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? Do you use additional writing program with Lightning Lit 7?

Pam L.

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I am anticipating using Lightning Lit 7 with my dd this Fall. (I already have the te & st books). In looking through it, it seems she might need additional writing instruction.


She has had virtually no literature study and little writing practice. I just recently had her begin Jump In after piece mealing various things rather unsuccessfully.


Unfortunately, I need something either independent or low teacher intensive due to my situation here. Any suggestions?


Thank you,


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We used LL7 last year and are using LL8 this year. I do not consider LL as containing writing instruction, only writing exercises. I have been pleased that starting with chapter 8/12, they have included a 5 paragraph essay, an expository essay, a narrative essay, and a persuasive essay including brainstorming helps and outlining. It has dovetailed well with our writing program and my son's ability to complete them. We are using Write Shop for 6th-7th-8th grade. I do consider Write Shop to be teacher intensive.


Sorry I have no suggestions for independent or low teacher intensive writing.

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Yes you will need a separate writing program, and a separate grammar program. The only composition in LL7 is the list of writing assignments to choose from at the end of each of the eight units; and the short 2-page "mini writing lessons" at the end of each of the eight units which cover the following topics:

1 = openings

2 = outlines

3 = the limerick and haiku poetry

4 = nonce words (nonsense/invented words)

5 = writing about yourself

6 = brainstorming

7 = writing a cinquain poem, and the list poem

8= choosing a topic to write about



LL7 only takes about 40-50 minutes a day, 4 days a week, so you will easily have time to do a separate writing program. On weeks when it was time to do the longer writing assignment for LL7, we set aside our separate writing program and focused on writing for the LL7 assignment -- or, a few times we would skip the LL7 longer writing assignment and continue with whatever writing assignment in the separate writing program.



Jump In worked well for our struggling writer. Ideas for solo writing programs once you finish Jump In:

- Wordsmith (solo program; felt a bit light / redundant after Jump In)

- Writing Strands (solo program; very dull)

- Paragraph Writing Made Easy

- IEW's Windows to the World (a lit. analysis program, teaching annotation and beginning literary analysis by focusing on 6 short stories, with an excellent CHAPTER on how to write a literary analysis)

- Write Shop (NOT a solo program)

- Wordsmith Craftsman (solo program, but *definitely* for gr. 10-12)

- Brave Writer, Write at Home, or other online writing class



BEST of luck -- and enjoy your literature journey through LL7 together! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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Thank you ladies. I appreciate the suggestions.


In looking over the LL7 materials, I do believe we will both enjoy it. I had actually considered using the Write Shop program as well (when we finish Jump In).


I would also love to hear other ideas as well.



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Hm, we aren't doing a separate writing program, though we're doing a lot of other writing, if that makes sense. :) Ds is doing outlining or summarizing from History Odyssey at least three days a week. Between that, Lightning Lit, and other writing I throw at him, he writes 1.5-2 pages a day at least, at least 3 days a week. I feel he's learning a lot about structure from all of the outlining and summarizing, and the LL assignments give him a lot of variety.


*But* I have a child who writes fairly naturally. He doesn't need a *whole* lot of hand-holding through the steps of writing. I do go over his papers with him, and his editing skills could still improve, but I'm pleased with how things are going right now...

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