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When did you stop washing newly bought clothes?

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I always wash new clothes before putting them on my girls. Yesterday, I had to put some new clothes on my big girl without washing them because I didn't have time.


At what age did you (if you did), stop washing newly bought clothes before putting them on your kids?

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I wash all new clothes- even for adults. My mom didn't when I was growing up but when I started thinking about all the clothes had been through before they got to me I started thinking I needed to wash them first.


Pesticides in factories, critters, etc. I'm not a germophobe by any stretch of the imagination but I do wash everything first unless it's a "kid just puked and I bought him a shirt in the gift shop" situation :)



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Guest Virginia Dawn

I never stopped. We have had major skin reactions from new clothes that OTHER people have worn without washing, not to mention our own clothes.


I ended up in the emergency room with full body hives when I was first married because I wore a new nightgown without washing it. My oldest son would get blisters on his arms and legs as a baby if someone at church held him and they were wearing a new shirt. I don't take any chances.

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I always try and wash them, even for the reason that loads of people would have handled them by the time they reach us, especially if the clothes were hanging in the store for any length of time.


Now that I have teens someone will sometimes jump the gun on me, but I always wash them up if I can.

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I only wash things with some sort of fabric stiffener in them. And I wash new sheets. I dont wash clothes usually. But, none of us have ever reacted to them.

Then again, I have never bought new clothes much. We buy 2nd hand a lot. I play it by ear with 2nd hand- if it smells freshly laundered, I dont bother. If it smells remotely like it hasnt been laundered, i wash it. I am more worried by that, than by new clothes.

If we reacted to chemicals in the new clothes, I guess I would be more diligent. But none of us ever have. I do wash undies first though, I must admit. I wonder if the laws are differet in Australia regarding chemicals in fabric. I have never seen much press about it.

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I still wash them and as a matter of fact yesterday I washed a half load of new clothes. The machine started agitating before I had a chance to put the soap in and the thick, white, chemical foam and scum on the top was shocking enough that I called in the kids to show them why they should always wash new items.

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Ideally, *all* clothing should be washed before wearing. I don't, 'cause I'm lazy, or sometimes the kids are excited to wear something, but the chemicals used in clothing production and transport really mean everything should be washed before being worn.


But, that said, I let my 8yo dd wear new shorts yesterday that I hadn't washed yet.

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Pesticides in factories, critters, etc. I'm not a germophobe by any stretch of the imagination but I do wash everything first unless it's a "kid just puked and I bought him a shirt in the gift shop" situation :)
:iagree: right down to the gift shop. :tongue_smilie:
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I wash all new clothes- even for adults. My mom didn't when I was growing up but when I started thinking about all the clothes had been through before they got to me I started thinking I needed to wash them first.


Pesticides in factories, critters, etc. I'm not a germophobe by any stretch of the imagination but I do wash everything first unless it's a "kid just puked and I bought him a shirt in the gift shop" situation :)





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We wash everything before wearing, regardless of age. Even before I considered the chemicals that must be in the clothing, I did this. It just feels and smells different when new, and it's... uncomfortable, I suppose, would describe it well. But now that I know what goes into fabric and clothing production, I consider it a matter of health and safety.


I guess the exception would be for socks, as I think I tend to always put those on new. Not sure why I don't pre-wash socks. That's kind of funny.

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Before children, I was a personnel manager for a children's clothing manufacturer. When I had to walk out into the sewing area, I would often end up sick. There was so much fabric dust piled up on everything.... all of it filled with dyes and chemicals. Wash first, believe me.

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I still do ... my son had such sensitive skin as a little one that I haven't dared change, even though he seems better now.


And many are a gift from my mom, so they also come perfumed (she has lots of nice scents, but scents drive me nuts!), so I like to make them smell like 'my' house first. :)

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I still wash all new things for all of us. My dd is extremely sensitive so much of what we do is for her benefit. The laundry detergent I pick and how I wash things is to make sure that if something of hers get mixed in with someone else's load she'll still be ok. I also wash all our things by person/type so I do wash daily since there are 5 of us. I know I'm weird but it works for us.

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Ditto what others have said. I always wash new clothing before anyone wears it. I've never read about chemicals in the clothing and it explains a lot. We all have sensitive skin (eczema, psoriasis, etc.) so I absolutely must pre-wash.

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I've always washed anything I wanted to "soften up" before wearing. Now that I work in retail, I wash EVERYTHING that isn't hermetically sealed. And even then, I'll probably wash that too. I now see how many hands touch that clothing every day, how many people try it on, how many times that stuff hits the floor, how many items are purchased and returned (maybe worn, maybe kept in a smoker's home, etc.). I wash. Just sayin'.

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I wash new clothes if they're for any child of mine that is under around 2 years old. I don't wash new clothes for the rest of us.


I ALWAYS wash the clothes that I buy at consignment sales before wearing.


I also always wash new sheets, blankets, and towels; but not new table linens or dishcloths.

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I really can't remember washing anything first after the clothes I bought pre-birth. So ... 4-6 months? I might wash first if clothes seem stiff or if they are "personal" clothing, or if I am bored and have nothing else to do. That doesn't happen often!

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