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Homeschool Conference Attendee's- Check this out...

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I am going to the Midwest Homeschool Convention and yesterday when I was at IKEA I bought this for $19.99:



It is VERY lightweight and can hold 2-3 reusable grocery bags. It is IDEAL for the convention since it also small and easy to manuever unlike the ones with the large box on the bottom. I also found the plastic ones break easily. Notice the hook on the top to hold another bag seperate from one on the bottom.


Ikea also sells this for 4.99:



You can also buy straps at Ikea. There is an Ikea somewhat near the conference if you don't have one near you. I wanted to share because I KNOW how heavy those books and materials can get.


BONUS: You can use it to haul your library books back and forth!!! LOL



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Well, we don't have a local IKEA, but this is a good reminder to me to be more prepared for our local convention. Last year I went with nothing to carry anything in and 3 kids...one of which was in a stroller. It was nearly impossible to maneuver that thing between the crowds and displays!! This time I will have a babysitter and something to haul all my goodies!!

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I always like to buy a few things because I am impatient and it is fun to look at stuff in my hotel room. Also, I will be bringing my lunch and I will pull it around with me.


LOL Go ahead and say "Hi" to me when you see me with my Ikea cart!



Edited by Michelle My Bell
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It sure sounds like a great idea but at the conferences I attend these types of things are banned, as well as strollers, or anything on wheels. They do have stations where you can "check" your purchases for a small fee. They are banned due to insurance reasons by the individual facilities where the conferences are held.

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