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What is the DEAL with USPS media mail???

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Every box I get is damaged seriously. Just got my $160 box of books, and only 7 out of the 42 books are in there. It came to me split down 2 sides, gaping open. Thankfully, I had asked the seller to insure it, but this is just ridiculous. I really think USPS is taking no care with our media mail packages, in the hopes of pushing us all to use PRIORITY.

ANyone else having problems? THe small packages seem ok, but the large ones are being absolutely manhandled.

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I can say that in the last month each media mail package I get was damaged big time too. I think it has ALOT to do with them thinking it's just books and don't really need additional care..which is awful! I'm not saying this from the words of a postal carrier or anything but my postal man is wonderful and all the media mail packages he's delivered he's told me directly that he taped back together for me as they arrived ripped open and items escaping!


I love media mail due to the price. However I love priority mail better due to the additional care that is taken into account.

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Every box I get is damaged seriously. Just got my $160 box of books, and only 7 out of the 42 books are in there. It came to me split down 2 sides, gaping open. Thankfully, I had asked the seller to insure it, but this is just ridiculous. I really think USPS is taking no care with our media mail packages, in the hopes of pushing us all to use PRIORITY.

ANyone else having problems? THe small packages seem ok, but the large ones are being absolutely manhandled.



Meg, I know me and you have spoken about this ad nauseum, but I am absolutely disgusted with the PO. In the past year I have:


Had a $200+ box of books completely lost, even with delivery confirmation.


Another $150 box of books lost, with no delivery confirmation.


Two other packages never show up.


A PRIORITY MAIL envelope show up after two weeks completely ripped open with no book inside.


I've taken your advice and never send a package out with delivery confirmation anymore, but unfortunately that does not guarantee that the package will get there.


Sigh . . .

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It is interesting, because I have used media mail for almost a decade now, buying and selling curriculum. I have only had GOOD experiences, up until the last 8 months. Last summer, they lost a large package of mine (well, actually it was a military base it was sent to, and I thhink it was lost there). But since then, one package sent to me hasn't arrived, and all the larger boxes I have received in the last couple months look like they went through a war, or had a car drive over them. I am seriously considering using FedEx now. SO MAD! My Sonlight I was SOO looking forward to getting, and only 7 books made it. Grr...

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I too have noticed a huge decrease in quality from the USPS and it is infuriating. I am an Ebay seller and I have had to replace 14 orders since January. In one day I mailed out 18 packages at once and 14 disappeared into thin air! Clearly a problem locally, but getting the PO to do something about it is akin to breaking into Fort Knox. They simply don't care.

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I've had horrible experience also within the last year, but I was assuming it was the LA main post office. My media mail has been destroyed, water damaged, completely lost, etc.


I've taken to insuring and tracking every single package I mail through the USPS.

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I had a package come to me with a slit in the top (not like an "oops, the box tore" kind of slit, but a "let's take the knife and open the box" kind of slit", KWIM?) and my book was gone. Empty package. Thankfully it was only a $10 book. I've had buyers tell me their packages were received damaged or with books missing. I've had books damaged and ripped, etc. If people would only do their jobs with care...this wouldn't happen. Doesn't matter if it is Media Mail or not. Media Mail is just supposed to be slower...not more "send at your own risk". KWIM?

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I had a package come to me with a slit in the top (not like an "oops, the box tore" kind of slit, but a "let's take the knife and open the box" kind of slit", KWIM?) and my book was gone. Empty package. Thankfully it was only a $10 book. I've had buyers tell me their packages were received damaged or with books missing. I've had books damaged and ripped, etc. If people would only do their jobs with care...this wouldn't happen. Doesn't matter if it is Media Mail or not. Media Mail is just supposed to be slower...not more "send at your own risk". KWIM?


Media Mail is also subject to inspection though.....so they can be opened by the PO to make sure it is qualified MM. It wouldbe nice if they put them back together!

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I actually had the PO people tell me that they were no longer allowed to ask us how we want to send it...They can't offer anything other than priority or express. And, they told me they were doing fewer pickups on media mail, so it would take longer...she actually told me they are trying to make it less appealing. They are doing a good job at THAT anyway. Yeah, it isn't supposed to be riskier, just slower. I am heading over there now, as soon as the seller supplies me with the details I need to file the claim.

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After several horrible experiences with media mail, I no longer use it. Packages ripped open "for inspection" and contents disappeared (in tightly sealed boxes pre-inspected at the post office.) I've had packages never arrive. I never send packages without delivery confirmation anymore. In fact, I only use priority mail so I can get a trackin number and check on progress.

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I have noticed this lately. I was starting to think I just was ordering from people who did not know how to wrap. Till today when the package was almost destroyed the book looked trampled, it was horrible! I think I might have to start asking for Priority. I just pay way too much on books for them to come to me this way.

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I don't know why they think it will make anyone use priority mail.

Getting packages trashed doesn't make me want to give someone more money in the hopes they won't screw it up if I pay them more. I've never understood this theory in regards to any business dealings, be it public schools, mail, cars or whatever.:confused:


No, it makes me think I'll just go to UPS.

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I ordered something via media mail a few weeks ago and out of the six items there was only one left in the box. I was surprised that was even left in the box. One of the sides was completely ripped (or cut) off. They placed the box in a bag. I thought it was garbage at first. The quality of media mail seems to being lacking.

