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Currclick question


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Can someone please tell me what the online courses are about? It says they are live? Do we need a webcam to do them or do they just sit in on them? They look like a nice change of pace and a way for me to have 1 DD engage in something while I get time with the other. Thanks for any help!

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We have only done one, but we liked it enough that we have one planned for Monday:) For most classes you just need speakers, no webcam. The teacher comes up on a little webcam and the kids are able to type and chat with her (some courses do use mics). The class we did was presented like a powerpoint/lecture (elementary level). The kids were able to see the teacher the whole time in a small box in the corner, while the rest of the screen was the presentation. My son did NOT want to do this, but after 5 minutes was up on his knees and glued to the screen:) It was a great change of pace and a lot of fun. We were also sent a file of additional activities to complete after. The one we are doing Monday is on Wild Weather....I think they will enjoy it. These short classes are only about 5 dollars, so it's worth trying it out. I know they have some extended live classes that meet weekly, which are a little pricier. I have considered one of the literature classes/clubs for the fall.

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The one we are doing Monday is on Wild Weather....I think they will enjoy it. These short classes are only about 5 dollars, so it's worth trying it out. I know they have some extended live classes that meet weekly, which are a little pricier. I have considered one of the literature classes/clubs for the fall.


We tried to get into the weather one on Monday, but we couldn't get into the class. I would love to know what you thought of the class.



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