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iPod Touch - pros/cons?

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I have been looking at the iPod Touch and wondering what other hs families think about it?


If you have one, do you find yourself using it as a resource for hs? I noticed in the past apps that might be helpful, like a bird field guide for example...


Thoughts/opinions would be much appreciated. Good or bad!



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I love my iPod Touch. I am using it to help me be a more organized homeschooling and stay-at-home mom.


There was a post yesterday about educational apps for the iPhone (most of which you can also load onto an iPod Touch)




Most of the apps I have put on my Touch are free or very inexpensive. I love going to librivox where we can listen to audio books for free. Many classics and books from the Ambleside Online list are there.


The latest app I downloaded (also the most expensive one at $4.99) is called Home Routines and follows the flylady system. I really like it and I am using it to help me work on declutter and home organization . . . my big project for the summer




The one con with the iPod Touch is that the screen is small which makes reading ebooks harder. Yes, you can adjust the font size, but I find holding it for long periods of time tiresome . . . I think if it was bigger it would be easier . . . which is why I have my eye on the iPad, but we can't really justify that purchase right now . . . :lol:


Hope others give you some ideas . . . I really, really like my iPod Touch and new apps are being developed all the time. I am waiting for some homeschoolers to develop apps just for our community!


Adrianne in IL

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So (my ignorance is showing here) with a Touch all you need is iTunes, right? It doesn't have any kind of monthly access fees? You can get your apps through iTunes or access the web at WiFi sites or at home if you have WiFi? My dd (only 9) is saving up for one and we are letting her save considering how long it will take her, but still wondering if this would be an appropriate thing for her. Actually our whole family would use it some. I'm thinking she'd love the capabilities of music, audio books, movies, games, etc.

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From what I have read, yes. I am not interested in a cell phone, we barely use ours, that's why I am looking at the iTouch.




So (my ignorance is showing here) with a Touch all you need is iTunes, right? It doesn't have any kind of monthly access fees? You can get your apps through iTunes or access the web at WiFi sites or at home if you have WiFi? My dd (only 9) is saving up for one and we are letting her save considering how long it will take her, but still wondering if this would be an appropriate thing for her. Actually our whole family would use it some. I'm thinking she'd love the capabilities of music, audio books, movies, games, etc.
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Hi Amy,


Yes, to take full advantage of the iPod Touch you need WiFi internet. We have that at home, but the device will go online at anyplace with WiFi as long as you can join it (McDonalds, library, Panera, etc.). Many apps don't need WiFi, but if you want to surf the web or use some of the apps you need to be able to access the internet. Unlike the iPhone, there is no additional "data plan" to pay for . . . you just use your regular internet WiFi service. You can download apps from your computer or the device itself.


Good for your dd being motivated to purchase one! My kids use mine but I have rules about no surfing around on YouTube, etc. You can always check the history, just like on a computer, to check where you child has "been" online. You can also use the email if you so choose. Check occasionally at the Apple store for refurbished iPod Touches. We have purchased several refurbished items from there. Secure purchase, prompt shipping, and the item comes with a warranty. We have never had a problem yet with a refurbished item.


Adrianne in IL

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The one con with the iPod Touch is that the screen is small which makes reading ebooks harder. Yes, you can adjust the font size, but I find holding it for long periods of time tiresome . . . I think if it was bigger it would be easier . . . which is why I have my eye on the iPad, but we can't really justify that purchase right now . . . :lol:




:) I put the small size in the pro category when it comes to reading ebooks. I love reading on my iPod! I mostly use the Kindle software, but also Stanza and a couple of other apps that have a selection of classics.

I looked into a Sony reader and a Nook, but I didn't care for the weight of either one. I was concerned that they would be much like holding a large hard cover book for a long period--something I dislike.

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I have an iPhone, and, let me just say that it is THE one item I wouldn't want to live without. I will often leave my purse sitting on the seat of my car, but I NEVER leave my phone!


I just LOVE all the things I can do with it.


An iPod touch is basically the same thing minus the phone and camera. The apps are awesome! I love having all my music at my fingertips. I like podcasts, books, etc., and I also enjoy organizing apps and recipe collections.


We have 8 iPhones in our household. I certainly never thought dh would want one, but he loves his as well. All of our kids have them, and my dil. Everyone has thoroughly enjoyed having them.


It's funny, my kids used to drool over every phone that came out, but I haven't heard mention of a phone in over a year - iPhones (and iPod touches) are just that cool!

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I LOVE mine! Although, I don't use it for homeschooling. Unless secretly checking my email while the kids work counts:) I did use an awesome app called Lose It, which is basically a super easy calorie tracker. I followed it's guidelines and lost 15 pounds:) There are SO many great apps! The Kindle app is another great one. However, I agree that the screen is small.....which is why I am also keeping my fingers crossed for an IPad. When this computer goes that will be what we get! If my husband wasn't in IT, maybe I could secretly "break" this one and move the process along.

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