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Do you do "Current Events" with your kids?


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There is a small amount of current events -- not news so much as discoveries, facts, and the like -- in Muse magazine, which we've been getting since my daughter was nine.


She is an anxious child, so much of current events was too troublesome and worry-producing until she was older. I began ordering a twice-a-month current issues magazine, UpFront, published by the New York Times, when she was twelve. The articles tend to center on large issues: China's economic surge, the recession and banks, drought and famine, the foreign and domestic policy challenges our president faces, and usually each issue has one article about life for adolescents in another country.


The New York Times also has a section on-line for teachers and kids, going into background and details about an article in the paper and suggesting questions or activities.

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I read the newspaper at the kitchen table while we all eat breakfast, and I make a point of reading to them anything I think they will find interesting, showing them pictures, etc. Where we live, the newspaper has a daily kids page that is current-events-but-not-overwhelming-or-scary, so we generally read that, but also any science articles or a story about a kid who did something remarkable. We will do more as she's older, but right now the "real news" is too overwhelming for my 5-year-old.

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I use the base's weekly paper. Ya it's about this and the surrounding bases but it don't have all the bad news plastered all over the place. My children are not sheltered from it since now that my 10 can read and we do watch TV. I just don't point that stuff out. I don't do it steadily only when I think about it. I don't remeber anything current events related until high school. My children are still elementry age. I may do more once the oldest hits middle school and still home.

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I listen to serious news in the car, and when I'm cooking. The boys hear it and we discuss it more and more as they get older.
:iagree: My dh also likes to watch news on tv, we get a real mix of stations over here.


Surprisingly, my younger ds likes to read the newspaper, at least the headlines and photo captions. Dh is a newshound, we get a lot of papers, so they are are lying around and ds frequently picks them up and asks questions about what he reads.

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We subscribe to God's World magazine. It's geared perfectly for my DD's age since they have a few different age brackets that you can subscribe to. If you can get a few other people to subscribe with you, you can get a group discount.

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We subscribe to God's World magazine. It's geared perfectly for my DD's age since they have a few different age brackets that you can subscribe to. If you can get a few other people to subscribe with you, you can get a group discount.


Yes, we do have this magazine and we just read it whenever. I was just wondering if I should do something more formal with CE. We don't subscribe to the newspaper, but dh sometimes buys one. In the past I have used AP articles to teach my dc how to spot bias and opinion where it shouldn't be.

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