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How did your husband propose to you?

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Just out of curiosity. I asked a question last night, and some of the answers kind of led to this, and I had to laugh at all the others like mine. (I AM NOT ALONE!!!!!!) :grouphug:


SO here is my story:


We went for a walk and there was a bench at a drug testing place so he wanted to sit down there. I could tell something was up, I actually was bracing myself, almost in tears, I thought he was going to say he wanted to see other people the way he was acting. Then he says "so do you want to get married or what?" :lol: Talk about romantic:glare:

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My dh planned the proposal pretty well, but the 8 years leading up to it are a movie in the making (funnies abound).


Trip to DC, Steps of the Lincoln Memorial overlooking the reflection pool... out came the ring and then the cheerleaders started their routine (they weren't cheering for us, though....hahaha).


hindsight, he says he should have proposed at Union Station, where about 5 years prior I dropped him off, he kissed me for the first time and -- without a word -- I got in my car and sped off. :lol:

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Dh and I hiked up the mountain behind his gradmother's old house. I don't really remember the details. I was really nervous b/c we were standing near a cliff and because I knew he was going to ask. We had been dating for, oh, two or three months? The whole thing was nerve wrecking, lol.


We got married about 5 months later. The mountain is covered in condos now.

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Ours was less than a Kodak moment. We had dated about 6 months and had already agreed that it was definitely with marriage in mind (as opposed to dating just for fun). We were at a restaurant and were arguing about marriage. I ended up crossing my arms and said rather heatedly that I wasn't moving until he proposed. His response was to yell, "Fine then, will you marry me?" I yelled back "Fine, I will." We almost got in an argument the next day talking about if we both meant what we said the day before. . . Can you guess that our first year of marriage was rather rocky?:lol: We rarely ever argue now.

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Ours was less than a Kodak moment. We had dated about 6 months and had already agreed that it was definitely with marriage in mind (as opposed to dating just for fun). We were at a restaurant and were arguing about marriage. I ended up crossing my arms and said rather heatedly that I wasn't moving until he proposed. His response was to yell, "Fine then, will you marry me?" I yelled back "Fine, I will." We almost got in an argument the next day talking about if we both meant what we said the day before. . . Can you guess that our first year of marriage was rather rocky?:lol: We rarely ever argue now.


Our last argument was over an imaginary plane ticket to Boston. :001_huh: I've tried to convince him that that's actually a sign of a...erm...*passionate* marriage. :lol:

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We talked about it sort of ambiguously for a few months - I call it negotiating! I was living in MA, he was home in NY. Where would we live? What about children - would I stay home? Would he stay being a cop? Could we live on one salary? That kind of thing...


Then one night we were driving from NY to MA (I had been home for the weekend for my sister's birthday and he was driving me back quite late because I was scheduled to sing at church the next morning) and he was pretty sleepy so we pulled to the side of the road and talked while he had a cup of coffee. Sadly, I do not remember his exact words but they were along the line of "I think we should get married." and I agreed. We decided where we would live/work, set a date and started driving again. It was April 25 and we got married May 23 - once we were sure there didn't seem to be any reason to wait! We had been dating for about 2.5 years - had broken up (when I moved), got back together and wanted to be absolutely sure, you know?

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My dh knew he wanted to marry me before he asked me out on our first date. I knew after our 1st date. We started talking about marriage after about 3 months. We did not get married only b/c our parents wanted us to wait until we were out of college. We asked each other a lot throughout our dating years (all 6 of them :glare:)...


He says he spent a whole night outside my parents' house working up the nerve to ask my dad for permission - he finally did it about a week later when I was sitting next to him! :blushing: Then a couple of weeks later (?) we were watching TV and he said, "Do you wanna/Will you (I don't remember) marry me?" I said the usual, "yes" and then realized he had already asked my dad so he was REALLY asking so I said, "wait! was that my proposal?!?" It was. I was excited but disappointed. Where do men get their romantic gene? It skipped my dh COMPLETELY!


