PR? Teaching the phonograms to your youngers?

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Thanks for your specifics Tina! Talking things through really helps doesn't it?? It helps me tremendously . . . I am chomping at the bit to get to PR 2 so that might be part of my issue (read: I'm impatient!).


I am 100% re-assured in this decision and I'm excited to move forward and get to the MEAT of the program. The example from PR 2 is awesome!!! Laying the foundation is critical and I won't shirk that on the way by pushing/rushing too fast . . . I promise!!


I had planned to wait until the late summer/early fall to start but I am going to jump in next week (after looking over those building codes AND watching the first DVD again :D).


Tina, what do you mean by pre-PR? Teaching the phonograms to your youngers?

Talking through does really help.


By pre-PR, I do mean teaching the phonograms. I plan to spend K slowly getting through the sounds. I actually found Sensational Strategies used (at a great price), and since it's an OG-program, I'll follow it, simply for the ease of no planning. Generally, since PR is rec. for 1st grade (with good reason, as the higher levels really pick it up), I would teach phonograms in K, anyways...so why not save myself the planning!

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