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All American History (Bright Ideas Press) reviews please?

Sue G in PA

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We use this! My dd who is in 6th grade started with Vol 1 this year and LOVES it. She has learned so much from it! It is VERY detailed. She likes the workbook activities. I like the further study options it gives you. It gives you reproducable forms to do further study on the colonies, explorers, indian tribes, the wars, and more! I love how the book is laid out, I love the conversational tone. My daughter says "its better than a lame textbook" Its engaging, its not at all dry! Its also very interesting that they learn how the culture was. What they wore, ate, how daily life was conducted! I highly recommend this curriculum!!!!!! And so does my daughter!!!!! :hurray:

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Thanks Chris. This is my plan so far. I am planning to have him do MOST of the activities from HOD's Preparing with my boys as well. That will give him a good overview of World History as well. My only dilemna is should he do AAH1 and 2 in one year? Would that be too much?

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If he is doing activities from HOD then all he would do from AAH is the reading? If he was only doing the reading and read a couple of lessons a week I would think a strong reader could get through both volumes in a year. I've never looked at HOD. Does it cover all of world history? If so then I might try to get through both volumes of AAH.

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Chris, how old is your child? HOD's Preparing is geared toward the 9-11yo child with extensions for 5th and 6th graders and could be done with a 7th grader as well by adding age-appropriate extra reading, etc. I just love the curriculum and want to include ds with us as much as possible...more to bond as a family and not for academics although that is sufficient in Preparing as well. My plans are still tentative right now. I'm still praying about it.

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My ds is going to be 12 at the end of this month. He will be a 7th grader next year. Can you explain a little more about HOD? Sounds like something I might want to check out. I have been struggling with how homeschooling has become more of a check off the box thing and less of a time of bonding as a family.

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