We just celebrated our 10 yr anniversary (since our first date) yesterday :D Yes, we got made fun of but for us, it is more memorable than our wedding day!

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Great question:001_smile: We were leaving church on Christmas Eve and he pulled the car over and asked me to roll down my window. He came over to my side of the car, got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! I was completely shocked! After I stopped giggling, he said, "well, will you?" And I said OF COURSE!! After 14 yrs, we are more in love than ever...Praise God!

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and I was at my grandparents house to celebrate (because my grandfather's b-day is the same day). My dh (I guess future dh) said he couldn't make it because of stuff he had to get done at school.


My grandparents had an old record player, the kind that is a large piece of furniture, that was cornered in the living room.


My whole family was there. My dh was hiding behind the record player. I was told to go lift up the box on the player and he came out from behind it.


He handed me a newspaper (he was the editor of his school paper) and in it there was a poem asking me to marry him. He got down on his knee and gave me a ring, much to the delight of my squealing cousins.


I remember feeling very light headed and crying. :001_smile:

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Our story...


We'd been dating about 3 months when we were coming home from a baseball game. He asked, "What would say if I asked you to marry me?" I answered, "I would say, Yes!" But I knew it wasn't a real proposal, but an assessment of our relationship. The next day he broke up with me. :glare:


Being young and conniving me and a friend put together "the pinkie plan". I would win him back, get him wrapped around my little finger, then BREAK HIS HEART!!!


On July 4th I ran into him at a party at a bar. He was there with one of my guy friends. We talked and he asked me out again, the pinkie plan was in place.:lol:


We're race fans so he took me to the local drag races. Cars thirty feet from the bleachers. A Hot muggy Midwest afternoon, rubber from the tires flying on our shirts. We talked and sweated and talked some more. He brought up "that question" and asked me what I would say now. My heart quivered, then stopped. I said I would still say yes. So he, in his denim shorts, black "Indy" t-shirt, and goofy headband on his head, got down on one knee in the gravel as I sat on the wooden bleachers, the sound of hot rods in the background. He tenderly grasped my hand and asked me to marry him. I said yes, totally forgetting about the pinkie plan.


He was so excited he announced it to all the spectators. Then we went home and told my parents.


We've been married 17 years and I think the pinkie plan is still in place. There are plenty of days where I probably drive him crazy.

Edited by elegantlion
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He proposed after we had known each other for two years and dated for six months.

We were between dinner and dessert at one of our favorite restaurants in Seattle, and everyone working that night seemed to have known what was going on.


I had recently given him a piece of art in which one of the elements was a clock face. He chose the time I had painted on the clock as the hour he would propose to me. Exactly.

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Dh proposed twice - sort of. The first time was St. Patrick's day about 9 months after we started dating. I told him I wasn't ready because I didn't think we knew each other well enough (dh is a man of few words:).) About 6 months later, he was taking me to look at houses, since he wanted to buy a house. I was getting irritated about this because I was now ready:). Christmas came a few months later. Everyone expected me to get "the ring" for Christmas. When he joined my family for our Christmas Eve celebration, he handed me a small box. My family is usually pretty loud, but you could have heard a pin drop when I opened it. I knew it would not be a ring because I knew that there was no way on this planet that he would have done this so publicly. When the box contained a lovely locket, there was an audible moan from my family. They were clearly disappointed, but I was not.


Fast forward to New Years' Eve. We had planned to get together with a bunch of couples (his friends from college and their wives.) But first, we stopped at my sisters to see my niece and nephew and ended up playing Trivial Pursuit - and winning:). So, I was getting annoyed because it was getting late and we were not going to get to this party - over an hour's drive away. So, we rung in the New Year with my sister and her hubby and went back to my parents' house. At 2 AM, in my parents' kitchen, while everyone was asleep, dh said "So, you wanna get married or what?" He didn't even have the ring on him! He had been carrying it around with him for a couple weeks waiting for the right time and didn't even bring it that night.


