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CLE, SAXON, SINGAPORE, MUS (just venting)


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We will be finishing up MUS Beta this summer and I now have CLE, saxon 3 and singapore shipping to my house. Couldn't make up my mind. Need to have it in hand to compare. This is my third child so you would think I'd have it all figured out by now. I just want to give him a solid math base. Why can't I make a decision?????????????? Ruby

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So hard to choose, isn't it? I feel your pain. We have switched math programs several times...esp. for my ds12 who is in ps now, but coming home next year! Did you not like MUS? I have no experience with CLE (have heard good things, though). I did not like the elem. Saxon years (K-3) b/c it was way too teacher intensive for me. I do, however, like Saxon from 4th grade on (the textbooks). I love Singapore. My ds10 (in ps this year but also coming home) did very well with Singapore and now my ds8 is doing fairly well, too. He is struggling, but he isn't a mathy kid. We just go slow. No rush, kwim? Good luck choosing!

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DD10 crashed & burned on MUS Delta - since this was her first exposure to MUS, some things were waaay too easy (division) and others were too hard (area). Just when she'd get in the groove of the easy lessons, MUS would hit her with something she'd never seen before. I think it would be great if we had started with it from the beginning.


She is loving Singapore. It explains everything exactly the way she learns so it's a really good fit for her.


DD13 loved CLE 800 this year! It's an excellent spiral method program for a child who needs continual review. And I love the way it introduces a wide variety of topics in younger levels so kids get a very gradual introduction to new topics over the course of several years. So when they see geometry in middle and high school, it will be familiar instead of deer in the headlights.


We used Saxon last year for Alg 1/2 and DD didn't retain anything. And I did not like how much it jumped around - I found it very difficult to help her with her math. She'd ask for help and I'd have to skim the previous 20 lessons to refresh my memory or to see how Saxon was teaching it so I could be on the same page with her. Not a good experience.

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I'm curious, too, as to why you're switching from MUS.


In hopes of finally discovering my dd9's learning style, I've gone from Saxon (IHO boring and repetitive), to Singapore (too much mental math for this non-math mom), and now to MUS. I'm hoping with the hands-on for her and the videos for me that we've finally found the right one.


BTW, I recently heard a statistic that the average homeschooler switches math curricula 2-3 times during their career. Not sure if this makes any of us feel better, but at least we're normal? :001_huh:

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I wouldn't say mus isn't working but in the back of my mind I remember saxon which included lots of geometry throughout the series. It worked good for my girls until I got tired of having to sit and teach each lesson so that I myself would be following along and able to help. We did great up until we finished 76. After that we put it off and put it off and now we are going to put oldest dd in a class so there is consistency. I guess I just want to have faith in something from the start that I can just follow and trust. After schooling my girls I should know already that it's okay to move around until we find a fit but I'm tired of the thinking. Everybody loves one of these programs but we are all so different and each kid is different. So.......mus is working but I just want to check my options I guess. It's that time of year again. The endless wondering and soul searching and anxiety. Can't wait to dig into the stuff that I boutht and get a good look though. Thanks for listening. Ruby

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It's very hard to figure out what to use by samples. It doesn't tell you where they're going, how fast or in what way. You'll probably see you'll be more decisive after you've had a chance to actuall see these.


I'll do the same thing but order a horribly used copy then buy new if I decide to buy it. Good Luck :)

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