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Anybody use "Tell Me More"?


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I see the current group buy through the hs co-op for Tell Me More foreign language curriculum. Anybody use this? Pros? Con? Compared to RS or other programs you like?


I wasn't going to purchase a foreign language curriculum this year, but if the discount reaches 50% I think that would be a no brainer as we'll start Spanish the following year anyway!

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I came here looking for the same information! :) It looks similar to Rosetta Stone, is it? What are the differences those that are looking at it see? Rosetta Stone doesn't do any translating, this does. Anything else that attracts you?

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Well, maybe this will help us! Cathy Duffy's review on the curriculum. I won't be buying it b/c it says that it doesn't start from the very beginning of Spanish - it assumes you have about a semester's worth of Spanish before you begin this program. http://cathyduffyreviews.com/foreign-language/tell-me-more.htm


That's an old review. I've got TMM French, and it came with an introductory disk that assumes no knowledge (if I remember right).


I've also got RS Latin.


I like both programs (though I wouldn't recommend RS for Latin, but I think it's a great program for a living language). Just comparing the software, I think RS is easier to use, but TMM is more thorough. I think TMM is better suited for older students (late middle-high school), while RS can be navigated by elementary students.

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I went through the Spanish demo on the co-op site and it looks to me like it would not work for a beginner reader at all. I was thinking about buying it for my DS who will be starting 2nd grade next year, but it would require a lot of reading for him to be able to use it and he just isn't at that level yet. Otherwise it looked really interesting and easy to use.

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I reviewed TMM Spanish for our co-op last year. One problem for us was that they don't accommodate Macs. They say that there is some conversion software (or whatever it is), but it added A LOT to the cost. Also, it is very grammar based. Whereas RS has very clear, obvious pictures, TMM will take a photo of a person holding a photograph and assume that it is clear that the co-workers are conversing about their children. What they call a beginner level is not. It also seemed geared for adults in content and approach. Also, the grammar explanations were not really written with children in mind. I was very excited about a program like RS, but with grammatical explanations. I was VERY disappointed in TMM and we didn't end up using it.

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That's an old review. I've got TMM French, and it came with an introductory disk that assumes no knowledge (if I remember right).


Thanks, JudoMom. :) Soooo, which do I go with for my 5th grader next fall - RS or TMM? Do you have any other pros and cons?

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I have TMM Spanish...purchased during the last co-op buy. I plan to use it for my dd13 for 9th gr. She had 1 year of Spanish at ps this past year plus I am already very familiar with the Spanish language having spent time abroad AND minoring in Spanish in college. While I have not had a chance to navigate through the entire program, what I did look at seems very good. It certainly is NOT for young elementary aged students. I believe the program itself suggests 4th grade and up? Don't quote me on that! I purchased this b/c it was cheaper than RS by far and included Absolute Beginner level - Advanced in one box. I couldn't afford RS.

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I got to try TMM too. The version I tried was very difficult for me as a beginner and completely unacceptable for children. The other difference that I saw is that TMM focuses on language for business travelers. Travel and business words are learned early and in greater frequency. RS is more, hmm, general communication, overall language learning. I'm not sure how to say that. I ended up using it with my 10 & 12 yo this year. My 10 yo didn't like it, but has learned. My 12 yo has done very well, although he thinks its a bit boring.

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I own French. After reading the reviews here, I am wondering if we are completely abnormal??


My kids have been using it for 3 yrs. My youngest started in 3rd grade (now finishing 5th). She is now in what the TMM CD calls French 2. (Ok.....they just informed my I am wrong. That is has been 2 yrs. Not 3.....heck, what do I know!!)


Now......when my dd was in 4th (not 3rd like I thought) grade and was using TMM, she had no problems whatsoever. She had used First Start French (we did not finish it) and RS in (apparently) 3rd grade. We moved in the middle of that yr and did not have RS here, so her French background was very minimal prior to TMM.


As far as how they compare.......TMM is better hands down. TMM teaches grammar,etc far better than RS. However, I do add Breaking the Barrier to TMM. Our schedule is TMM 30 mins/day on M/W/F and a pg or two of BtB on T/TH.

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I'm a big language 'buff' and am pretty picky about programs so I tell you what I found .....


Rosetta Stone is good to support a comprehensive language program or perhaps for an introduction for a younger child, but with regards to the reading/writing/grammar area, it is quite weak. I also found the way it progressed was a little confusing. That said, it does give practice in speaking and listening, which is often lacking in other programs. I wouldn't continue with it if your child wants to be fluent in a language but if you just want exposure, it's fine. We used it VERY briefly for Spanish.


Right now my daughter is using Tell Me More German and French. It is an immersion program so you have to be comfortable with not understanding everything right away. Eventually you tend to learn the words in context (there are solution and hint buttons that can help as you go). It is a better way to learn, as you don't want to always be mentally translating from English into the language you are learning. I really like the introductory CD-ROM because it is a much more gentle introduction. German does not have the introductory CD-Rom and it makes it more challenging (Spanish does have it). So far we are not finding it is covering 'business' topics. There is a different homeschool version so you have to make sure to order the correct one. Overall I'm pleased with this program. It's not perfect but it's the best I've found so far. It seems to cover most concepts thoroughly, with dictation, unscrambling sentences, choosing the correct word, word searches, crosswords, etc. as well as the listening comprehension and speaking. It is geared towards older children (gr. 5 and up) but they can do it quite independently. One other thing to note: I find the mic picks up adult voices better than children's voices. It's not 'tear-your-hair-out' frustrating but my daughter sometimes has to repeat herself a few times before it picks up her voice.

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Wow! Thanks for all the feedback and..... I'm more confused now than I was before! :lol: Such different responses! I'm not sure what to think.... maybe I'll end up waiting a year to see if it comes back through the co-op again when I really need it. Navigating the area of foreign language is tricky...

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  • 4 weeks later...
I have TMM Spanish...purchased during the last co-op buy.


This is the first I've heard of a homeschool co-op buy. Does anyone know when it will launch again? I think I'm interested in TMM Spanish because DD5 is about to finish GSWS (probably moving next to Galore's SYRWTL Spanish), but we need something like RS but better, so people have suggested TMM in other threads.

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