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Please pray for us

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praying for speedy recovery and strength for your entire family during this time...this is a fear of mine as my husband will be 50 this summer and I am 46...we have had several people that we know in their 50's have something like this happen. What is it about your 50's? God bless you.

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This happened to my husband's sister at 34 yo. She had a long rehab, and we were scared the entire time but no one would know now that she ever had a stroke. She has a slight limp, but unnoticable unless you knew. She has cared for her for young and growing family and is an amazing person. I remember hearing success stories during her rehab and thinking it could never be true for her, but it was. I'll be praying for your family!

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I'm praying. I know others have said to have faith, but I feel like you should AND I feel you should say that to your husband. "Honey, I know this is difficult but I believe God has great things ahead for you and you will have an amazing testimony." Speak life into him and talk to him constantly. I am standing with you and believing for a great recovery! :grouphug:

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:grouphug:One just never knows what a day will bring....however, we do know that goodness and mercy are following us all the days of our life. And we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Praying health, strength and the peace that passes all understanding for you and yours in the midst of this.

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I'm so sorry to hear this. I will be praying. A friend of mine was about 30 when he had a massive stroke. He was in a coma for days. He has recovered except he is legally blind. He teaches advanced calculus at an all-boys' school in CA. He actually finished getting his masters right after he recovered.


For him, his platelet count was high. This should have been dealt with because he had routine blood work done because of his juvenile diabetes, but his general physician failed to contact him after receiving the blood work results. He is now on a medication to keep his platelet count correct.


He was very healthy -- doing triathalons, eating very well, etc. He was mountain biking when it happened.


He is an inspiration to me despite his handicap -- I wish the same in your situation.

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Wow, sorry to hear about your dh. Will pray.


Take care.


My dh, age 51, had a massive stroke last Tuesday night. He is as healthy and fit as a 51-year-old can be, 3-time Ironman finisher, the bafflement of all the doctors as to why he would have a stroke. He is paralyzed on his right side and cannot speak. His mind is all there and is trapped inside. Our kids are ds15 (today is his birthday, Crappy Birthday to You Son :( ) and dd13. We would appreciate any and every prayer for dh to recover to be able to work again, even if not to be an athlete again.



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You have my prayers.


and here, this is a great inspirational TED talk, Stroke of Genius by Dr Jill Bolte Taylor who fully recovered from her massive stroke.


Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened -- as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding -- she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another."



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Oh Karen, what a horrible shock for all of you! Of course, I will pray for your dh, as well as for you and the kids.


I hope you'll be able to post an update soon, and that you'll have received some encouraging news from the doctors. I just noticed that you haven't posted here in several days, and I'm hoping that it's only because you've been so busy, and not because things have gotten even worse.





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