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Need help deciding whether to finish science next year or move on??

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Ds has been working through Apologia Physical Science this year for 8th, but will only get about half way through. Should I have him finish the book next year or should he just move on to Biology? He has been doing pretty well with the text, but takes more time with the reading because it is so wordy and science really isn't his thing. If he were to finish next year would I give him credit for it? Thank you for your help.



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Ds has been working through Apologia Physical Science this year for 8th, but will only get about half way through. Should I have him finish the book next year or should he just move on to Biology? He has been doing pretty well with the text, but takes more time with the reading because it is so wordy and science really isn't his thing. If he were to finish next year would I give him credit for it? Thank you for your help.




You might email Apologia about this question. I emailed a similar one about General Science, and Jay Wile emailed back. His encouragement was to finish it rather than move on--here's what he said:


"I would not move on at the end of the year. I would have you finish the entire book, even if it takes more than a year. That is a general rule for our books. You should finish one before moving on to the next. Forget about standard timelines. You are homeschooling to meet YOUR child's needs."


Merry :-)

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We stopped Physical Science with 2-3 Modules left. It got hard at the end! Most schools don't finish books, so if we get close, I call it! :)


Maybe you can do 4-5 modules over the summer? We did take two years to do physical, but did it in 8th and 9th grade, but it was only one credit for all of it.

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Ds has been working through Apologia Physical Science this year for 8th, but will only get about half way through. Should I have him finish the book next year or should he just move on to Biology? He has been doing pretty well with the text, but takes more time with the reading because it is so wordy and science really isn't his thing. If he were to finish next year would I give him credit for it? Thank you for your help.




If he were to finish next year you could give hs credit (imho anyway). Some schools accept Phys Sci, some don't. It's best to look at schools he is interested in to see what they accept.


But I will say that Apologia Bio is way more wordy than Phys Sci, so you might want to consider doing some exercises to speed up reading/reading comprehension, etc. or consider finishing Phys Sci next year on purpose to give him another year to mature.


Or maybe another program with a less conversational/wordy style would be better for him? Personally, I am loathing doing Phys Sci with our co-op this year, lol.




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Thank you for all of your replies, it has been so helpful. I think we will go ahead and finish the Physical Science for 1 science credit. I wasn't even thinking about the Biology and how that would be even more work. In light of that, we had better take it slower and prepare more using the Physical science book. Thank you so much!



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Ds has been working through Apologia Physical Science this year for 8th, but will only get about half way through. Should I have him finish the book next year or should he just move on to Biology? He has been doing pretty well with the text, but takes more time with the reading because it is so wordy and science really isn't his thing. If he were to finish next year would I give him credit for it? Thank you for your help.





We haven't done the Apologia Physical Science, but started in 9th grade with the Biology. It was our first textbook approach to science, and it was a bit of a rough transition going from heavily hands-on and real book approach to a rather chatty text with few experiments and VERY heavy on memorizing scientific vocabulary.


Because of that, and because Apologia Biology starts with the kingdoms and loads of "micro" vocabulary (the easier "macro" or animal and plant kingdoms are at the end of the book), we took the Biology slow, and did 10 chapters in 9th grade and finished the remaining 6 the following year in 10th grade. To fill out the science year for 10th, we also did a large anatomy unit (since Apologia only covers that in their Advanced Biology course for 11th or 12th grade).


I awarded credits this way:

9th gr. = 0.5 credit = Biology

10th gr. = 0.5 credit = Biology and 0.5 credit Anatomy


However, for the final transcript, I plan to lay it out by subject matter, not by school year so it will look like this (we only need 3 lab science credits in our state, and DS is not going into a math/science field):



Biology (lab science) = 1.0 credit

Anatomy (lab science = 0.5 credit

Chemistry (lab science) = 1.0 credit

Physics (lab science = 0.5 credit


You can count 1-2 credits worth of classes from 8th grade as high school credit and put it on the high school transcript as high school credit, so you might consider counting the Apologia Physical Science as 1 credit of high school science, even though part of it was done in 8th grade. Then you can just move on into Biology when you finish the Physical Science, even if you're halfway through 9th grade, and keep going.


BEST of luck! Warmly, Lori D.

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Thank you Lori for your awesome explanation. I like the idea of finishing Biology in 10th and maybe doing an anatomy after that. So then Chemistry in 11th and Physics in 12th (hopefully it works out that way). That would actually give him 4 science credits, but we only need 3 credits here in MI also. So even if he didn't finish out physics he still has all of the credits he needs. Thanks again for your post.



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