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HELP! Security Tool has invaded my computer

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It showed up yesterday. We downloaded some spyware software to get rid of it. there is now no Security Tool icon on my desktop but we keep getting the constant pop ups for it. A second scan did not pull it up. The pop ups do not show up in safe mode, but the computer shuts down when we try to do a scan then. I do not want to send my machine out to get this fixed. DH, a software guy, is dealing with a major problem with our sprinklers and just doesn't have the time when he gets home. Can anyone help?

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Does it show up when you do a search on the computer?


I had taken all of Norton Utilities off my computer (or so I thought), but it still kept popping up and reminding me to send in my money. I finally did a search and found a couple files. I was able to uninstall then. Just putting it into the trash didn't do it.


But maybe you're way beyond this stage.

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I tried to run my regular virus scan, and it wouldn't let me. I tried to open the control panel, and it wouldn't let me. I did a little Googling and reading, and it said my problem wasn't really a virus, and all I needed to do was start my computer in safe mode, and restore my computer to an earlier date. I didn't believe that the restoration would really be the fix, and waited with dread for it to come back and completely ruin my computer. The sky did not fall, and the problem did not return. That was probably about 4 months ago (?). Everything's been fine. Maybe it's really that easy?

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I tried to run my regular virus scan, and it wouldn't let me. I tried to open the control panel, and it wouldn't let me. I did a little Googling and reading, and it said my problem wasn't really a virus, and all I needed to do was start my computer in safe mode, and restore my computer to an earlier date. I didn't believe that the restoration would really be the fix, and waited with dread for it to come back and completely ruin my computer. The sky did not fall, and the problem did not return. That was probably about 4 months ago (?). Everything's been fine. Maybe it's really that easy?


We had this a while back, and my husband did essentially the same thing, after trying many other avenues.


Pip, I hope you can get it fixed - it's a nasty one!

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How does one do that?


Ok...Restart your computer. As it's restarting, tap the F8 key up at the top of your keyboard. Keep tapping the key over and over until your computer starts up. When the screen asks what you want to do, select "start in safe mode" and then press enter. When it finishes starting up, go the start menu. Click on "all programs". Then look for "accessories" and click on it. Look for "system tools" and click on it. Look for "system restore" and click on it. Follow the directions from there, selecting a restore date that was before you started having the trouble. After your computer restores itself, restart your computer and see if it's better.

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