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Rod & Staff English question re: skipping grade levels...

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Is it realistic to purchase grades 4,6,8 and have grammar covered or is it best to purchase each grade level and use as is?


I remember the books repeating a large amount of information each year. Which seems a bit redundant when schooling year-round.


I am trying to save a bit when I order the texts.


What do you R&S users think?


Thanks for the input! :)

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While the texts do repeat what is taught, it also gets more complex. You could be asking a lot of a child to skip levels. Grade 7 is especially hard and should not be skipped. But even the difference between 5 and 6 can be a lot for some of the topics. Also, Rod and Staff is teaching the material in such a manner as to assume that the child repeats it every year. Obviously, the texts are not set up for year round schooling, and I would think that there are lessons that could be skipped, but not the whole year.

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I think if you're only going to do 3 years, do 3, 5 & 8. The rest is very skippable IMHO. We also own 2 & 4 and I find both to be a waste of time. For me, the ideal sequence for grammar/English studies would be:


- English for the Thoughtful Child (the first book) starting in 2nd grade. Even if you only get through 1/3 - 1/2 that's fine.

- R&S English 3 starting in 3rd grade. Take your time, up to 2 years if you want.

- R&S English 5 starting in 5th grade.

- R&S English 8 starting in 7th grade or thereabouts.


I generally skip most of the writing assignments and use IEW for most things, though I do like that R&S 3 covers simple letters, addressing envelopes, etc. quite well.


ETA: We're R&S English users who HS year-round ;-) This is why I hated the overlap, and why skipping is okay for us.

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If money is tight, buy then used. R&S E. 5-7 are the most important of the series.
:iagree: There is quite a jump in between each one as to how deep it goes.


We don't school year round, so I'm just saying that I'm glad we didn't skip those, because of the depth the next one went to.


My dd and middle ds were struggling with grammar, and R&S grammar was what helped turn them around. DD started in R&S 4, and it CERTAINLY wasn't a "waste of time" for her/us!!! :glare: Neither were 5, 6 & 7, which ds went though! They helped both my kids tremendously!

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