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After 3 years... I FIGURED OUT MY HST!!!


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I am positively green with envy or maybe that's nausea from remembering the last time I tried to figure out HST. I am going to be haunting your posts Faithe. If you can do it with a little one, cheerios in your sneakers, and multiple swim practices, then I will figure it out. I hate owning up to being a wimp.:tongue_smilie:

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After the recent thread. I decided to give it another go....AND I THINK I"VE GOT IT!!!!! WOOT!


So, anyone have any really cool and nifty HST plans for WTM recs?


I Ihave Traditional Logic 2 if anyone needs it....LOL




You cant just say that and not give us the details!!!! Whatcha doing?? Whatcha doing?? :bigear:

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I am positively green with envy or maybe that's nausea from remembering the last time I tried to figure out HST. I am going to be haunting your posts Faithe. If you can do it with a little one, cheerios in your sneakers, and multiple swim practices, then I will figure it out. I hate owning up to being a wimp.:tongue_smilie:


WIMP????? YOU???? NO WAY.


I took my lappy to the pool and futzed with it there. I had HOURS!!! LOL!

I finally figured it out and now it is addicting..LOL


Cheerios has been neglected since my camera brike at a meet in January...sigh...but i am going to try to get back to that. i wish my blogger wiould allow me to cut and paste...UGH!



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You cant just say that and not give us the details!!!! Whatcha doing?? Whatcha doing?? :bigear:


I am entering my books and lesson plans into HST as courses so I can plug them into scheduules as we go. Ds likes a block sched (Chem and Math on Monday, Tues and Thurs.....Lit and Philosophy on Wed/Fri etc.) So, I can make that his agenda and then plug in our studies. I plugged in the Traditional Logic 2 course first because that was already finished and I could play with it a bit. I was able to enter in his grades and get a final report for the course etc.


I also entered in CLE stuff and am now playing with that a bit.


I figure I'd like to get my stuff for next year planned before summer....then I can relax...and just plug it in as we go a week at a time.



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Do you have Basic or the Plus version? Basic gives me a headache and I didn't want to spend the money on Plus if it was going to be much the same. I gave up.


I looked at the Basic version before buying Plus, and I'd be as frustrated with that as I was with Edu-Track.


Plus is so, so, so much better! Lots and lots of really useful (for me, indispensable) features that aren't in Basic.

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Do you have Basic or the Plus version? Basic gives me a headache and I didn't want to spend the money on Plus if it was going to be much the same. I gave up.

Plus and Basic are like Apples and Oranges! I had Basic for years and had a love/hate relationship with it. A few friends got the Plus and they finally convinced me to watch the training videos on the website. Wowzers! And $50 for the download, a disk, ability to put it on any computer I owned (not just one), free lifetime software updates, and now file sharing on 18 different Yahoo groups...yep, definitely worth the $50!

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After the recent thread. I decided to give it another go....AND I THINK I"VE GOT IT!!!!! WOOT!


So, anyone have any really cool and nifty HST plans for WTM recs?


I Ihave Traditional Logic 2 if anyone needs it....LOL




CONGRATS!!!!! now will you come on over and explain it to me cause I have had mine for almost 3 years LOL

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CONGRATS!!!!! now will you come on over and explain it to me cause I have had mine for almost 3 years LOL




I basically figured out how to enter lesson plans. So, I did that for a few books.


Then I figured out the "Agenda" Feature...and used that to submit my assignments to my practice student.


From the "agenda," I could print up a report that listed his assignments daily. Since they wee already finished, I entered in the grades and that they were complete.


I used dummy times on the agenda, since we don't have that type of schedule.


I also was able to get an average grade for the entire course....It was really pretty cool, once I figured it out, but it takes a really long time to enter everything.


OH....I also learned how to copy a lesson and use it as a new one, so that took a big bite out of entry time.



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I basically figured out how to enter lesson plans. So, I did that for a few books.


Then I figured out the "Agenda" Feature...and used that to submit my assignments to my practice student.


From the "agenda," I could print up a report that listed his assignments daily. Since they wee already finished, I entered in the grades and that they were complete.


I used dummy times on the agenda, since we don't have that type of schedule.


I also was able to get an average grade for the entire course....It was really pretty cool, once I figured it out, but it takes a really long time to enter everything.


OH....I also learned how to copy a lesson and use it as a new one, so that took a big bite out of entry time.




Faithe, I think you and the swimmers should come and see what swimming pools look like on the West Coast. You don't really think hard bleachers feel the same everywhere do you? Then we could meander over to my house and you could teach me how to use my HST. What do you say? Come on, Faithe. You know it's the vacation you've always dreamed of.


PS -but not next weekend since I ET for 3 days and you know what that means...no coffee:svengo::svengo::svengo:

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