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New here with question: PLL/ILL or R&S????


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I am torn between using Serl's books or Rod & Staff English.


I've used both over the years and liked them both for different reasons. I eventually settled with Rod & Staff because it seemed more educational/academic.


I'm sitting on the fence about this because I *want* to use Rod & Staff, but my 10 and 11 yo boys are struggling with the 4th grade English book right now. I am thinking of switching them to ILL, but don't want to give up on Rod & Staff too hastily.


I don't want school to be "too easy" for them, yet I don't think being "too hard" is a good thing either.

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As someone who's never used Rod & Staff but owns PLL and is using it next year, I can tell you that from what I've seen, PLL is gentle, but doesn't sacrifice thoroughness. If your dc are not learning with R&S, it doesn't matter how rigorous it is. Perhaps an approach like ILL would be more beneficial. ILL (and PLL) even comes in workbook format through Living Books Curriculum.

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My 11 yo boy is struggling with R&S 4 this year also. We hit a brick wall and have not been able to get past it. So, I am finishing the year with FLL 3. (already had it on the shelf) The approach is gentle, but thorough. If I were you, I would take a look at it. The change in approach has been a breath of fresh air at our house.

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