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When do you know it's time to call it quites?


This yr has been awful and I can't get it together to save my life.

It started it good then it went downhill fast.

The 3 youngest got sick with something at the end of Oct.

Then at the beginning of Nov. We had I believe H1N1 in the house which hit my oldest and my mom really hard and grazed my 2nd oldest. Also the 3 youngest were still sick with something. This went on till the end of Nov.

Dec. 3 youngest still sick with something and oldest and my mom becoming themselves again except very tired. My plan was to catch up during X-mas vacation. Instead we all got the stomach flu one by one we went down.

By the middle of Dec. I was exhasted and defeated!

Jan. my 3 youngest got sick with somthing again on and off the whole month.

Middle of Feb. 3 youngest ones are sick again but worse so I bring them in strep for 5 yr old Ears for 1 & 3 yr old also RSV like symptoms for 1 yr old. Start meds. Finished by the end of Feb.

March my 2 nd oldest gets lice UGH!! About a week n a half into March the 3 youngest get sick again so we go back to the dr same dx back on 2nd round of meds. Also still treating dd and house for lice.

Now meds down and 2 youngest have ripe roaring yeast infections but they are improving. I also found out I was pg still trying to figure that out.

I can not seem to get my head together and get school back on track because I am tired and discouraged and I think I have given up!

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If you are in a state that does not require year end reporting or if you are very creative, ditch school for a few weeks until every one is better.


If it is imperative that the olders complete a full course load, have them continue on as best they can and do summer school as a family for a couple hours a day this summer.


Congrats on the new baby. I'd recommend a good schedule before he/she arrives.

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we've had a ton of sickness too.


do you want to call homeschooling quits? or do you want to just quit the curriculum you are following for a while?


I wouldn't call homeschooling quits. Imagine having all that illness and still having to cart kids to school and get homework done.


Maybe you can get tons of books and videos from the library and just read and watch for a month. Re-evaluate in a month or so/


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Ya I was thinking of throwing in the towel all together I can't get it together when i have time to get my lessons together i stair at a all of it like i have writers block. My older ones I am afraid are gonna suffer because their mom is not put together. My almost 8 yr old isn't reading yet i know i don't spend enough time with school and I care but i must not care enough if i don't do anything about it! DISCOURAGED IS AN UNDERSTATEMNET!

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this sounds like it has more to do with health than to do with homeschooling--you are probably just connecting the two because YOU are the one responsible for moving them forward in their studies, but if they were in school, they'd be worse off IMHO. They would likely be falling behind due to missing school and worse, falling through the cracks and getting promoted in spite of it, or yet again, they would be overly stressed out with all the makeup work they had to do. give yourself a BIG break...


HOWEVER...with spring coming and all the talk of healthy eating...perhaps you should take a look at your lifestyle / diet and see if there aren't some things you could to do boost your immune systems, get extra rest, take in the sunshine, eat lots of fruit and veggies and nix the sugars...all these things have a therapeutic effect on many levels, and would serve to restore you and your family in both the long and the short run.


i hope i don't sound preachy--it's just what i would do in your situation.

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tonygirl, cyber hugs to you. I don't have a magic answer, I struggle at times myself.


my one piece of advice is to look at Headsprout phonics for your 8 year old, it is online and very well done. I took a 6 year old, and two 8 year old boys through it. I struggle with anemia, so I have many days I just want to crawl back into bed. Phonic became a big problem I had one 8 yr. old with learning disabilities, the other just a regular boy and was reading some and my 6 year old just starting, I was having trouble keeping all 3 consistent daily with the reading..so Headsprout came to the rescue.

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I would also look at streamlining your curriculum. It sounds like you have a lot of prep work to do. Is there any chance you could get your hands on some more open-and-go type stuff? I don't have to do a lot of planning with DD's materials, it's just a matter of opening the book and starting the next lesson, kwim? I use the planner to write down what's been accomplished.

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this sounds like it has more to do with health than to do with homeschooling--you are probably just connecting the two because YOU are the one responsible for moving them forward in their studies, but if they were in school, they'd be worse off IMHO. They would likely be falling behind due to missing school and worse, falling through the cracks and getting promoted in spite of it, or yet again, they would be overly stressed out with all the makeup work they had to do. give yourself a BIG break...


HOWEVER...with spring coming and all the talk of healthy eating...perhaps you should take a look at your lifestyle / diet and see if there aren't some things you could to do boost your immune systems, get extra rest, take in the sunshine, eat lots of fruit and veggies and nix the sugars...all these things have a therapeutic effect on many levels, and would serve to restore you and your family in both the long and the short run.


i hope i don't sound preachy--it's just what i would do in your situation.


