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Questions about "Oil Pulling"

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Yes! I use cold-pressed sunflower oil. I had been doing it regularly, but couldn't take it to Ukraine back in the fall. A few weeks ago, dh and I did a detox and I started oil pulling then. Toxins come up through my tongue (gross but true) and ~ 6 days into the detox my tongue gets really yucky. Oil pulling clears that up.


I've read stories about people being healed from some pretty extreme stuff, but for me, basically I think it helps keep the toxin level lower and keeps my tongue nice and pink.

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Cold-pressed is best, but really, any oil will work. You do know that you do it first thing in the morning before you eat anything and swish for 20 minutes - right?


Yes I do--thanks for asking. I was thinking of starting tomorrow morning--wanted to be sure I have the correct oil on hand. I just hope I don't gag!!

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I know about it , and I have done it several times. I have no idea if it actually did what it claims to do, though, and I didnt really enjoy doing it very much. If it was just 2-3 minutes, could handle it- but 10 or more minutes just was too much to add to my morning routine. I like tongue scraping though- that, I can easily do in 30 seconds.

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Cindy, how do you know that it keeps your toxin level lower?


There's no way that I *really* know, but here's what I do know. When I'm detoxing or sick, my tongue gets nasty. When I'm oil pulling, it stays nice and pink. If that is the ONLY benefit, then it's worth it. I like having a pink tongue.


Here's an article that "debunks" oil pulling: http://www.lisabarger.com/oil_pulling_debunked/


It is inconclusive and so I'll continue to go with what I have personally experienced, which is going from a nasty yucky tongue, to a clean pink one.

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Well, I tried it this morning! It was not that bad really---until my sinuses started draining!! Wow! I am still blowing my nose!! I could not make it to 20 minutes once I felt the draining--If that is all that it does for me I will be very happy!!!!

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Guest Katia
We try strange stuff to be healthier frequently, but I've never heard of oil pulling. Can either of you tell how to do it or refer to a website with instruction?


Yes, please. I have no idea what you-all are talking about. Thanks.

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I also have bad gums. I have read on one of the sites that it could possibly help me to make my gums healthier. I am hoping....

The older I get the more open I am to ideas on making my body as healthy as possible---I would have that "oil pulling" was strange in my 20's -- I no longer care if it is strange, as long as it helps!:D

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