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Do you have a Slap Chopâ„¢ or similar?

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If you own one of these [webpage has sound and tries to keep you there, just hit 'leave this page' ~ annoying] -- be careful. I have one [and they ARE available in stores, contrary to what the site says, because I bought mine at Canadian Tire and it's the real thing] and tonight, I was making a casserole thing and, after having chopped up an onion, garlic, and green pepper with the Slap Chopâ„¢, I was stirring the mixture in the frying pan and discovered PIECES OF PLASTIC in the food!


The plastic, I discovered after some checking, came from the plastic guard that sits inside the thing -- the guard is, in my opinion, a very poor design, because it somehow [in place correctly] managed to shift or something and the sharp blades CUT the guard, allowing bits of plastic into the food.


Luckily, I noticed a bigger piece ~ because, looking at the guard, some of the pieces were quite small...there's areas of the guard that have a 'chipped' or 'shaved' appearance.. those bits would have been almost impossible to see.


Obviously, I tossed the food out.


I just figured I would say something because these things seem to be fairly popular around here - whether they are elsewhere, I don't know... several ladies that I know have versions of them...I don't know how the others are designed [Pampered Chef sells one of their own, and Starfrit also makes one that sells at Walmart, Home Hardware, etc] but I would think that if they have the same kind of 'guard' piece, the risk of this happening would/could be the same.


Very annoying, because my family could have accidentally eaten bits of plastic if I hadn't noticed it -- and also because I LIKED the thing! I'm not the most coordinated person and it was great to have a quick chopping tool instead of fumbling around with knives....but I won't be using one of these again. I might look for one of those little mini-food-processor type things..


Anyway. If you have one, watch it. Plastic doesn't strike me as a great source of nutrients. :angry:

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I have an (expensive, top-of-the-line) version. I've never found pieces of plastic because of it. HOWEVER, it doesn't actually shop ANYTHING. It barely holds anything, and it certainly doesn't chop all the way through anything - it pretty much just makes dents in the top of it. SUCH a waste of money - thankfully I bought it with a gift certificate I got as a gift, or I'd feel bad for wasting that much money.

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Wow, Pampered Chef has had them out for that long? I didn't know that.. a friend of mine has the PC version and it was hers that got me looking around in stores for one - and I found the "as seen on tv" one that I have... assumed it to be the original.. either it isn't, or it's been around a lot longer than I thought!


For those with the PC one - does it have a small, round, plastic guard piece that is placed "over" the ends of the blades? I'm curious - my friend who has the PC one isn't home right now [this just happened at supper today] and I've never seen the innards of hers...wondering if the design is the very same or something different [ie: BETTER]


ten years eh? maybe.. maybe.. if I hear good things about the PC version, and have a look at my friend's PC one... I might consider buying THAT one...maybe it's a lot better....it *was* quick & easy to use, and I liked that!

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I have the PC one and it has also had pieces fall off of it though it is still usable. I am not convinced that the PC one is "all that" as far as quality of the plastic is concerned. The chopping ability is awesome though - even with the broken pieces. :)

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I have the PC version as well! It does have a plastic piece that has slits in the shape of the blades. You pull that over the blades and fit it in. I have never had a problem with my PC chopper, and I've had mine for ages too! Maybe as long as the other ladies have had theirs. I have the original version. PC came out with a newer version years ago, but I haven't had need to update, since this one is still going strong!

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I have one, too, although I think it's a cheapie version. However, I have had it for years and LOVE that thing! I also love the Vidalia chopper (as seen on TV). I actually like it a little better because I can chop multiple things into it at once as it has a larger storage thing under it. Plus, instead of constantly hitting it, I just push it through once. But, I use both of them all the time!

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Wow, Pampered Chef has had them out for that long? I didn't know that.. a friend of mine has the PC version and it was hers that got me looking around in stores for one - and I found the "as seen on tv" one that I have... assumed it to be the original.. either it isn't, or it's been around a lot longer than I thought!


For those with the PC one - does it have a small, round, plastic guard piece that is placed "over" the ends of the blades? I'm curious - my friend who has the PC one isn't home right now [this just happened at supper today] and I've never seen the innards of hers...wondering if the design is the very same or something different [ie: BETTER]


ten years eh? maybe.. maybe.. if I hear good things about the PC version, and have a look at my friend's PC one... I might consider buying THAT one...maybe it's a lot better....it *was* quick & easy to use, and I liked that!


The design of the Pampered Chef one looks pretty much the same as the one you have, but I have never had a problem. The plastic guard does go over the end of the blades, and the blades stick through it about 1/16 of an inch. Then there is a piece that screws on over the guard that holds the guard in place. I can't imagine how the guard would get in the way of the blades- I've had mine for 10+ years also with no problem.


If you want to get a good one, the Pampered Chef ones are made by Zyliss (as are many other PC items.) Zyliss is available in many stores (and on Amazon.)

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