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She's getting good at avoiding school work!


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DD5 seems to have an instinct for what to do to avoid doing her work. Like many, I like to start the day with math to get it over with. Just as I was going to get her started, she hopped up to the piano and started to play. I don't like to interrupt her when she practices piano, because I want to encourage her doing it on her own.


When she was done, and I suggested we get started, she responded, "I have some things to do to get ready for Mother's Day." Now, what mother is going to make a child set this aside for math?


I finally got her to sit down to do her math, which she got through fairly quickly once she focussed on it. As soon as she was done, she was wrestling with her 2yo brother. Now, there is no way I am going to pull her away from the toddler to do school work!


Anyone else's kids have creative ways to get out of school!?



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There's a good book on music practice called "How to make your kids practice without resorting to violence", and it's got pretty good strategies for any sort of independent work. I think it's out of print, but if you have a college school of music nearby, they should have it in their library.


One trick my parents used for years (and it wasn't until I was a music teacher that I recognized it) was that, if we'd get up and go to music practice or homework, the table would magically be cleared and dishes done by the time we were finished-so, if you can find a way to make a chore just magically disappear while your DD works on math, that might be a useful incentive.


Another thought-my DD does much better if she feels like she's in control, so I use a lot of checklists. For some reason, being told what to do by a piece of paper where she can X it out when she's finished is much more palatable than being told what to do by mom. We have a ton of checklists, laminated, with dry erase markers all over the house :).

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Oh yeah. Around here, the mention of schoolwork seems to prompt bathroom emergencies. As in, "I didn't have to poop before but I have to go right this minute and I can't wait." :glare: Then he/she will take in a book (not school related--usually fluff) and if I don't go bang on the door, said child will be in there an hour. :001_huh:



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Yeah, around here "school" must be synonymous with "lunch"...no matter what time it is. :glare: They are always hungry whenever I tell them it's time for school...it could be 5 min. after breakfast. And then there is the toddler issue.


Yes! That happens in our house, too. My 7yo cannot start school without asking for food first. Of course, he's always been a bit of a bottomless pit.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth
Yeah, around here "school" must be synonymous with "lunch"...no matter what time it is. :glare: They are always hungry whenever I tell them it's time for school...it could be 5 min. after breakfast. And then there is the toddler issue.


:iagree: US too!! Something about the Books must cause Hunger Pains!

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:grouphug: Oh yeah...You have my sympathies...My dd is the same way and always has been.


I don't know if you are asking for advice, or if you are just wanting to know if you are not the only one :001_smile:


But if you are seeking advice, I'll give you my .02. since that's one of the reasons I post here too.


I see that you are rationalizing the reasons not to make her sit down and do what you've asked, and the reasons you gave are all good reasons, however, it looks like she's playing you. My dd used to do the same things: I'd ask her to go clean her room and instead I'd find her cleaning the bathroom. I'd ask her to go unload the dishwasher and she's starting dinner. Go do your homework is met with "I have to make Grampaw a get well soon card." Really, how do you get mad a child for that. The problem is, that if you aren't firm now when she's young it might get worse and more frustrating for you the older she gets. I speak from experience.:001_smile:

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:grouphug: Oh yeah...You have my sympathies...My dd is the same way and always has been.


I don't know if you are asking for advice, or if you are just wanting to know if you are not the only one :001_smile:


But if you are seeking advice, I'll give you my .02. since that's one of the reasons I post here too.


I see that you are rationalizing the reasons not to make her sit down and do what you've asked, and the reasons you gave are all good reasons, however, it looks like she's playing you. My dd used to do the same things: I'd ask her to go clean her room and instead I'd find her cleaning the bathroom. I'd ask her to go unload the dishwasher and she's starting dinner. Go do your homework is met with "I have to make Grampaw a get well soon card." Really, how do you get mad a child for that. The problem is, that if you aren't firm now when she's young it might get worse and more frustrating for you the older she gets. I speak from experience.:001_smile:


Well, I guess I wasn't exactly looking for advice, as I was pretty sure that I already knew what it would be. But I do appreciate your insight. But when they are 5yo, I am not sure I would qualify it as manipulation. Although she is very bright. Maybe I am not giving her enough credit. And when you throw in the fact that the math that was scheduled was multiplication--her choice, not mine--I don't feel like I can be too pushy, kwim?

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