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A feel for public school

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As many others have mentioned in previous posts, my dd was telling me today that she wishes she could have a feel for what it would be like to be in a public school classroom. I've read the suggestions in other threads for a day modeled like a ps one, but I think that the absence of more kids would make that sort of flat:) Are there any videos/dvds that give a realistic view of a public school? Sort of a "day in the life of a third grader" sort of thing?

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Have you guys ever been to a science museum or aquarium during a school field trip? It is being in those places during field trips that reinforces to my dd what she is "missing." Maybe ask around at the museums to find out what days they usually have field trips. Many people ask this to avoid the field trips, but try to catch a favorite educational place when it has 300 extra kids divided into groups of 10 in it.


My dd started to become afraid that she would someday have to go to school. My ds, hubby and I felt that it wasn't good - so we looked for and found a terrific public school enrichment program for homeschoolers. She goes one day a week for all of the fun stuff of ps such as recess, lunch, group science, p.e., art and music. Next year, the younger is going also. After 2 years of being in this program, she still prefers the freedom of homeschool, but does realize that she would probably do just fine in public school except for having to do math and writing and history at the same speed as everyone else.


Is your dd lonely? That might be part of her attraction to ps right now.

Does your school district offer any summer enrichment classes? Ours does three-week , half-day classes throughout the summer. It isn't real school, but is taught by ps teachers in ps classes and filled with mostly ps kids.

Edited by Karen in CO
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Well if its a good or decent public school that you have then , why not? If they have that curiosity to spread their wings a little and its not a horrible ps then the only way for her to know is to actually go.

Of course if you have a ps like ours I wouldn't. But my girls want to try school this year and I'm letting them go to our little town's private school if the scholarships go through.


To me that is what life is all about. Trying new things. What is the worst that would happen? She might not like it and you have to bring her back home to homeschool? Hardly a bad thing I think. LOL


I know no matter how much my husband and I tell our girls that they really aren't missing out on anything when it comes to going to school the more it piques their want to go. So in reality its their educational journey and not mine or my husband's. I say let her try as long as she isn't being harmed.

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I sent my older 3 back to ps this past year, as you probably remember. All 3 have asked to come back home. :D It certainly isn't what it is cracked up to be. Even though my ds12 really enjoyed the social aspect and enjoyed his classes...he realizes now the benefits to homeschooling. I do think he felt "left out" this year. I'm so thrilled to be bringing them back home.

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I should have explained that she doesn't want to attend public school, she just wants to know what it is like. I did take her to the school website tonight. She was shocked at the list of rules because they were so basic that she didn't think that they should have to be spelled out. And she was shocked at the lunch menu! She was also incensed at the thought of taking all those supplies to school and not being able to keep them as your own:) The school website said nothing about what they actually did in class, though.

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My 5yo daughter attends art and music classes at our local public school and also a Spanish class after school. That three hours every week is plenty to satisfy her curiosity and remind her why she's homeschooling! I haven't heard any talk of wanting to go to PS since about week 3. It took a little figuring out with the principal, but they were very willing to let her come in just for those subjects. Maybe an idea for next year...

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or possibly go see the Diary of a wimpy kid movie? I haven't seen it, but saw a advertisement for it, and it looked like what I remembered Jr. High as being. We are divided here, I want to take the kids to see it to see what school is like, dh thinks it's probably trash. I'm thinking we might have to go preview it.

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