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Here's how my morning is going. How about yours?

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Sorry, don't do facebook anymore so I can't read it.



Our morning is quiet. DD11 is still in bed as we homeschool at night. DD3 is at daycare (she needs the social interaction-it is part of her therapy and mine :D.) DS is at public school.


I am actually awake this morning because I didn't take my medications last night or the night before. They are for my pain, but I get tired of being sooo sleepy all the time. I love the fact that I actually feel awake for the first time in a month! I am having my coffee and planning my day. I know the pain will hit tomorrow as the medication completely leaves my body (I have done this experiment before) so I am going to try to get as much done today that I can before I am forced back into my med induced almost-pain-free-zombie-state. SO, Housework, housework, housework Yipeee! :lol:

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Aw, sorry you can't see it. It's just a video of my toddler crying when he's told he can't have Easter candy. Then you see my 8 year old crouching on the floor with his hands over his ears trying to find his happy place LOL.


Your morning sounds peaceful. I've often wished for a little gym program for my toddler. Just something that lets him run around crazy for a couple of hours. Then he could come home to nap and I could get a TON done with my middle child.


It must be hard to have to choose between pain relief and alertness. If you are feeling good today, why waste it on housework?! LOL (if you saw my video, you would see that I am not a terribly tidy person).

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Nope, mine are happy. They've mastered the art of sneaking the candy better than yours have. ;)


I have to wonder why we do this to ourselves? Sun AM, our church fed our kids--even the 2YO--cupcakes--3-5/ea, bagfulls of candy (incl blue sucker dribbled down homemade white dress), plus sent bags home. Then we hunted eggs, & there's more candy there. Then we're shocked that they misbehave.


Well, ok, I wasn't shocked. I was pretty mad at the church for feeding the kids sweets in the AM w/out any kind of permission or warning or anything. That always makes me nuts, & all the churches I've been in have done it. I think I should get to oversugar my dc myself, thankyouverymuch. LOL


And the egg hunt at home. Well, I was sick all week this week, which mean that dh shopped for the candy & stuffed the eggs. I'll leave it at that. :svengo:


Oh, yeah. And mil's basket for the kids.


If any of it were at least *good* candy. You know, that I could "help" them w/. But pastel candy corn isn't going to cut it. LOL

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Aw, sorry you can't see it. It's just a video of my toddler crying when he's told he can't have Easter candy. Then you see my 8 year old crouching on the floor with his hands over his ears trying to find his happy place LOL.


Your morning sounds peaceful. I've often wished for a little gym program for my toddler. Just something that lets him run around crazy for a couple of hours. Then he could come home to nap and I could get a TON done with my middle child.


It must be hard to have to choose between pain relief and alertness. If you are feeling good today, why waste it on housework?! LOL (if you saw my video, you would see that I am not a terribly tidy person).



TOoo funny! DD3 was bartering with me on the way to daycare.....she said she would be very, very good if I let her eat candy in the car. LOL The daycare would love me if I did that! Send a child who already has issues, to them, all jacked up on candy at 8:30am LOL! I compromised and said I would bring her a treat after school, she was very happy with the idea.


The housework is the reason why I am going without meds! I need to get rid of some things to Goodwill and the second hand consignment store. I have had things piling on my kitchen counter for weeks and they are things that only I can deal with. The toy boxes are overflowing from Christmas, and various toys that have been pulled out of the attic and abandoned in the corner of the living room. 1/2 of my dining room table hasn't seen the light of day in a month, as friends have been returning curriculum they have borrowed and I need to put it away......need I go on? :lol: I still have boxes of Christmas cards on the bookshelf and a package to mail out from January (no-one is waiting for it, so it just sits).



The final straw was when my kids ate dinner in the living room (a big no-no here) the other night, because there wasn't a clear place to sit at either table. :lol: Every thing is clean underneath the piles, so it is just sorting and putting away....the time consuming, boring task of putting away the bits and pieces of life. Time to clean.

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Funny. Well, I started out by spilling my coffee on Jesus. That can't be a good sign. Actually it was a magazine and my hand slipped. Well, it wasn't pretty. Also, I have had the windows up until all of the family officially cannot breath. The pollen is unbelievable, even for NC. I turned on the air yesterday only to discover it won't work. The upstairs unit was running so hard it froze up. Well, after spilling coffee on Jesus, I call the air guy for an appointment.


Actually, my day has not been bad. I have totally cleaned my laundry room and rearranged everything. I am planning on having a yard sale with our neighborhood in May so I am frantically getting things into the garage so I can get rid of some of this clutter. I was doing some sweating with no air, but I managed to get it cleaned and now I have to clean the blind in there.


Took a little break to check out the boards over a quick lunch and then I am back at it!! BTW, the air man just left and it is on!! Now, I can tackle the other rooms!

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Ugh. I'm having an "Irritable" day. Laundry is irritating me, I'm ticked that my floors won't clean themselves, my dog is barking at every. little. thing. outside the window, one cat keeps getting his stupid claws stuck in the window screen, the other cat can't figure out how to eat her food from the bowl on the floor (as opposed to it previously being on the counter), it's humid and sticky, but not enough to warrant the AC, I'm hormonal and feel like the queen of all blowfishes and if I didn't get candy, I'd cry, too!


OH, and my new peach top accidentally got washed with my new navy blue top and you can guess how that turned out. My new lime green top was in there, too and it's not ruined, but dingy. And, my ankles are swollen for no good reason whatsoever.

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Funny. Well, I started out by spilling my coffee on Jesus. That can't be a good sign.



With all that is going on in the world today, Even Jesus could use a little caffeine boost! :lol: We all need a little help now and then.

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With all that is going on in the world today, Even Jesus could use a little caffeine boost! :lol: We all need a little help now and then.


Good point. I think I permanently damaged my dc's though because I yelled, "Crap. I just spilled coffee on Jesus." That can't be healthy for a child's psychie, can it?


On a better note, the air is cooling the house nicely. We are at a warm 78 degrees inside now.

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