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Week 12, Diet/Health Challenge...better late than never!

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Hi Ladies,


I completely forgot to start a thread yesterday. I hope you're still out there, watching what you eat, exercising, cutting out that sugar, sodium, caffeine, etc.


Check in here and let us know where you're at.


My 10k running clinic runs out this week. :) Ya, I had to be cheesy. Our 10k run is Saturday...of course I can't make it (ugh) so I'll be doing it alone another day (or earlier in the day). Actually, truth be told, I don't mind doing long runs on my own. I throw on the iPod and listen to my tunes and try to zone out. After this course we're doing a maintenance clinic for 8 weeks, then I'll be doing a 1/2 marathon clinic.


I wish, though, I could get my eating under control! If I could lose at least 20 lbs it would really help with my running. And, of course, my clothes would fit better. I'm so sorry to sound like a broken record. I think this is the thorn in my flesh and will be dealing with it until the day I die.


But for now I run and so at least I'm doing that! :)


How about you guys? How's everyone else doing?

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I'm about the same-have lost 10.2 pounds and there it stays. I have been eating fairly well, except for Sunday's church dinner. I have told my husband, if I can get 4.8 more pounds off, we'll go out for dinner and a movie, after I get my hair cut and a new pair of jeans. I am trying to keep it in mind when I am tempted to use sugar or eat more walnuts than I'm supposed to. I just wish I could afford more fresh fruits and veggies. they are expensive!

Curious, 4kids4me-after all that training, why will you not be running in the 10K Saturday? I perhaps have forgotten some fact previously mentioned.



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Hi Lakota,


You're doing great! :)


The last run of the 10k clinic is the 10k as I mentioned, but we weren't training for a specific race. This Saturday my kids are going to an Easter party at church and I've invited neighbour kids to go to, then the adults are invited here for a continental breakfast, so I can't do both my run (which starts at 8:15) and that. If I get up at 6am or something I'll have enough time to get ready.


I do plan to do a 10k race at the end of May, though, and then the 1/2 marathon here in Toronto at the end of September! Yay!!!!



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I am NOT doing good at all this week....no exercise, too much sweets and eating out! Ugh!


I have not had any juice or softdrinks though for a really long time!


Ugh....that is all I have to say....Ugh ;)




Ya, I can totally understand how you're feeling. Completely.



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Well, I had a good week or so there where I didn't do anything. I was sick and didn't work out and splurged on too many Goldfish crackers (of all things, I know!). Fortunately, I didn't gain any weight. But, i've been back to the 30 Day Shred the last 5 days and lost a pound in a week. So, no complaints there.

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Well, I had a good week or so there where I didn't do anything. I was sick and didn't work out and splurged on too many Goldfish crackers (of all things, I know!). Fortunately, I didn't gain any weight. But, i've been back to the 30 Day Shred the last 5 days and lost a pound in a week. So, no complaints there.


Good for you for not gaining weight, but also getting back into the exercise routine once you felt better. Awesome!!!

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I don't think I've ever posted in these threads but I have been working on losing weight! I've been tracking it on SparkPeople (same name there if you want to be my friend!) and have lost 21 lbs since Jan 1st. I've lost weight everywhere except my poochy, stretched out belly it seems.


Unfortunately, my milk supply for my 3mo seems to be dwindling. So I got some more Mother's Milk tea (which really helped when she was very small) and have been eating my children's leftovers plus a lot of walnuts for the fat & calories this week. Not sure if that is the best route, but it's what we have! :lol:


My exercise is almost nil...once a week for 10 min or so on the elliptical and a 2xs a week Cage Fitness (cardio workout) class for 30 min. I'd really like to get that 30 Day Shred video!

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I don't think I've ever posted in these threads but I have been working on losing weight! I've been tracking it on SparkPeople (same name there if you want to be my friend!) and have lost 21 lbs since Jan 1st. I've lost weight everywhere except my poochy, stretched out belly it seems.


Unfortunately, my milk supply for my 3mo seems to be dwindling. So I got some more Mother's Milk tea (which really helped when she was very small) and have been eating my children's leftovers plus a lot of walnuts for the fat & calories this week. Not sure if that is the best route, but it's what we have! :lol:


My exercise is almost nil...once a week for 10 min or so on the elliptical and a 2xs a week Cage Fitness (cardio workout) class for 30 min. I'd really like to get that 30 Day Shred video!


Well, I think if we had a winner in weight loss you'd be it! Great job. Now about that milk supply...:001_huh:gotta get that fixed, eh?



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I know there's more participants out there that aren't responding...about 25 of you! Did you all give up? Come on, if you've been reading these threads you know I haven't been doing too well...you're in good company! Keep pressing forward with baby steps and eventually we'll get to our goals...even if we're 90 when it happens. :)

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It got cold again so we stopped walking/running. It is difficult when the highs are not above 40*F.


On the food front, things are going well. Dh is not complaining when he sees meatless dinners. I swear if that man would just read something about nutrition he would find that the way he wants to continue will lead him to an early grave. I keep trying to get him to watch Food, Inc. but he refuses.


The changes are all very tasty so maybe that is why there isn't much complaining. Either that or he realized that I mean he can cook his own dinner if he doesn't want what I fix.


I'll turn the rant off now. I've got to go make some guacamole. See my not enough fat thread for my new reason to love avocados.

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It got cold again so we stopped walking/running. It is difficult when the highs are not above 40*F.


On the food front, things are going well. Dh is not complaining when he sees meatless dinners. I swear if that man would just read something about nutrition he would find that the way he wants to continue will lead him to an early grave. I keep trying to get him to watch Food, Inc. but he refuses.


The changes are all very tasty so maybe that is why there isn't much complaining. Either that or he realized that I mean he can cook his own dinner if he doesn't want what I fix.


I'll turn the rant off now. I've got to go make some guacamole. See my not enough fat thread for my new reason to love avocados.


Glad to hear that your dh isn't complaining quite as much. :)

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