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Apologia Physical for a 6th grader?

Sue G in PA

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Ds12 loves science. In fact, he said he wanted to do a LOT of science this next year if he comes home and he is coming home. :001_smile: Dd13 will already be doing Physical Science next year for 9th gr. (not a sciency kid). I looked at the sample module and it seems that the math might be a stretch for him (the conversions). His math has improved, but it never was his strong subject. I'm trying to save money and so having him do Physical with dd13 would accomplish that. I also have CKE Earth and Space (designed for 3rd - 6th gr) that he might enjoy. My younger boys are doing HOD's Preparing and so he could also do the science in that with them. Lots of options here. Any suggestions? I'd really rather not have to buy General Science for him if I can help it.

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It might be a little much for him. If it was to much, would that kill his love for science? If it would I would say do not do it for sure, but if that wouldn't kill his love for science, go for it! Are you buying the books new or used? You can buy them close to new on ebay starting in June when the after school sales start! Then you could get both greatly reduced! (just a thought!)

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You know, I never thought about the challenge killing his love of science! Wow. Something to think about. I'm wondering if even General would do that. Academically, he is very bright, but not very motivated to do challenging stuff, kwim? Hmmm...perhaps he could just get along with the science in Preparing or do CKE Earth and Space. I wonder...

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You know, I never thought about the challenge killing his love of science! Wow. Something to think about. I'm wondering if even General would do that. Academically, he is very bright, but not very motivated to do challenging stuff, kwim? Hmmm...perhaps he could just get along with the science in Preparing or do CKE Earth and Space. I wonder...



CKE might be a better way to go, then let him listen in on a few science lessons with his sister, see how that goes! Or do the CKE earth and space, and supplement with science projects (of his choice to keep the interest) on subjects he doesnt know about. That way he will be learning extra sciency stuff that he chooses and will be able to do a project of his choice! I do that with my dd and you would be suprised how much extra she is learning! (I let her chose a history project or a science project, the only rule is it has to be about something she DOESNT know about!) She loves it because she feels in control and enjoys doing the projects!

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I wouldn't do it unless he has already had the necessary math--check Apologia's site for the requirements, Physical has a lot of math & I know Dr. Wile doesn't recommend doing it w/o knowing the math. I think I'd do the other science you have already, or let him "unschool" science and check things out from the library that he's interested in. (This year I did this with my dd, only we chose books to buy at the beginning of the year--I require her to read or notebook--drawing or writing--for 30 minutes, she chooses the book & what to focus on. It's been a great year!)


Merry :-)

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My DS was 12 when he began Phys. Science for 7th grade. He loves it and doesn't think it's too difficult. He enjoys the experiments and looks forward to those. He hasn't had a problem with the math thus far.


Remember, though, this is my first year homeschooling so I don't know about other programs like the other posters do.


I hope you can find something that works for your DS.

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We have been using both Apologia Physical Science and CKE Earth and Space this year. My younger daughter is usually the helper with the older daughter's labs and she learns things that way. I know there is some math, but it is not overwhelming and my daughter is definitely not a math minded person. You could probably assist your son when he gets to math he needs help with. The other thought is you could easily break this program over 2 years if needed. There is a natural break after chapter 8, I think.


The CKEES seems a little on the easy side, so your 12 year old might find it boring. Now you could enhance it with more experiments and such, however as it is written, it is kind of lite. My 10 year old needed hands-on, so I have supplemented it with many lapbooks for her creative pleasure. She enjoyed working many of the experiments.


Hopefully you will find a workable solution.



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