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People who answer questions they weren't asked

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On one of my yahoo groups I asked a question. Do you know that of all the responses only one person answered the question? The rest talked to me like I was an idiot and gave me all sorts of advice I didn't need and informed me of things they thought I didn't know about. I can't say how annoying this is. At first I just replied, "thank you" and tried to clarify their misconceptions, but after about four replies I just gave up and abandoned the thread.:banghead::banghead::banghead:

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We don't have tv at our house anymore, but one of the most annoying things I would hear when I did have it on was exactly what you said:


A question would be asked of someone and the individual would not answer the question. They would provide all sorts of data and other information, BUT the question was not answered. And folks would ALWAYS get away with it!



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Do you know that of all the responses only one person answered the question?


Have you considered having your vitamin D levels checked?


And also do you know not every child needs a formal phonics program & many kids learn to read without one. Anyway, homeschooling can look different in each family, and it doesn't have to be 'school at home'. Feel free to ask more Q's if this isn't clear!


But - & don't take this the wrong way - you should let people wear shoes in the house and don't castigate those who let their shopping carts free range in the parking lot.




best wishes!

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Have you considered having your vitamin D levels checked?


And also do you know not every child needs a formal phonics program & many kids learn to read without one. Anyway, homeschooling can look different in each family, and it doesn't have to be 'school at home'. Feel free to ask more Q's if this isn't clear!


But - & don't take this the wrong way - you should let people wear shoes in the house and don't castigate those who let their shopping carts free range in the parking lot.




best wishes!


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Have you considered having your vitamin D levels checked?


And also do you know not every child needs a formal phonics program & many kids learn to read without one. Anyway, homeschooling can look different in each family, and it doesn't have to be 'school at home'. Feel free to ask more Q's if this isn't clear!


But - & don't take this the wrong way - you should let people wear shoes in the house and don't castigate those who let their shopping carts free range in the parking lot.




best wishes!


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A question would be asked of someone and the individual would not answer the question. They would provide all sorts of data and other information, BUT the question was not answered. And folks would ALWAYS get away with it!




That's standard media training. I've been through it.


And if you watch Yes Minister & Yes, Prime Minister, it's tackled in several episodes, most famously in which Bernard actually answers the question & gets himself in hot water, and the PM then gives him a quick set of rules on dealing with difficult questions. The first one was that "just because someone asks a question, doesn't mean you have to answer it"..... & he goes on to give lots of diversionary tactics. Classic. :D

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That's standard media training. I've been through it.


And if you watch Yes Minister & Yes, Prime Minister, it's tackled in several episodes, most famously in which Bernard actually answers the question & gets himself in hot water, and the PM then gives him a quick set of rules on dealing with difficult questions. The first one was that "just because someone asks a question, doesn't mean you have to answer it"..... & he goes on to give lots of diversionary tactics. Classic. :D


:iagree:and it makes me want to do this: 45.png

OR 247081946v4_480x480_Front.jpg

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Have you considered having your vitamin D levels checked?....


Hornblower, that was SUPERB!! :lol:


OP - I hear ya... I think that the relative anonymity of these message boards adds to that problem (some people just seem to lose all social graces when it comes to their responses - they have an agenda and you're going to hear about it whether you want to or not!). OTOH, I know people who act like this in real life too, so who knows... Either way, it's VERY frustrating. :glare:

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Have you considered having your vitamin D levels checked?


And also do you know not every child needs a formal phonics program & many kids learn to read without one. Anyway, homeschooling can look different in each family, and it doesn't have to be 'school at home'. Feel free to ask more Q's if this isn't clear!


But - & don't take this the wrong way - you should let people wear shoes in the house and don't castigate those who let their shopping carts free range in the parking lot.




best wishes!


:lol: This made my day. Thanks.

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Have you considered having your vitamin D levels checked?


And also do you know not every child needs a formal phonics program & many kids learn to read without one. Anyway, homeschooling can look different in each family, and it doesn't have to be 'school at home'. Feel free to ask more Q's if this isn't clear!


But - & don't take this the wrong way - you should let people wear shoes in the house and don't castigate those who let their shopping carts free range in the parking lot.




best wishes!



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My children are masters at this and oh so sauve. I can talk with them for half an hour and then walk away and realize that they never did answer my question. I think they learned it from their father and he learned it in the military. It must be a madatory part of secondary education these days because I never have met a bureaucrat who can answer a question. Occassionally, I run into the ever smart@ss who answers yes or no to an either or question. Oh wait, that's me. Nevermind. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by KidsHappen
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Have you considered having your vitamin D levels checked?


And also do you know not every child needs a formal phonics program & many kids learn to read without one. Anyway, homeschooling can look different in each family, and it doesn't have to be 'school at home'. Feel free to ask more Q's if this isn't clear!


But - & don't take this the wrong way - you should let people wear shoes in the house and don't castigate those who let their shopping carts free range in the parking lot.




best wishes!



:iagree: Have you thought about using the italics font? :D




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My children are masters at this and oh so sauve. I can talk with them for half an hour and then walk away and realize that they never did answer my question. I think they learned it from their farther and he learned it in the military. It must be a madatory part of secondary education these days because I never have met a bureaucrat who can answer a question. Occassionally, I run into the ever smart@ss who answers yes or no to an either or question. Oh wait, that's me. Nevermind. :tongue_smilie:


Hmmm...I thought DH learned it b/c his mom is a psycho...


