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Painful cramping today at 25 weeks preg..

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I have been having painful cramps (but not tightening) through my pregnant belly today. I do not think it is Braxton Hicks because there is no tightening, only pain for about 30 seconds or so.


I am chalking it up to running around too much (it has been too hectic for the last two weeks) and sat down an hour ago. I am also uping the fluids.


Should I be considering anything else?

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I'm not a doctor, so my opinion is worth...yeah.


I have cramps all through my pregnancies. They're such a normal part of pregnancy for me that I don't even think twice about them...well after I've had to stop moving to get through the cramp, I don't think about them anymore. If there's spotting, that's another story. My belly tightens all the time too.


If you're truly concerned, phone your OB and talk to the nurse.

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I had horrible round ligament cramps with my last pregnancy, but they weren't repetitive. I would take it easy and drink a couple glasses of water, then call the OB if that doesn't help.

you are at the stage for the round ligament cramps-also your bladder can cramp

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I will call OB tomorrow AM.


Just wanted to add that these cramps are across the top and through the middle of my belly - NOT areas for ligaments (I think).


Some of the cramps have been across my back as well. Oh, and it hurts if I press on my belly.


I have not moved since I posted and it seems to be a little better. I have also had fluids.... now I need to GO because of my bladder but I do not want to move! :tongue_smilie:


There is no tightening that I can tell.

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Have not had time to read through all responses -- here's my suggestion: prior to calling your OB, drink lots of water and get off your feet, preferably lying down on your left side.


Call OB -- I guess in the a.m. Perhaps look into this:

41NV8KRRF1L._AA300_.jpgPrenatal Cradle -- here is the link:



I don't know what I would have done without it when I was pg with the twins (my fourth pregnancy). My perinatologist recommended it and it really does help. HTH.

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Please call your doctor. My sister went into labor at 25 1/2 weeks. She said she felt constipated and her back ached. If you are in premature labor, the sooner they can treat you, the more likely they can stop labor or accelerate the baby's lung growth, should the birth be imminent.

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Hopefully these were just regular cramps. Please update us.


I did want to mention, though, that drinking cold milk brings on cramping in me during pregnancy and very painful cramping. I used to think I was in labor with my twins pregnancy during every breakfast while eating life with milk. It took me several years before I realised the cramping was a direct result of the milk. Warmed milk has a lesser effect so I do take some hot cocoa during this pregnancy once in a while.


However, dehydration also brings on severe cramping which is why I sip water throughout the night (or awake with pain from cramping). I can see that overworking would also bring them on.


Cramping is of course not a joke as any muscle contractions in that area could potentially turn into labor.

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Thank you so much for checking in with me!


I am heading to the hospital to get monitored. The OB told me to go and I am just waiting for DH to arrive and take over with the dc.


The cramps are not as severe as they were last night but I have continued with cramps and general achiness through my belly and back in spite of rest/fluids. Now my head is killing me too. So, I will go.


I will post when I'm back.


Thanks again.

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Thank you so much for checking in with me!


I am heading to the hospital to get monitored. The OB told me to go and I am just waiting for DH to arrive and take over with the dc.


The cramps are not as severe as they were last night but I have continued with cramps and general achiness through my belly and back in spite of rest/fluids. Now my head is killing me too. So, I will go.


I will post when I'm back.


Thanks again.


Thanks for letting us know. I've been worrying about you. (Been in preterm labor way too many times!!!)

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Hope all is well!


I had preterm labor starting at 30 weeks with DS and 23 weeks with DD. Both required hospital bedrest (and DD was actually born at 29 weeks) and mag sulfate as turbutaline and nifedipene weren't enough.


I had tightening without pain not cramps. I'm hoping you're just having some cramping that is nothing to worry about (albeit painful)!! I also assume they'll check you for a UTI as that can actually cause contractions if untreated.

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OK - I am sorry I did not post earlier.


I am not having pre-term labor! :001_smile: Thank you for all of your prayers.


I have a big UTI and had no idea. The docs do not know if my cramps are related to the UTI but they are working on clearing that up first (with antibiotics). I have continued to have cramping all over my back and front but no contractions. We will reasses after the meds are done.


I am continuing to drink a lot of fluid and I have tried to rest a lot today - which is why I have not posted earlier.


Thanks again.

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OK - I am sorry I did not post earlier.


I am not having pre-term labor! :001_smile: Thank you for all of your prayers.


I have a big UTI and had no idea. The docs do not know if my cramps are related to the UTI but they are working on clearing that up first (with antibiotics). I have continued to have cramping all over my back and front but no contractions. We will reasses after the meds are done.


I am continuing to drink a lot of fluid and I have tried to rest a lot today - which is why I have not posted earlier.


Thanks again.


I'm so glad that baby seems to be OK! Thanks for letting us know.

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