We didn't tell my parents until the following weekend because of a death in the family. It was hard keeping that secret for 5 days!

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The PG version? It involved whispers under blankets about how we better get married so we can stop practicing and start having (and having and having x6). 15 years now and every year is better than the last.


ETA, I got married 4 months pregnant.:D And we knew from the first date. I always say we had the first date that lasted 15 years and counting. I think we've been apart maybe 5 nights in all those years.

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Here is the gist of it. It may not be word for word, but darn close.


We were 22 and had been together 3 1/2 years. We had put in an offer on a house, as we wanted to buy a house before we got married. We had talked about it in general terms but never officially. More in the future tense than any thing current.


We were in bed late at night on Dec 22/23.



Me: I'm pregnant (I just found out a couple hours before and hadn't told him I even suspected it yet)

Him: What do you want to do

Me: Keep it

Him: Yeah! (he was truly happy)

Him: That means you need to quit smoking

Me: You too.

Me: Okay!

Him: Okay! (we both quit for good that week)

Him: When do you want to get married?

Him: I want it to happen before the baby is born.

Me: Me too.


He was sooooo very excited that I think he lit the room with the glow on his face.


I had no idea how far along I was. We finally set a date in February and go married in 5 days from when we set the date. He put my engagement ring on my finger the night before we got married. Ds was born in August.


Technically we got married, bought a house, and had a baby...all in that order. It just happened in 6mths. It was a busy year. :0)


For the first few years, he always introduced by saying "this is my family, my wife and son". He was soooo excited to have his own family. Not many 22yo men would have been so happy. :lol:

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It was a total surprise to me! He and a few buddies made a video of "interviews" with all our friends...asking them what kind of person I was...what they thought of us dating...how they had met me...etc. He had taped my parents and brother...my roommate let them into my bedroom when it was messy...etc.! Ugh!! Then, there was a montage of my hubby at various places around our town saying and doing funny things like...at a fishing peer...he asked someone if he could borrow their fishing pole for a quick shot...and, in the video he pretended to be pulling in a fish saying, "I think I got a good one!" A funny one was of him driving along the interstate with his friend in the passenger seat...obviously...because he had the camera on hubby with him bobbing his head back and forth to the song, "She's Always a Woman to Me."


Now, those are just a few of the things on the video. The whole video is about an hour long!


The way he got me to watch it without me knowing is he had a movie from Blockbusters...and, used the case to store the video. Then, I went over to his place to watch "a movie" on a Friday night. As the video was playing...I had a feeling what he was going to ask at the end of the video...and, he did...just at the end as it faded out...on the video. Then, there were hilarious credits!


Little did I know at the time...but, all of our friends were at another friend's house just a few miles away...waiting to all storm into the house once Rob gave them a call syaing I said, "yes." Everyone was glad that I DID say yes...or, it would have been quite awkward for EVERYONE involved!


I'm still amazed that all 25 people or so that were involved kept this a secret.




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I just love reading through these stories.


Dh and I had been dating for 17months, however 8 months of that time he was stationed in North Dakota while I was home in the UK. At the time my parents did not have a home phone (and this was before cellphones), so I'd call him collect from a public phone at work and we wrote A LOT of letters!

I was planning a trip to visit him and was to book my flights that very day, we'd talked about in the weeks beforehand sorting out the details. Early that morning my brother stopped by my house and told me 'dh' had phoned him and wanted me to call first thing. First thing meant lunchtime for me which was 6am in ND.

I didn't think all that much of the request. It was a little unusual but I was excited to be buying my tickets to visit him and thought it was regarding that.

So at luncthime I call and in a sleepy voice he first asked me if I'd bought the tickets yet. I hadn't. He jumped right into it... "Don't get them, I was thinking we should get married instead."

Erm... okay! And that was the entire proposal. A collect call while I was at work and he was half asleep, 4000 miles away... how romantic!

