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The Latin Road to English Grammar...enough grammar for 7th grader?

Sue G in PA

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Personally, I thought the English Grammar was lacking. I would never use this program again, but if I did, I would most definitely have to add in some form of English Grammar. I think LRTEG is more of a supplement to a good English Grammar program, than a spine. Make sense? My opinion of course. ;)

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I didn't like LRTEG because frankly, my older boys and I got completely and irrevocably lost. Somewhere along the way a Latin knowledge is assumed that is not taught...and we got sooooo lost. We would back up, and back up, and back up to no avail. I purchased the highly expensive (and useless) DVDs thinking there would be Latin teaching on them. Not. I persevered as long as we could until I finally threw in the towel. We didn't even make it through the first level. I had charts all over the walls, we chanted, we practiced, but when it came to the translation exercises...LOST!


We later came to find out that we were not alone. Many start and then dump LRTEG. Now, that doesn't mean it will not be a huge hit for you and yours, especially if you have some Latin knowledge. But that was our first foray into Latin and for total newbies there was not enough information.


For English I would recommend something straightforward. Perhaps Easy Grammar (which I don't like either! Too easy. :lol:) Or maybe AG, MCT, or CLE's LA which adds not only grammar concepts but spelling as well. Honestly, I don't know what would work for you. I personally would continue with CLE if I were using LRTEG.

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I bought Vol.1 this year with great anticipation. I have used, and loved, all four years of Phonics Road. We made it about 2 months. I was disappointed and my son was always confused. I also had intended this to serve as our grammar component. If you are ready to be the Latin student along with your child it might be great. It also is a stronger grammar program than Latin, according to our new Latin instructor (which is not me).

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I did intend to learn along with my dc. But, this is disappointing to say the least. I don't want confusing and frustrating. I want simple and straightforward. KWIM? And for the expense...I think I'll go with something a bit less expensive and tried and true. Thanks everyone!

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