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Composting? Can you help me get started?

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Here is how I started. I just bought a metal trash can from the hardware store, and put a layer of dead leaves and a shovel full of dirt in the bottom. then I layered brown and green materials until it was full. I only turned it when I felt like it, left the lid off when it was sunny, wet it when it was dry. I got beautiful loose black compost for very little cost.


I just used some of this yesterday for pots with vegetables in them.

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I've read a lot of books and articles that I feel were way too complicated.


I just grab whatever available containers I have, make sure there are plenty of air/water holes, and throw my food scraps (no meat or diary) and yard scraps in.


I don't have much of a yard, so sometimes I add some paper or cardboard. I give it all a good stir whenever I remember to.


My compost doesn't compost as quickly as it might if I were following more rules, but it comes out dark and sweet smelling, and my garden seemed to love it last year!

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