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6th gr DD & 4/5 K-1 DS...help with a schedule please


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If you've schooled kids this far apart how did you do it? I've got it kind of figured out but I sure could use some good constructive advice! Thanks!


Well, mine were a little farther apart--high school and kinder, but the idea that nothing is really "combine-able" would be similar.


People do two separate kids in all different ways. I wrote all my son's assignments on the whiteboard by his desk. He started the day with reading his Bible (as his devotion), and I would start with his sister (math, usually, because we used Saxon and it has a little "circle time" kind of beginning to the lessons).

So, can you set up something independent for your oldest for about 30 minutes, so that you can do a couple of subjects with your youngest? I would just go back and forth between them the rest of the morning. Maybe setting up some boxes for each day (not as structured as workboxes) for the little one would help.


My dd would often do a few chores while I discussed history or lit with my ds.


I don't think you'd want your prek child working all day. Is your youngest pretty good about playing by himself (herself)? Giving your child choices of what to do during school can work well. Dd in K could choose to take out the art supplies, play outside, build with blocks/use our dramatic play corner, etc.

She knew not to interrupt me unless she really needed something. It was only for blocks of maybe 20-30 minutes at a time. I kept checking in with her.


Ds would prepare questions ahead of time for discussion, so that when we got there, it would go smoothly. A 6th grader could do that, too. You could assign reading, math problems (after presenting the lesson), history research, and of course chores, to be done while you work with your youngest or do your own work (housework, cooking, etc).

Edited by Chris in VA
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That's what I kind of figured....I'm using Saxon with my DD 6th with Dive so while she's watching that and working on problems, I can be doing stuff with ds. I just have to sit down and figure out what I can pair up. My little guy is so good for about 2-3 hrs of schooling, and ball toss (to the day of the month) and playdough will probably come in handy and blocks and magnetic letters too. I'll get it figured out.


Just didn't know if some did one in the morning and the other in the afternoon or something split like that..

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Mine aren't far apart at all, but you may be able to implement our study routine.


DD13 has a lot of memory work, so instead of taking forever each day and reviewing everything w/ her, I have the boys 11 & 12 review with her. This allows them to have exposure to the memory work as well, but she gets the review she needs and I don't have to do it! :))) hehe!

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