We celebrate 22 years this June :001_wub:

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We attended a college/career/singles Sunday school class with a teacher who always started class asking who went on a date the previous week. He always chided the class for how little we dated. I know it sounds bad in writing, but you have to know the guy. He was a Christian counselor who married his childhood best friend. He is the funniest guy and tells the greatest relationship stories. So, him chiding us for not dating enough went over well. We always got a big kick out of it.


So, anyway...one Sunday DH tells the teacher he has a presentation for him. DH and a friend goes to the front of the class and starts talking about how the teacher is always on our case for not dating...yada, yada, yada. Then his friend pulls out a ring box and hands it to DH who, as a presentation for the teacher, proposes to me in front of the class.


Half the church knew before the next Service began!

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We were only 20, and had been dating for about 6 months. My dh and I had gone with a group of friends to the observation deck of the airport. It was awash in blue light from the runway. In front of everyone dh knelt down and proposed. To this day we refer to my engagement ring as our "blue light special" ;)

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Our "proposal" was more of a mutual agreement. :lol:


We met online and chatted for a few weeks before meeting up in person (we attended the same college) after I'd asked him to ask ME to an upcoming school dance. (I was desperate for a date! :lol: ) So our first date was two days after we met, and DH thought it went great, but he gave me a single red rose when he came to my door, which kind of creeped me out for some reason, and it "tainted" the rest of the date for me (I didn't have much dating experience at the time, and a red rose seemed a little too romantic for a first date). It really wasn't a bad date though! We had a nice dinner, went to a really fun dance, and then back to my place to watch a copy of The Princess Bride that he'd checked out from the library because he knew it was my favorite movie.


The next day he asked me out again, but I said I "wasn't ready" to start dating seriously, and was more just dating for fun. He was super bummed, but asked me again to at least go to a church fireside the next night (Sunday). I agreed. And then I stood him up. :tongue_smilie:But he ended up missing the fireside as well for other reasons, and we both believe it was the Hand of God in our relationship, because if either of us had shown up to that fireside when the other one didn't that probably would have been the end of the road!


Out of guilt I IM'd him as soon as the fireside was over and asked if we could meet up on campus again that Monday. He agreed, we met up, and a good chat, and that's when we started dating.


The next day we said "I love you" for the first time.


The day after that (a week from our first date) we're sitting out on the lawn at school and I ask him what he's thinking about. I suddenly find myself thinking "I hope he's thinking about marrying me" and that's exactly what he says!


We're both very religious, so we Fasted and prayed the next day, got confirmation that it was the right thing, then for our second date, just one week from our first date, we went and bought engagement rings. :D


We were engaged for 6 months and will be celebrating our 8th anniversary this May. :)

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He sent me an engagement ring via USPS Certified mail (so at least I had to sign for it) with a little note that said "Will you marry me?"


He was in RI and I was in WI. We'd met online 2 month earlier and had met in person when I took a trip to RI for 10 days 1 month before he sent the ring.


We were married the following month on Friday the 13th.

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In bed. :blush: But the best part of the story is how we met. It was my 22nd birthday and I was at a poetry reading with some friends. A mutual friend introduced us and as I was driving her home that night I told her, "Ya know, that's the man I'm gonna marry." We were living together within 2 weeks. (I still owe my parents big time for that one!) Engaged within 6 months and married the next year. It's been 17 years and I was right!

The proposal was pretty funny though. Apparently, he'd been talking to his sister's husband who is 2 years younger than her, just like us. He asked my dh what he was waiting for. :)

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We were married the following month on Friday the 13th.

What a cool day to get married.


Dh asked me two days before his deadline in a gas station parking lot.


We'd been dating a year. Everyone expected he would ask at Christmas. Christmas came and went. After New Year's I told him that he had 6 months to make up his mind because I wasn't getting any younger. I'd just turned 31.


I suppose he did not want to loose me.

