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They are all coming back home!

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I just had to share. You all probably remember that we sent our oldest 3 dc back to ps this past year...for a variety of reasons. And it was a good year for all of them. They made some new friends, learned "some" :) and got a taste for what ps was REALLY all about. Dd13 asked to come home for high school several months ago. Ds10, who doesn't like any school anywhere said he would rather come home if he absolutely has to do school somewhere. Hah! Ds12 met another boy his age in our neighborhood who is homeschooled, they hit it off very well (my dd is friend's with the sister) and now wants to come home, too!:D I am so excited I can barely stand it! Okay, truth be told I am scared to death, but I am excited. In my "gut" I know this is right for us but it's just figuring out how to make it work smoothly and how to keep my dc from killing each other. :001_huh: I felt like I was losing my kids this past year...little by little I was losing more and more of their hearts. I couldn't stand that. After much praying, I finally realized they need to be home. We all need to work on being a family again. Just wanted to share!

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Good for you!


My dc started out in ps. I cannot tell you how much happier they are/ I am that we homeschool. The first month home required a lot of Tylenol and wine, but after that, everything was great.


I hope this works out for your family.

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Sue, I had also been reading all your posts when you sent your dc to school. I had sent my dd, age 14, to school this year but it looks like she will be coming home and now I have to think about homeschooling high school, yikes.Nice to know that they are other moms that sent their dc to school and are bringing them back home especially when extended family hears about my and dd and dh's decisions. I will just have to put earmuffs on.

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Congratulations, Sue! I think the fact that ALL THREE are coming home at the same time after just one year should be a strong affirmation that this is the best for your family!

The first month home required a lot of Tylenol and wine...
For science, right? Kinda like Mentos and Diet Coke? :tongue_smilie:
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