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You are right, I had a priority box I received that was trashed also. Make that TWO, now that I think of it. One was my TT set, and we had to get replacement dvds because they were broken. The other was Atelier Art....these were in brand new priority boxes, and had gaping holes in them. USPS has gotten terrible. I am hoping they make good on insurance, because this was a HUGE purchase! An entire SL core!

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It's interesting that we just went on a field trip to the local post office, lol! Found out something interesting. USPS is contracted with FedEx for most of their air shipping and package shipping. Soooo....makes me wonder how much the FedEx employees care about stuff, too.


The thing driving me nuts recently is packages being shipped to me within my state or from a nearby state taking 2 weeks or more to show up while packages from the east coast show up within a couple days. :001_huh:


FedEx can be a pain, too. My mom ordered a new cell phone online, the packaged was shipped overnight through FedEx and took a week to show up. :confused: She tracked it and they sent it from California to the main shipping office in Memphis, TN, then to my mom in Idaho. Mom could have driven to California and back in less time that it took FedEx to get the package to her. So much for overnight delivery.

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Every box I get is damaged seriously. Just got my $160 box of books, and only 7 out of the 42 books are in there. It came to me split down 2 sides, gaping open. Thankfully, I had asked the seller to insure it, but this is just ridiculous. I really think USPS is taking no care with our media mail packages, in the hopes of pushing us all to use PRIORITY.

ANyone else having problems? THe small packages seem ok, but the large ones are being absolutely manhandled.


When we move, I ship tons of stuff via Media Mail and Parcel Post. Here are some lessons learned.


Smaller boxes are better. A box of books weighs a lot. Many boxes just cannot hold up to the weight. A large box is more prone to splitting than a couple smaller boxes. Smaller boxes also seem to arrive sooner, perhaps because it is easier to find room for them in a shipment.


Fill the boxes. Stuff is more likely to get damaged when it shifts around in the box. I use plastic grocery bags and make sure that every little space is filled in so that nothing shifts.


Prepare for the worst. We once had a box of books that obviously sat in the rain at the beginning of the journey. Most of the contents were moldy when they arrived. Since then, we've started by putting a giant black trash bag into the box. Everything that goes into the box is inside the bag (we use heavy bags for collecting leaves). It keeps the stuff inside dry and will also help to hold it together if the box splits.


Tape is your friend. Don't just tape the top. Run tape around the sides too. The corners may still get mashed, but the tape will help keep the box from splitting.


On the other hand I do a lot of paperback swap using media mail. Sometimes the books are just covered in paper with some packing tape. I'd say that they are no more banged up that the 1st class boxes I get from Amazon (which has been stingy on packaging lately and has had at least one banged up book in nearly every shipment since Dec).

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Sebastian, great tips...I agree with all that you said...I use TONS of tape, tape all the way around, at right angles. I agree about the big boxes, too. And no shifting contents! I have only lost a single package that *I* sent (thankfully it was a $2 book), and have not heard about anything being damaged. But seems the things I am getting are in bad shape when they get here...

I hope the USPS honors the insurance claim.

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The prices have also gotten weird. I sent a book in a padded envelope that weighed maybe 1-2 lbs. Cost me $2.38 :001_huh: Mailed a box yesterday that weighed 7-8 lbs and paid $3!!!!! HUH?!?! If I had shipped it parcel post, it would have been $11. The Post office is a mess. They keep complaining about losing money, but they don't do anything to increase customer satisfaction. Ridiculous.


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When we move, I ship tons of stuff via Media Mail and Parcel Post. Here are some lessons learned.


Smaller boxes are better. A box of books weighs a lot. Many boxes just cannot hold up to the weight. A large box is more prone to splitting than a couple smaller boxes. Smaller boxes also seem to arrive sooner, perhaps because it is easier to find room for them in a shipment.


Fill the boxes. Stuff is more likely to get damaged when it shifts around in the box. I use plastic grocery bags and make sure that every little space is filled in so that nothing shifts.


Prepare for the worst. We once had a box of books that obviously sat in the rain at the beginning of the journey. Most of the contents were moldy when they arrived. Since then, we've started by putting a giant black trash bag into the box. Everything that goes into the box is inside the bag (we use heavy bags for collecting leaves). It keeps the stuff inside dry and will also help to hold it together if the box splits.


Tape is your friend. Don't just tape the top. Run tape around the sides too. The corners may still get mashed, but the tape will help keep the box from splitting.


On the other hand I do a lot of paperback swap using media mail. Sometimes the books are just covered in paper with some packing tape. I'd say that they are no more banged up that the 1st class boxes I get from Amazon (which has been stingy on packaging lately and has had at least one banged up book in nearly every shipment since Dec).


:iagree:Yup, tape is your friend. I hadn't thought about the plastic bags though, that's a good idea. We got an Amazon order yesterday and I'm surprised everything was there, the sides of the box were split.


Not sure what's up with media mail as far as we're concerned. Last summer my mom sent us some packages media mail and priority--they all arrived on the same day, less than a week later. (These were small boxes though so I'm sure there's something to that.) My in-laws on the other hand have sent us large poxes parcel and they've taken two months!


We do a lot of mailing too, especially between duty stations or summer breaks. Tape is your friend! As is insurance and delivery confirmation. We've also learned to only ship priority, more often than not, the price difference isn't that significant.

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