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Boardmaker vs. PECS vs. Choicworks

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Both my ds's have used Boardmaker in public school and it works well with them, especially my son w/down syndrome. I have some Boardmaker picture cards at home left from when he was in preschool and started using them with him today during our lessons. Things went much smoother and now I'm kicking myself that I haven't been using them all along. :tongue_smilie:


With both boys at home starting this summer, I know I will need this a lot, plus their baby sister has speech delays and it certainly couldn't hurt to start using it with her, too.


During my research, I found out there are 2 other companies/brands that have these types of products. I'm curious if there's any major differences or if they are all pretty much the same. The all look the same to me. :)


I just wish this stuff wasn't so darn expensive!!

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My ds likes the Boardmaker software by Mayer Johnson since he used it for years. We use the PECS method with the Boardmaker pictures. I've not actually seen the Pics for PECS software, so I don't know how it compares. I have compared Boardmaker with Dynasyms, however and preferred Boardmaker. I think it's a personal preference and what your child responds to. Boardmaker has lots of add ons that I've used to make activities too.



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