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We were eating at Red Lobster, we had ds11 with us, at that time he was 9 weeks old. He handed me the ring over our plates and said "guess we have to get married now, huh?" We are coming up on our 10th anniversary though we have been separated for 9 years already.


My sister had an awesome proposal. My bil made a path of rose petals across the apartment to the couch. On the couch was a teddy bear ina tux from build a bear workshop. He hid the ring under the bears top hat and the message when you pressed the paw was him asking sister to marry him.


My brother proposed to my sil to be(they get married this summer) in front of cinderella's castle in disney land. They love Disney and go every year (usually to the regular one but they have been to the rest worldwide as well), so it was a very special place to them. The staff cleared out other patrons from on one side of the castle to let them get pictures done.

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Just out of curiosity. I asked a question last night, and some of the answers kind of led to this, and I had to laugh at all the others like mine. (I AM NOT ALONE!!!!!!) :grouphug:


SO here is my story:


We went for a walk and there was a bench at a drug testing place so he wanted to sit down there. I could tell something was up, I actually was bracing myself, almost in tears, I thought he was going to say he wanted to see other people the way he was acting. Then he says "so do you want to get married or what?" :lol: Talk about romantic:glare:



He didn't. Not really. He just kept saying he was going to marry me. One day, we were out having Chinese and my fortune cookie said "A persistent will has no end." (We kept the little slip of paper!)


So, I married him just to shut him up. We eloped later that week. We were married on a Friday, the 13th. It's his lucky day, and don't I know it!

Edited by Audrey
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Well my DH never proposed. He's 20 years older than I am and he knew my parents hated him. So he was convinced I should hold out for someone "better". Anyway, one day he lost a very nice money clip of his dad'. That his dad had given him before he died. He was very upset (obviously) and kept talking about how he'd never be able to replace something so sentimentally important to him. But he also needed/ wanted a new clip.


So I decided it might be easier if I bought one for him so he wouldn't have to do it. On the spur of the moment I had it engraved with, "Will you marry me?" I was almost too nervous to give it to him, but 11 years later, we're happier than ever. Of course he lost that clip too. Men.:glare:

Edited by littlewigglebutts
typing with a 2yo!
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What a cool day to get married.


Dh asked me two days before his deadline in a gas station parking lot.


We'd been dating a year. Everyone expected he would ask at Christmas. Christmas came and went. After New Year's I told him that he had 6 months to make up his mind because I wasn't getting any younger. I'd just turned 31.


I suppose he did not want to loose me.


Friday the 13th had always been lucky for us and as it turned out it was the only day the JOP was available. This year will be 13 years, unfortunately it doesn't fall on Friday the 13th this year, it's a Sunday.

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Dh was in the Navy when we started dating. We'd fallen fast -- after only about three months, we both knew we wanted to get married. Right about this time, we found out that he was going to be transferred from his ship, ported in Norfolk, VA to a Navy school in San Diego, CA.


When he got his orders, he started talking about my moving to San Diego with him, and getting married, and so on. I laughed and said, "We're both talking like we're going to get married, but you know, you've never *asked* me to marry you..."


He looked sheepish and said, "So, will you?"


I said, "Of course!" :)


We bought a ring that weekend, and married the following year. In May, we'll celebrate our 19th anniversary. :)


Every once in a while, he apologizes for his lack of a romantic proposal, but I always remind him that it was the perfect proposal *for me.* I don't like being the focus of attention, and a public proposal in a restaurant, for example, would have embarrassed me. ;-)

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My husband passed me a note in English class asking me to marry him. Eight years later, I called him up and said, "Hey, remember when you proposed to me? Do you still want to get married?"


He said, "Stay right there, I'm on my way over!"

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DH & I met in the Chicago airport. He was wearing a Buffalo Bills T-shirt so I went to introduce myself.;)


It turned out we were both from Buffalo, both living in Albuquerque and both big sports fans. We started talking and one thing led to another...


