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How to turn a baby?

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Does anyone have any tried and true methods of getting a baby to turn? My baby is being termed 'very unstable lie'. It keeps alternating between breech and transverse positions, with the latest being transverse as of yesterday. My doctor is saying that I should have an early c-section if it is still transverse in two weeks.


So, I thought I'd ask if anyone has 'been there done that' and has ideas for getting the baby to turn and STAY. I'd like to avoid a c-section if possible.


Thanks so much. :)

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Another recommendation for Spinning Babies. I particularly liked the method that has you kneel on the couch leaning down with your arms and face angled down to the floor. There is a video tutorial. My last baby had an unstable lie until 40 weeks. She would be almost vertex and then pop back up to completely transverse and then back again every couple of days. She did end up turning and I had a super fast vaginal delivery at 41 weeks. Good luck!

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Just visited the doctor today and am in much the same situation as you. Baby is transverse and I'm due a week from Friday... He wants me to try to elevate my pelvis, if that doesn't help by Monday he's going to try external version.


Would you like to joing me in "pelvic tilt" this weekend? That and some prayer is what I have planned...


My last one turned from breech to head first in the last week or so... there is still hope.


:grouphug: hope all turns out well (no pun intended :lol:)

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Does anyone have any tried and true methods of getting a baby to turn? My baby is being termed 'very unstable lie'. It keeps alternating between breech and transverse positions, with the latest being transverse as of yesterday. My doctor is saying that I should have an early c-section if it is still transverse in two weeks.


So, I thought I'd ask if anyone has 'been there done that' and has ideas for getting the baby to turn and STAY. I'd like to avoid a c-section if possible.


Thanks so much. :)


No advice, but :grouphug:.


I had a baby like that. She is now 10 and still bouncing off the walls (literally). In her case, I didn't need to turn her because she was Twin B and Twin A was head down.

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Spinning Babies is a great site. Lots of techniques for turning a baby into a correct birthing position. Some babies are stubborn and won't turn until labor starts and progresses. Just keep doing the exercises outlined on the site and avoid certain postures...like sitting for extended periods of time in a bucket seat, leaning back in a recliner or cushy sofa.

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Another vote for Spinning Babies.


I had the same problem with 3 of my pregnancies (unstable lie). My last baby was born 2 months ago. He would move from vertex to transverse. At the beginning of my induction at 41 weeks, he was vertex and moved to transverse during labor. I had to be externally versioned during labor....fun. It worked though, he moved into place and then came right on out. His head was perfectly round, no molding.

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The day my baby turned I did the hands and knees, bottom raised in the air position and I also sat on the couch, cross legged, with a blanket over my legs (to make it dark) reading a book with a flashlight pointed at my lower abdomen. That really made the baby move. Baby turned a few hours later.


Hope something works for you :grouphug:

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