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Small World

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I recently responded to a babysitting ad for a local couple; turns out they have just moved here from California but were married in our church, and she has grandparents buried in the cemetary--and one of our dear older parishoners is her Great Aunt! Don't know if I'll end up sitting for them, but it is kinda fun to discover connections, isn't it?


So what's YOUR latest "small world" connection?

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How fun! :D


The first time we came to look at our current house it turned out that the listing agent used to live on my husband's street (in another Province half way across the country) when they were little kids. They hadn't seen each other in about 35 yrs, but my husband recognized her family name and made the connection.

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I discovered a home school mom who stumbled upon my blog, actually lives in the my town. LOL. We had no clue. We'd been talking away for a few months and then I mentioned a roller skating event. She commented about it and it turned out she was at the exact same event. Since we've never met in person we wouldn't have recognized each other. LOL. Just cracked me up how things work out.

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It really isn't my small world connection but my SO's. We've been tossing around the idea of moving closer to his father and just for fun we've been glazing over the MLS listings. I found this beautiful house and showed my SO it last night. It apparently is the house his grandfather was born in! My SO's great-grandmother's sister owned the house (bought it from the original creator of the house) and the family kept it within the family for almost 100 years before it went to the historical society. In the past 4 years I believe it's changed hands twice but not in the family lines. My SO would love to get his hands on it, but since the original family sold it, it's in a pretty depressive state (livable but needs work). It's around 127 years old so I'm figuring it needs something done to it. We are actually going to see it tomorrow!

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My family was walking down the street of a rural Victorian town (north west of Melbourne). Another man was walking down the street the other way, his eyes cast down. He saw my father's shoes and lifted his eyes to say "you're American" (this was 1968) and then said "Professor X!" He'd been a student of my father's in the '50's, back in Kansas.

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I searched my grandmother's address on google maps about 15 years after it was sold to see if there was a "street view" available. She had lived there for about 50 years before she died and I grew up with that house as my anchor since my dad was in the Navy. I was curious to see if the new owner had torn it down and built a new house on the same lot (she lived in Arlington, VA where this is routinely done). I was delighted to find it looking exactly as I had seen it when she lived there.


I then decided to google the address and see if I could learn anything about the present owner. It turns out the new owner uses the address as her business address because she is a photographer so I got lots of hits. My grandfather was a photographer and ran his business out of the house as well - that is, until it outgrew the house. One of the hits on google was the new owner's business website with her detailed biography and curriculum vitae. It turns out she had actually worked for my grandfather's business before starting her own company. She worked there after he died and the company had been sold to a new owner, but it was the same company my grandfather started with his last name as the business name.


I emailed her and shared the story. She was very gracious and invited me to stop by to see my grandma's house any time I wanted. I never have, but it was very kind of her nevertheless.:)

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When I was giving birth to dd in NY, one of my nurses went to high school in Texas with one of my roommates from A&M.


Also while we lived in NY, I found out that one of the former board memebers who was living in Kansas at the time and I were at the same elementary school in Podunk, Texas. Of course, I was a student teacher and she was a student, but still.....:lol: We *think* her brother was in my class.

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I don't know if this counts, but it is kinda cool. I was emailing back and forth with my former classics professor, who is now a colleague of mine. He is now divorced, but I babysat for his now-grown children when I was in college. Our email conversation was about Greek, the classics, my sons' obsession with battles of the ancient world. He responded to one of my questions with a very long "commercial" for The Teaching Company DVDs. I mentioned that, in fact, we were quite familiar with them, that we'd watched several series, and I listed those. Well, turns out he dating one of those professors that teaches many, many of those lectures we own. Her voice and ideas and presence have been a huge part of our lives. And she's dating him! Dating a very awkward, rather unattractive and frumpy old classics professor! Of course it fits, in some ways, but golly! They're coming to dinner next week. My boys totally want her to sign our DVDs. :D

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Funny you should ask, Chris! My latest small world experience was finding out that my cousin went to your church! Will never forget when she told me about this "friend" she had who homeschooled and was on a homeschool board and her signature was Chris in VA...I about fell off my chair. Anyway...then, this past week my brother was in an auto accident and the officer at the scene happened to be our cousin! Didn't even realize he was a police officer!

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It isn't, it isn't, EvD is it? If yes, I may have to crash your party.:)


Tee hee! Crissy and some other local gals have been threatening to crash the party as well. I warned EvD that there might be a passel of Well Trained Minds on the sidewalk, with DVDs and sharpies in hand, begging for autographs. I think that worried them a smidgen, since she's used to upset people hounding her, rather than fans.

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I've had a number of "small world" things happen.


When I came to the U.S. I went to a church near my university. One of the congregation was a man that I had known in Japan (I went to school with his younger sisters) growing up.


I went to the dog park and saw another woman there with a springer spaniel. Since I was with my two springers, of course I looked. Then I noticed that she was staring at me. She came over and asked me if I had gotten my dogs from a horse farm. We had gotten our dogs from the same breeder - they were siblings! She had recognized me from a puppy birthday party that our breeder had had when they turned one year old.

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T I think that worried them a smidgen, since she's used to upset people hounding her, rather than fans.



Why would they hound her? Does she have a scandal up her tunic?


Do I get points if I'm the one who wrote in a review "I held my breath in places"??

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Why would they hound her? Does she have a scandal up her tunic?


Do I get points if I'm the one who wrote in a review "I held my breath in places"??


I believe she gets hate mail over her lecture on the Deuteronomic texts. Not clear on that, exactly, but folks who are literal readers of the Bible have problems with her reading / scholarship.


Yes. Absolutely you get points for that!

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I believe she gets hate mail over her lecture on the Deuteronomic texts. Not clear on that, exactly, but folks who are literal readers of the Bible have problems with her reading / scholarship.



I hope she takes it as praise that they think her worthy of ire.

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I worked at an ER in a little podunk town in Oklahoma. One of the paramedics started flirting with me and we discovered we both went to the same elementary school at the same time in California. He was a grade ahead, and I don't think I knew him. It was really neat, though!

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I hope she takes it as praise that they think her worthy of ire.


Me, too! I just think it makes her nervous to know that she also has this other following of Well Trained Minds. I mean, imagine her position, "Are these the nutjob homeschoolers?" :D

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Exactly. And I'm sure that youngest boy of yours will squelch all her fears...


Yes, he's quite disgusting, isn't he? The whackjob homeschoolers have much more polite children. :D


Actually, I think they were a little worried about the idea of all you mommies lined up on the sidewalk with your sharpies, but I reassured them you were harmless.

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