One of our first dates was ice skating. (Shocking, right? Go, Sabres... :D)


Two months later, we were going skating again. When everyone had to leave the ice so it could be Zamboni'd, DH was not leaving. I kept wondering what he was doing but then the lights went off, a spot light disco ball thingy went on, a voice came over the loudspeaker and said, "Molly, this is for you!":blushing: A Bruce Springsteen song started to play.


DH pulled me to the center of the ice, got down on one knee and proposed.


I said yes.


He gave me a ring and a rose. Everyone in the rink cheered.


It was awesome.


(The song was: "Tougher Than the Rest." And DH is tougher than the rest. :D)

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We were sitting together on the couch at his house. I was busy reading the newspaper, and he was trying to get my attention, to no avail. Finally, out of frustration, he slid the ring down the newspaper, where it fell in my lap. He got back at me when I went into labor and my water broke; he asked if he could go back to sleep for a few hours before we went to the hospital.:glare:

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My dh taught and coached basketball at a church private school. My church had a private school as well. At half-time of a game between his church's school and mine, he called me out on the court, got on one knee, and proposed. There were probably 300 people there.

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I asked him. We've known each other since we were 14yo. We had a lot of classes together in high school, dated a little, and talked about marriage - like kids talk. But he went off to college at 16yo and I eloped with someone else, which lasted all of 6 months. We didn't see each other for about 6 years. One day I just decided to write to him, out of the blue. We arranged to meet, where he asked me why I came to see him, and I blurted out 'To ask you if you wanted to get married'. I've never really been good with words.:tongue_smilie: Several months later we were married.

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Oh it was such drama! Here's the super-short version:


I first met dh one month before he was leaving to go to an army school far away and I was leaving to go to Argentina on a church mission for 18 months. We were leaving at the same time. NOT a good time to meet a future spouse.


We had been dating for two weeks when my brother-in-law (whom I was living with at the time... my sister's family) proposed to him for me, without my knowledge, after one of our dates. I think he was tired of hearing the drama as me and my sister rehashed the issue every night after my dates.


Dh didn't give bro-in-law an answer. He didn't say anything to me. It was horrible. I thought I had just been rejected. Finally talked about it. He wasn't sure. We had two weeks to either marry or say goodbye forever...


I decided we should just break up; too much drama. He insisted that I go meet his family for thanksgiving for a week. I did... he has beautiful blue eyes... I couldn't say no.


His family liked me. That sealed the deal for him. He woke me up one morning while we were at his parents house, said, "What if we got married?".

Me: "Ok!"

Him, a few days later: "I don't think I can go through with this unless we do it tomorrow. I'm starting to freak out"

Me: "OK!" (it was those blue eyes again)

Next day: Found a judge, packed my bags, met him at work, got married at three o'clock, headed to our honeymoon, called my parents (they freaked out), four kids and seven years later still going strong!

Edited by hmsmith
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I knew it was coming because we had just driven 14 hours to ask my parents blessing. However, he surprised me by taking me to the top of Treasure Falls in the Rockies, at sunset. I was in awe of the fall and watching it intently. When I turned around there he was on one knee. He took my hand and said " I can't imagine living without you. Will you marry me?". It was very romantic.

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Dh and I had talked about marriage for about three months. He was a new college grad looking for his first job and going on interviews. I was a junior in college/ piano performance, instrumental education, etc. At that time I was very career oriented and planning on being a professional pianist post-graduation. I was (still am) madly in love with DH but had to admit that I had some doubts. Dh came from a very traditional family and wanted the stay-at-home mom/wife, devoted to kids, quiet country life. I definitely wanted children, but I was passionate about my music and (tooting my own horn here) I have fabulous accompanying skills, something I love to do. So, I really wanted to pursue that end of the music world. My dream job would have been as rehearsal accompanist for a Ballet or Opera Company and my auditions, even as a college junior, had gone very well.


