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Kid-friendly gluten-free cookbook

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Any recommendations for one that you KNOW the recipes are good? My son has Celiac disease and besides the expense, I'm getting tired of only fixing him frozen g-free mac and cheese and g-free pizza. He's an extremely picky eater, a major carb addict, so that makes it very tricky to make something he'll eat.


I'm determined to get him to start eating better foods. I know, good luck with that, right? ;)


I don't want to blow money on a cookbook that the recipes aren't very good, so if anyone can help me with this I will gladly appreciate it!:001_smile:

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Have you tried the library? Ours has a few good options. Kids with Celiac Disease by Danna Korn had some good ones in it. It doesn't have too many actual recipes in it if I recall correctly.


Anything by Bette Hagman turns out great food too. She wrote the Gluten Free Gourmet series.

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A friend of mine wrote "Brad's Basics" for her son, who was diagnosed with celiac disease as a "tween." Her cookbook has lots of recipes for cake, cookies, etc. -- all favorites with kids. Her bread recipe is one I make every week. We use it for pizza dough, sandwich bread and rolls.


If you go here http://www.nativesunjax.com/special.html and click on the recipe index below the book on the right side, you can see what's in it. If it looks interesting to you, email me and I'll put you in contact with the author, so you can buy it directly from her. I mention getting it directly from her b/c she's also a WEALTH of information, so if you buy the cookbook, she may be able to suggest more recipes.


Also, if you can find "The Kid-Friendly ADHD and Autism Cookbook," give it a look. There's a lot of info about how to do "the diet," which you won't need, but there are a lot of kid-friendly recipes, too. Hopefully, you'll find it at the library, but if you can't, look through it at B&N, etc.


Other ideas: get a subscription to "Living Without" magazine. It comes out six times a year, and there are lots GF (and often CF) recipes, and most of the them are kid-friendly. We just made their birthday cake recipe, and it was terrific. :)





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