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Honor Society Trip to Washington D.C.

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My son is heading out on this trip this month and I was looking for some tips to give him. I realize that they are on a tight schedule but was wondering if there was somethings he might be able to see while on his tour. (I mean things to look for while his group moves along-- not leaving the group)


Any advice is welcomed! Has anyone else had children do this trip?


Thanks in advance!

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Are they giving the kids or parents a schedule? I'd go over that with him, and talk about what he might like to see. What's where etc. What are his greatest interests? If the students can choose which museums to visit, knowing his interests would help point him towards exhibits that are most meaningful to him. My 10 yr old knew she wanted to visit the hall of presidents and spent quite a bit of time in the depressing assination/attemped assination area of the American History Museum. ;)

Edited by LibraryLover
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