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R&S English placement help please?

Sue G in PA

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I can't believe I am even considering going back to R&S. My boys loathed it, but I thought it very thorough. So, here is my question: Where should I start them? Ds12 has used GWG4, some ILL and LLATL before going back to ps this year where he had ZERO grammar. :glare: Should I start him back a level or 2? 5 or 6 perhaps? Ds10 has had some formal grammar but no diagramming. I was thinking Level 4 for him. And ds9 has had very little formal grammar. He knows nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Could I do level 4 for both ds10 and ds9 and then what level for ds12? Thanks!

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The first level of $&S we use here is 5. My eldest chose to go with 5 over 6 after doing Easy Grammar 56, and my middle one did it after Easy Grammar 45, so your eldest could start with this if you think he's still strong in the GWG 4 level. I can't help you much with both of your other two doing 4, since we've never used it.

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I can't believe I am even considering going back to R&S. My boys loathed it, but I thought it very thorough. So, here is my question: Where should I start them? Ds12 has used GWG4, some ILL and LLATL before going back to ps this year where he had ZERO grammar. :glare: Should I start him back a level or 2? 5 or 6 perhaps? Ds10 has had some formal grammar but no diagramming. I was thinking Level 4 for him. And ds9 has had very little formal grammar. He knows nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Could I do level 4 for both ds10 and ds9 and then what level for ds12? Thanks!


Hmmm....seems to me that your older ds should be able to do Progressing With Courage (6th), and younger ds could do Building With Diligence (4th).

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I can't believe I am even considering going back to R&S. My boys loathed it, but I thought it very thorough. So, here is my question: Where should I start them? Ds12 has used GWG4, some ILL and LLATL before going back to ps this year where he had ZERO grammar. :glare: Should I start him back a level or 2? 5 or 6 perhaps? Ds10 has had some formal grammar but no diagramming. I was thinking Level 4 for him. And ds9 has had very little formal grammar. He knows nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Could I do level 4 for both ds10 and ds9 and then what level for ds12? Thanks!


Sue, I have used R&S from 2nd-7th. If your ds12 isn't very strong in Grammar, you may want to start him in R&S 5. The 6th grade book moves very quickly, assuming the kids have had a strong foundation in grammar. I do think you could do R&S 4 for both of the younger ones. I use 4 for my dd9 who is in 4th grade, and she does well in terms of understanding. As you know, there is plenty of review with each lesson so they should be fine. I do the lessons orally and give them a worksheet if there's one with the lesson. We also use CW and Lively Latin so we get a lot of Grammar review there as well. I hope this helps you a bit!! If you have any more questions you can just pm me!!

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