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Does anybody else have LATE readers?

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My son is about average, but would be a late bloomer compared to most on this forum: he will be 7 in June, and has just completed his first (very simple) chapter book today (WOOHOO! I am SO proud of him!). We had been really pushing him for a while, to try to get him to where I expected/wanted him to be, but we made a conscious decision to back off on the pressure and emphasize the fun a bit more, and it seems to have worked for him. He has gone from getting quite overwrought in reading time, to accepting it, to actually asking to read more of a book. I think it's really important to compare a child with him/herself rather than comparing with other children. My son may be miles behind others his age who are reading Harry Potter level stuff, but he has gone from barely knowing his letters to chapter books in less than a year so I'm happy with that.

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I am just wondering? I have seen so many posts about how EARLY kids do stuff, but what about late bloomers?


My son is 5 1/2 and just is NOT ready for school. He is just not ready. There have been ideas thrown around about ADHD and a possible LD, but nothing for sure, and I personally dont think there is any of that (but Im mom so who knows.)


Not just with reading, but everything, or any 1 subject. What age did your late bloomer finally show that they were ready? (and Im curious to see if the majority are boys or not, my girls were EARLY with everything)


Do you consider 5 1/2 late for reading or school? I don't especially for boys. :)


My 9 yr old has only this year become a reader. Too me that's a late bloomer. :lol:


My 6 yr old is "on schedule" with reading. Meaning he's in K and reading at K level. Now getting him to sit for those reading lessons....that's a different story!


If you thinking ADHD I suggest reading a few books:


Raising Cain

Boys and Girls Learn Differently

How to Raise Your Spirited Child


those would get you started. :001_smile: Enjoy your boys.

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Yep. My 8 yo is dyslexic.


I just want to clarify that my dyslexic kid is my latest reader, but I didn't mean to imply that only kids with LD's read late. The "normal" range for learning to read is age 4-8, and there are kids who read even later who catch up to grade level very quickly.

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My ds7 is at the older end of the normal range, I think. He is reading, but not fluently and easily. We've been working on it since he was 5yo. In that time, my dd (who is now 5) has learned enough to be reading at the same level. (She's the one who does ETC pages for fun on a Sunday afternoon.:001_huh::lol:)


I know my ds7 has some visual perception issues. I'm not *terribly* worried about it now b/c I'm seeing real progress with his VT, and I know I can keep him home. My biggest concern is meeting both ds7 and dd at their level w/o ds7 feeling that his younger sister is smarter b/c she reads at a younger age.

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