So, needless to say, he was VERY sure and I was waaaaaaaffling though I don't think I ever conveyed that very well to him.


Anyway, he had a job interview about 100 miles south of the university I was attending. I knew about the interview and that he was going to drive up to see me afterward, but I wasn't in the frame of mind that he'd be proposing. I figured I had time to think that out because he'd need to land a job, get settled, save money for a ring, blah, blah....


He finished the interview, was offered the position, accepted, drove up to my parents, asked for permission to marry me (again, VERY traditional family), drove back to the university, and walked through the freshman registration line to the music desk (I was manning this so that one of the piano profs could have the afternoon off), and asked me out to an elegant dinner that evening to celebrate that he had gotten the job. He even told me to dress up because he was taking me to the nicest place he could afford. (Also, apparently had a little extra money in his pocket because he'd told his new boss that he was on the way to propose and the guy was so excited for him that they came up with a little sign-on bonus.)


I dressed up....though, honestly, he was visiting on his parent's dime and if there was one thing I knew about his dad, it was that he did not put any stock in spending money to eat out (fil's philosophy - all restaurants are outrageously priced and trying to give you food poisoning). So, I figured that I was probably dressing up just to end up at the local Big Boy or Pizza Hut!


Oh, no....I was wrong....the COUNTRY CLUB! So, about the time he pulled into the parking lot, I was talking myself down off the ledge, so to speak, because after all, he just got that job, there was NOOOOOOO way he had a ring, RIGHT????? OH PLEASE, RIGHT????????????


After dinner and a very nice conversation about the new job and such, he pulled me up close to him, reached into his pocket, pulled out a box, and said, "It would be the greatest honor ever bestowed on me if you would please marry me." (The ring was gorgeous, he'd borrowed money from his grandparents who felt that every man should give the very best he could possibly afford to his intended....needless to say, poor DH made some rather large payments to his grand-daddy for a year!)


I caved ladies, totally, knee-knocking, misty-eyed, soap opera gushing, blubbering over myself, caved!


Apparently, everyone at the closest tables heard this and spread the word so the next thing, there was applause from the whole dining room. We received free dessert, compliments of the house and a crystal goblet from the club. I still have the goblet on display in our bedroom.


We will have been married 22 years this June 11th. DD is 19, Ds 13, Ds, 11, Ds almost 10, and a little one miscarried and waiting for us in heaven. I have done very no challenging accompanying, just church choirs, worship teams, and community choirs, but I did end up specializing in music therapy for children with severe learning or physical disabilities, ie. autism, downs, spina bifida, near-blindness, auditory processing deficiencies, extreme ADHD, bi-polar disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorder. So, I guess I made my contributions in a different way. Still, sometimes, occasionally, I wonder......


But, I wouldn't trade any of them for anything.


Still schmaltzy in love,


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My dh and I fell in love before even meeting in person. He proposed on the phone and we met in person a month later. The proposal was spontaneous. We were talking about a future together and he stopped me and proposed. We were married 6 months later. I am blessed to be married to my best friend and the only person in the world who totally "gets" me.

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He never asked me--we had dated seriously for a year and a half--decided to buy a house together, build a family business together--years later have a baby together-when I was 6 months pregnant, we were out shopping-went in jewelry store, both fell in love with same engagement ring and decided to purchase it-few years later, I entered a contest on a local radio station--they asked me why I thought the radio station should plan/pay for a wedding/honeymoon for me--I told him that my Grandmother was unhappy with me--I had promised her that if the relationship with my sig other and I could last 10 years we would get married--it was now 12 years and we still were not any closer to getting married or planning a wedding--and Grandma was not happy!!! Well, I won the contest--I ran and told dh that I had won the contest and that we were getting married in 2 wks on Leap Day at the Mall of America in front of hundreds of specators!

Yesterday dh and I celebrated 18 years of "togetherness"--I am NOT starting over by counting our wedding anniversaries!! :D

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