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Science minded rigor???

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What texts would you consider rigorous for the following years in Science? DS 10 loves science and math and want to be an engineer. i have heard mixed things about Apologia being enough... ?


What are your favs? We prefer Christian, but secular is ok if mostly neutral.


7th General:


8th Physical:


9th Biology:


10th Chemistry:


1th Physics:


12th Advanced level of ??? or Anatomy/Phys?

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What texts would you consider rigorous for the following years in Science? DS 10 loves science and math and want to be an engineer. i have heard mixed things about Apologia being enough... ?


What are your favs? We prefer Christian, but secular is ok if mostly neutral.


7th General:


8th Physical:


9th Biology:


10th Chemistry:


1th Physics:


12th Advanced level of ??? or Anatomy/Phys?

I don't have specifics, I know more science -minded people will help more, but just real quick, from what I've read here: You may want to skip either Physical or General. If he's science minded, you could do one of those in 7th, Biology in 8th, Chem in 9th, Pysics in 10th, then the advanced sciences in 11th and 12th.


Is his math advanced as well? It'd be good for him to get through Calculus, at least, in high school, I'm thinking.


But, let's see what others have to say.... :001_smile:

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Thanks for the reply Brindee. You bring some good points to the table. We are 'slated' to accomplish the following Math/Science wise:


5th: Singapore 5A/B ~~~ Life Science


6th: Singapore 6A/B ~~~ Astronomy/Earth


7th: PreAlgebra ~~~ General Science


8th: Algebra I ~~~ Physical Science


9th: Geometry ~~~ Biology


10th: Algebra II ~~~ Chemistry


11th: PreCalc/Trig ~~~~ Physics


12th: Calculus ~~~ Advanced ... uncertain area (Bio/Chem/Phys)


We have covered lots of life science already, mostly animals and plants, some human body,... Maybe I could combine Life and Earth Next Year? And then start the sequence a year earlier, leaving two years for Advanced Science Levels? But will that coincide with the needed maths for each particular science level?

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If he is very interested in science then I would want him to have the opportunity to do two advanced sciences in grades 11 and 12. I would determine which based on the type of engineering he is interested in, and you probably need to wait a few years before you can make the decision. I would recommend a second year of Physics since that is a vital part of many engineering programs. If he is interested in bio-medical engineering then Anatomy/Physiology may be a good choice.


Another possibility may be for him to take science courses at a community college during grades 11 and 12. If he is interested in science and has the background you have planned he may be ready for this, if it is offered where you live. My dd is taking Biology at the cc while in 11th grade and is doing very well. She completed Apologia Biology in 9th grade. She will probably take Anatomy and Chemistry next. (She completed Apologia Chemistry in 10th grade.) She needs 8 undergrad science courses for her major at the university she wants to attend, so starting to take those courses while still in high school was her goal. Anyway, I wanted to mention that option in case you have not considered it yet.

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If he is an engineering type kid, I would skip having 2 years of Biology and concentrate on two years of physics (best choice) or chemistry (2nd choice). Best idea is to have high school courses be Biology (could be in 8th grade),Physics, Chemistry, Advanced Physics, Advanced CHemistry.

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My daughter is a freshmen Engineer. She did Apologia, a year ahead, so she did bio in 8th, chem in 9th, physics in 10th. Then she took county college courses for physics and chemistry her junior and senior year. She used Singapore NEM (started NEM 1 in 6th grade, finished the series in 9th) and new additional math (I think that's the title), but we added a geometry book for the proofs. Then she used a standard US pre-calc and calculus textbook for senior year and got AP credit.


She's doing terrific in honors engineering science classes with that background--in fact she has the highest test scores in her honors chem class and she attributes that to her Apologia background.


Larissa in NJ

homeschooling 4, ages 8, 10, 12, and 14

one homeschool graduate, age 17

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I think it's possible to prepare well using many different approaches and texts, as posters have indicated. You might be interested in looking at Rebecca Rupp's Home Learning Year By Year. She and her husband are both PhDs in cell microboiology, and one of their sons was, last she wrote, corresponding with professors at MIT on his path to engineering. She has a number of very different options listed in the science portion of the high school years than TWTM, so it opens up your choices and lets you see what sorts of things she recommends.

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What texts would you consider rigorous for the following years in Science? DS 10 loves science and math and want to be an engineer. i have heard mixed things about Apologia being enough... ?


What are your favs? We prefer Christian, but secular is ok if mostly neutral.




Math through a year of calculus, even if you need to outsource this. If you use a CC for calculus, do not try to count it for college credit. It will not be sufficient to replace calculus at an engineering school. But, he will be very nicely prepared to succeed in calculus at an engineering school with a CC course in calculus.


Skip the General Science filler course. Consider an Earth science class if your son is interested in geology or petroleum engineering. Do bio, chem and physics. You can even do physics before chem and have a great results. Consider a college geology or physics course in the senior year. Also, search out an internship or research project at an engineering school as your son enters his Junior year. This could turn into a nice scholarship! Or look for a summer enrichment program at a local university for your son to participate in (even a short-term one looks good on a resume).


Use the most thorough math texts you can manage. It is FAR more important (in high school) that his math background be excellent than that his science background be huge. Sounds backwards, I know. Don't skimp on the sciences, but don't put them first. I can teach anyone chemistry if they have good math reasoning skills!

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What texts would you consider rigorous for the following years in Science? DS 10 loves science and math and want to be an engineer.


For electives, be sure to expose him to engineering. Some ideas: Robotics (Lego Education has engineering courses), Design (CAD), Programming (Alice.org), etc.

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My son found that Apologia prepared him well for college level work. However, I would suggest that you sequence things such that he's able to complete at least one, and maybe two of the advanced Apologia texts. ITA with the suggestion that you put most of your emphasis on math. If your ds is well grounded in the math prerequisites for any given science or engineering course he'll probably do well. If the math is shaky he will struggle.


Many of the summer internships available in NM require some computer programming skills, so you might want to fold that into the mix as well.

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