:iagree: totally.

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I, too, think handling all that illness and trying to go to school/not fall behind would have been worse. At least you can go from where they are when everyone is healthy. They would be incredibly behind if they had been that ill during a school year in public school and catching up in that system is nearly impossible.


It does seem like an open and go curriculum would be the best option along with focusing on the most important things. I like Headsprout too and that wouldn't require much out of you. It can't hurt and might help a lot.


Beyond that I don't know the back story but if all those special needs kids are the same parents (vs. adopted) I'd think there is an underlying issue? Do immune system things go with that underlying whatever? My son with mitochondrial condition struggles with his immune system and we've had an incredibly rough year too with both kids (and myself). :grouphug: We're doing a lot to boost immune systems here (starting with adequate vitamin D and aggressive supplementing of D3--2000 IU per day for kids over one and 9,000 IU per day for adults). My son is also taking epicore and colostrum to try to boost the immune system. But I think optimal (50 to 80, below 40 is suboptimal and 30 and below is very deficient) is the most important key to resistance with those types of bugs.

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I have looked at your sig, and looked up the health conditions of you kids. First I have to say you are an awesome person homeschooling these wonderful kids of yours! Second, ANY home education you give your kids is going to be BY FAR better than any public school education. Ok that being said take a deep breath, get the health issues taken care of. Don't worry about whether your kids are at "grade level" worry about teaching your kids! Take it slow, they have special needs, its going to be a slow process. Make Reading, writing and arithmetic your main priorities. Add the rest in SLOWLY at THEIR level (not grade level but where they are) and at their pace.


There is a great program I really recommend you look into.




Take the rest of this year off if thats what it takes to get it back. Your kids would get lost in the system of a public school. Just remember, you are a homeschooler. If you need to just do an hour of light school a day, do it. If you go slowly through the summer, do it. You are on your time frame, not a public schools!

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thanks guys I needed to hear all this. Yes these are all my children and this is the 1st yr we have ever been so sick for so long. Right my 5 yr old is struggling with his toncils. When I look in his throat hey almost touch the flap thingy in on both sides of his throat. I just need to get motivated. I am trying to get back to exercising and reading a devotional in morning. This week is gonna be a little different though a very good friend of mine brother went missing last week and was found a couple days later havin taken his own life. At least it looks like we are lice free right now :hurray: I posted about some very easy diet changes or adds to help get healthy.

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I honestly wouldn't worry about it, and just pick up when you guys are better. Work a little longer after your normal "school year" ends--through the summer or whenever your school year normally ends.


:iagree: I homeschool my Asperger/ADHD/OCD/Anxiety teen for the last 6 years -- and yes, there have been years where we both get ill too many times. Both son and I deal with a rare liver disease that compromises our immune system and can be fatal. Sick days occur and hs gets put to the side. Believe it or not, we pick up with where we left over when healthy and keep plowing (one day at a time). It does work! Educating does occur! It can work.


Another thing we do when one member of the family is ill is isolate them in one room and LySol the house (i.e. doorknobs, lightswitches, remotes, keyboards, toys, etc) to prevent cross contamination. We handwash and vaccinate due to our rare disease. The precautions do help -- but in a family, sick days sometimes just happen. You need to be flexible. You are doing your best. Hang in there!

Edited by tex-mex
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I have looked at your sig, and looked up the health conditions of you kids. First I have to say you are an awesome person homeschooling these wonderful kids of yours! Second, ANY home education you give your kids is going to be BY FAR better than any public school education.


:iagree: 100 gazillion percent. I'm actually trying to imagine what your day looks like. I would have crumbled like a piece of paper. :001_unsure: You're a much better teacher than I am.


What about doing some Unschooling until the Fall after everyone starts feeling better?


Is there any way you and your husband can make a concerted effort to get yourself taken care of - like go work out for an hour every night or take a block of time to go shopping for some new clothes or books on the weekend, etc... I know from personal experience that if I mentally feel like &&&, school is NOT going to get dun! :tongue_smilie:


I got a haircut and a new pair of sneakers last night and that brought me to a level of domestic functioning I haven't seen in months, so Kids, Get Out the SCHOOLBOOKS!!! :D

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Thanks guys I haven't been ignoring the posts I have just been crazy busy with the memorial and funeral and all. Now that is over I am hoping I can snap out of this funk and feel better physically and emotionally. I love hearing from you all! Teresa

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