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Remember I asked what pet to get dd10 for Christmas, that she wanted something cuddly

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We ended up getting a Chinese dwarf hamster and it is the BEST pet!!! I don't know if we got one with an amazing temperment or what (I did pray constantly for the right pet), but this thing is adorable. It is male, and sits calmly in her hand while she kisses its head, pets it, etc. It absolutely loves her; runs over when it hears her, etc. It will even lay on its back in the crook of her arm while she pets it! It falls asleep right in her hand too. I've never seen a rodent act like this. She does spend a lot of time with it though-reads and sings aloud to it, etc. She read six or so books about hamster care and cleans the cage every Sat w/out being reminded because she wants him to be comfortable. It has been a wonderful responsibility for her. Very positive experience all around. The only bummer is they only live about a year and a half-she will be heartbroken when it passes. She is very very attached.


Just wanted to follow up in case anyone was looking for a nice pet. I would say for ages 10 (if responsible) and older though, because you do have to be so careful since it's tiny.

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We just got a drawf hamster for my son to replace his that died. Those things are FAST! I did hear the Chinese drawfs were much more calm like that. Very cool for your dd! I hope that ds can tame his, but the pet store assoc. told us not to count on it being a very "hold me, cuddle me" kind of pet. Ds7 got a normal short hair (albino) and she is still a bit "nippy". Hopefully, he can tame it soon, too.

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We don't put him in the balls because dd read that when they crash into walls it feels to them like getting in a car crash would feel to us. Not sure if that's true, but I guess it makes sense!


And we don't know if this guy is fast-I imagine he would be if he got away! Dd is very careful to hold him so he doesn't get away.


Jean-very good idea! Just have to make sure we get another male so we don't get more than we bargained for ;)

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