Whenever I ask question that begins with "What time" or "How long" I quickly say at the end:


"Your answer should be a number!"

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Yes Minister & Yes, Prime Minister


Just had to say that this is one of our favorite Netflix shows. It's fun to watch the boys pick up and comment on the way the political issues are handled. Definitely a classic.


Sorry, this has nothing to do with the original question :lol:

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Have you considered having your vitamin D levels checked?


And also do you know not every child needs a formal phonics program & many kids learn to read without one. Anyway, homeschooling can look different in each family, and it doesn't have to be 'school at home'. Feel free to ask more Q's if this isn't clear!


But - & don't take this the wrong way - you should let people wear shoes in the house and don't castigate those who let their shopping carts free range in the parking lot.




best wishes!


:lol: Thanks, I needed that.

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Just had to say that this is one of our favorite Netflix shows. It's fun to watch the boys pick up and comment on the way the political issues are handled. Definitely a classic.


Sorry, this has nothing to do with the original question :lol:


:toetap05: And neither does this: WHERE have you been? HOW are the CALVES?

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On one of my yahoo groups I asked a question. Do you know that of all the responses only one person answered the question? The rest talked to me like I was an idiot and gave me all sorts of advice I didn't need and informed me of things they thought I didn't know about. I can't say how annoying this is. At first I just replied, "thank you" and tried to clarify their misconceptions, but after about four replies I just gave up and abandoned the thread.:banghead::banghead::banghead:


I have experienced this too -- frankly, I have probably done it myself at some time.


Personally, I think the problem has to do with our life these days texting, IM-ing, and so on.


People quickly read stuff on-line. They don't know any about you, your facial expression, or their tone of voice. They're probably in the middle of two other things as they're reading your post. One or two key phrases jump out at them. That immediately makes them think of something. Instead of pondering those thoughts (or even temporarily dismissing them to continue thoughtfully reading your post), they jump right in.



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Even better is when you reply to someone and then everyone else critiques your response rather than post something helpful to the original question. :glare: That was a big trend on our local homeschool Yahoo group. :confused:



Yes, that is a frequent occurrence on this group as well. :glare:

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Ooooh--I did that (offered "commentary" rather than answering the question) myself on this board the other day. And I didn't even realize it until after I posted it!


The problem is, I only visit message boards sporadically and for one of two very different reasons: 1) to seek specific information or 2) because I'm in a mood to chat. If I'm in a chatty mood, it's very easy for me to simply . . . chat rather than keeping strictly on-topic. And if it's a thought-provoking question, I do enjoy thinking-in-writing about it--in all the excitement of articulating what I think, it's easy to get distracted from the actual question.


I'm trying to reign it in, though--if someone is looking for specific info, I do think it would be really annoying to receive a string of basically irrelevant comments. There are plenty of "chatty" topics for when I'm feeling chatty.

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Hmmm...I thought DH learned it b/c his mom is a psycho...


Whenever I ask question that begins with "What time" or "How long" I quickly say at the end:


"Your answer should be a number!"


My hubby has two tactics for answering questions: the first and most reliable is to respond with a question of his own. Should this fail and he is required to actually provide an answer, the answer he deigns to reply with is almost invariably 16.

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Sometimes, here, I do it consciously. I bounce off someone's answer to say something else related but not in direct response to the OP. I think its a part of the nature of message boards, and also a way that women commuicate- to go off on tangents- sometimes but not always coming back to the original topic. However, if the OP wasn't getting any direct responses and only tangents or totally out of tune responses - well, that's bad communication- not really communication at all- theres no connection being made.

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Perhaps you should just come here. You're bound to get a little something from a whole lot of people - chances are better of getting a more rounded opinion on things. ;)



Have you considered having your vitamin D levels checked?


And also do you know not every child needs a formal phonics program & many kids learn to read without one. Anyway, homeschooling can look different in each family, and it doesn't have to be 'school at home'. Feel free to ask more Q's if this isn't clear!


But - & don't take this the wrong way - you should let people wear shoes in the house and don't castigate those who let their shopping carts free range in the parking lot.




best wishes!


:lol: (or you could require shoes off at the door and put those damx carts away like the they're supposed to be...and we'll still take you in and tell you how it's supposed to be in the perfect world :D)

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Just had to say that this is one of our favorite Netflix shows. It's fun to watch the boys pick up and comment on the way the political issues are handled. Definitely a classic.


Sorry, this has nothing to do with the original question :lol:



Me too! Hilarious. All hell sound bites breaks loose when you answer off the cuff.


Where did FREEDOM get any of us?


LOL Oh, sorry, that was OT.

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Ah...the joys of high schoolers. If they were to tell you what I've been up to, you would hear of how HARD I worked them prior to the April ACT, how they must mow and trim the yard (3 acres), how the garage certainly didn't need to be cleaned and repainted (that's only what old folks think), etc.


I've been enjoying some beautiful weather, pulling weeds from the gardens, chasing butterflies around the azaleas to get some pretty pictures, and just trying to forget all the continuing education that has to be done by June, the vacation Bible school science projects I got roped into being in charge of, and, of course, the high schoolers education (which they don't think they need).


This is the time of year I love around here and school just gets in the way of my enjoyment :glare:. So I have to dig down deep to find the will to finish the year. Looks like rain today so we'll get a lot of school done ;)

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