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Is this to much for 7th grade?

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Who is God from Apologia



BJU math 7 fundamentals of math

Singapore (Have to do a placement to see what book to start)



begin CW poetry for older beginners

Jump In writing (over 2 years)

Applications of grammer bk 1 (CLP)

Stobaugh Skills for literary analysis (Mainly literature portion- a few essays maybe)

Lightning Lit 7

Figuratively speaking (to go with Lit units)



Apologia General Science

vocabulary vine science roots (over 2 years)

Apologia Anatomy and Physiology (over 2 years)

Gods Design for sex (I think shes at bk 4?? I dont remember what 1)



apples daily spelling drills bk 1


wordly wise 7

vocabulary vine(over 2 years)



All American History vol 2


real books to go along with history

Trail Guide to World Geography



Fallacy Detective



And Art, keyboarding and Latin


Do you think that is to much for 7th grade? We wont be doing everything everyday. (Geography and health is everyother day. either english, writing, or poetry- but not all 3 in a day, lightning lit first, then stobaugh- figuratively speaking with whatever lit term we are learning about at the time)

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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Disclaimer: I'm tired and this may not seem coherent, so I apologize if it sounds scattered.


I notice you have doubled up on several subject. Only you know your dc best and how much they are able to handle but *I* would not double up.



Who is God from Apologia



BJU math 7 fundamentals of math

Singapore (Have to do a placement to see what book to start)

Why two math programs? Are you looking to use Singapore as a supplement?



begin CW poetry for older beginners

Jump In writing (over 2 years)

Applications of grammer bk 1 (CLP)

Stobaugh Skills for literary analysis (Mainly literature portion- a few essays maybe)

Lightning Lit 7

Figuratively speaking (to go with Lit units)

Something looks a little heavy here, but I'm not sure what. You have 3 lit books, will you be focusing mainly on LL7?




Apologia General Science

vocabulary vine science roots (over 2 years)

Apologia Anatomy and Physiology (over 2 years)

Gods Design for sex (I think shes at bk 4?? I dont remember what 1)

Are you using the Anatomy book for your younger dc? I haven't used General Science, but is there an anatomy section in it? IIRC the science vocab vine was designed to be co-ordinated with Apologia Biology, if you plan on using that down the road I might hold off on it.


apples daily spelling drills bk 1


wordly wise 7

vocabulary vine(over 2 years)

Again I would not do two vocabulary programs. Depending on your Latin program I would drop vocabulary all together.



All American History vol 2


real books to go along with history

Trail Guide to World Geography

I notice you are doing two histories in your signature. I know that MOH 2 is much larger than vol 1, so I would plan accordingly.



Fallacy Detective



And Art, keyboarding and Latin


Do you think that is to much for 7th grade? We wont be doing everything everyday. (Geography and health is everyother day. either english, writing, or poetry- but not all 3 in a day, lightning lit first, then stobaugh- figuratively speaking with whatever lit term we are learning about at the time)


Have you chosen a Latin curriculum yet? Like I stated above I think a vocabulary program with Latin could be redundant. We're in our 2nd year of Latin and I've been amazed at how many of our words come straight from Latin.


I'm planning 7th grade as well and it seems to be such a foundational year as I look ahead at high school. There are so many things ds is now too old for, so many things we won't get to, it's hard to make decisions. We've been homeschooling for six years and planning for 7th has been the toughest so far.

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Disclaimer: I'm tired and this may not seem coherent, so I apologize if it sounds scattered.


I notice you have doubled up on several subject. Only you know your dc best and how much they are able to handle but *I* would not double up.




Have you chosen a Latin curriculum yet? Like I stated above I think a vocabulary program with Latin could be redundant. We're in our 2nd year of Latin and I've been amazed at how many of our words come straight from Latin.


I'm planning 7th grade as well and it seems to be such a foundational year as I look ahead at high school. There are so many things ds is now too old for, so many things we won't get to, it's hard to make decisions. We've been homeschooling for six years and planning for 7th has been the toughest so far.



The reason we do 2 history programs is because this is our 2nd year homeschooling. When I pulled her out of public schools she was rediculously behind in history, she had 2 years of community helpers (1& 2nd) 1 year of communities (3rd) and a whole year of wyoming history :001_huh:. She didnt know anything about American history or world history, (but she did get through MOH vol 1 in 4 months) The vocabulary, she LOVES wordly wise and we are doing the vocab vine because she wants to be a vet, but maybe when we start latin we wont have to continue! I will see how that goes. The lit, we are starting with lightning lit 7 because its kinda light, then moving into stobaugh, but we are going to be doing that over 7th and 8th. (we are not doing most of the writing in stobaugh, mainly the reading- -I think :001_huh:) The math, she requested to start singapore again, and I already had BJU 7, so thats why we are doing those. I am just afraid with how far behind she was from public schools :glare: that she will continue to be far behind if I dont do it all, and I dont want her behind in high school. Any ideas how to consolidate-- yet get everything she needs?


I didnt know the vocab vine science roots was made to go with the apologia biology, maybe I will wait with that one then! Yes, I am doing the health with my younger dd also, my older dd wants to do it with her because she loves doing health, so that will be combined with those two (and my kindergartener will sit in as he wants to)

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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It does seem like a lot for a 7th grader, but you do know your child the best. All American History AND MOH2 might be a bit much. MOH2 is a lot tougher and meatier than MOH1 from what I have heard. Are you doing both BJU and Singapore for Math? Could you just add in some of the Cwp from Singapore so as not to overdo the math? LA seems a bit heavy as well. General Science DOES include a unit on the Human Body, btw, so if you dropped the Human Anatomy you would be fine.


Your schedule is definitely thorough. For my ds12, it would totally overwhelm him and cause him to shut down. That is just my kid, though!

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Many people actually supplement with Singapore. You will probably have good luck with that. Thanks for your post, btw, b/c it got me thinking about my ds12's schedule for next year!



Glad I could help :D-- I got thinking about my dd 8th grade schedule when somebody asked way back in Feb, and I was still trying to decide on 7th at that time ;)

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