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How would you respond when a friend emails you and tells you that


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they have had me on their mind lately. They said they have a deep nagging sense that God is trying to show me something, and either there is struggle and I'm not getting it, which causes a sense of frustration or maybe I am just plain afraid to see.


I don't feel this way at all. Wouldn't God reveal this to ME before he would someone else? I'm not particularly close to this friend, btw.


What do I do? I can't ignore the email.





Edited by MJN
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It would depend on the author. If it were one of a few important people in my life whose faith and relationship with me I trust implicitly, I'd listen up and pray about it! Others would likely be gently reminded of my preference that they care for the log in their own eye before they look into the speck in mine. They would also be told of my preference that serious and potentially relationship-altering conversations as that should happen in person, where non-verbals, tone, etc. could not be as easily misconstrued! ;)

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they have had me on their mind lately. They said they have a deep nagging sense that God is trying to show me something, and either there is struggle and I'm not getting it, which causes a sense of frustration or maybe I am just plain afraid to see.


I don't feel this way at all. Wouldn't God reveal this to ME before he would someone else? I'm not particularly close to this friend, btw.


What do I do? I can't ignore the email.






Why can't you ignore the e-mail? I would. I would ignore it and if she persists, then tell her you don't believe/ agree with her and you'd like her to keep her opinions to herself. Then, distance yourself from her. People like this don't let up, and I would be afraid she would take it as an invitation if you respond.




Edited by coffeefreak
felt I was too harsh :)
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Guest janainaz

I'd just be nice and tell her thanks. Most people mean well, but it makes no sense that God would reveal information privately to someone else, so that they could deliver the message. Some people want and need to feel like they are on the inside crowd with God, and literally can make stuff up in their head and believe it. Someday she may look back and wonder what she was thinking! I'd thank her for the "heads-up" and ask her to let you know immediately if any more messages are revealed to her from above. :D

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Why can't you ignore the e-mail? I would. I would ignore it and if she persists, then tell her you don't believe/ agree with her and you'd like her to keep her opinions to herself. Then, distance yourself from her. People like this don't let up, and I would be afraid she would take it as an invitation if you respond.





I agree with this.

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Well, I've been in the position of the friend where I would awaken in the middle of the night with an urgency to pray for someone...not even knowing why. Then, God might reveal more to me or maybe not. This happened with my counselor of all people! Talk about a sticky situation! Anyway, I would just thank her for being obedient to the Lord and do some praying yourself, kwim? Ask God to reveal to YOU what she was talking about. God works in ways beyond our comprehension. I never discount any word recieved from trusted Christian friends...unless after time it doesn't come to fruition or I get a sense that it wasn't really of the Lord.

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Well, I've been in the position of the friend where I would awaken in the middle of the night with an urgency to pray for someone...not even knowing why.


I've had urgent feelings that I needed to pray for particular people too. This has *especially* happened with friends of ours that are deployed. But I never mention it to them or their wives. I've never felt the need to do that, kwim?

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I would thank her for her care & concern.


I don't feel this way at all. Wouldn't God reveal this to ME before he would someone else?


Not necessarily, imo.


Is it possible your friend (or acquaintance) could be right? Sometimes others can see things in us that we, ourselves, do not see.


"No one is willing to acknowledge a fault in himself when a more agreeable motive can be found for the estrangement of his acquaintances." (Mark Twain)

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they have had me on their mind lately. They said they have a deep nagging sense that God is trying to show me something, and either there is struggle and I'm not getting it, which causes a sense of frustration or maybe I am just plain afraid to see.


I don't feel this way at all. Wouldn't God reveal this to ME before he would someone else? I'm not particularly close to this friend, btw.


What do I do? I can't ignore the email.






"Actually, I'm not experiencing anything like that, but I thank you for your concern. "


If it's a well-meaning person who thinks she gets supernatural "knowledge" she needs to know that it's "off" sometimes. If she argues, I would just thank her again for her concern, but not respond further.

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Maybe I'm not too generous but I would be annoyed particularly since you aren't close to her. You have enough on your plate right now. Continue with your own prayer life and I'm sure God will let you know whatever it is you need to know today. I agree with the short response. I wouldn't get into a conversation with this person about this. :grouphug::grouphug:

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they have had me on their mind lately. They said they have a deep nagging sense that God is trying to show me something, and either there is struggle and I'm not getting it, which causes a sense of frustration or maybe I am just plain afraid to see.


I don't feel this way at all. Wouldn't God reveal this to ME before he would someone else? I'm not particularly close to this friend, btw.


What do I do? I can't ignore the email.






This would disturb me and I would put distance right away from this person. I would ignore the email and probably block their email.

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If it's a well-meaning person who thinks she gets supernatural "knowledge" she needs to know that it's "off" sometimes. If she argues, I would just thank her again for her concern, but not respond further.


While I have woken up in the middle of the night with the urge to pray for someone, I don't believe that God imparts supernatural knowledge about people to others. I think the spirit can, and does, nudge us to pray, but I think it stops there.


I'd probably just say "thanks" and nothing else. This could be someone's way of being nosy, too, but I tend to be skeptical like that.

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Maybe I'm not too generous but I would be annoyed particularly since you aren't close to her. You have enough on your plate right now. Continue with your own prayer life and I'm sure God will let you know whatever it is you need to know today. I agree with the short response. I wouldn't get into a conversation with this person about this. :grouphug::grouphug:



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Molly - when I was in college a very earnest young man came to me and told me in all seriousness that "God had told him" that he was to marry me. I very gently told him that God had not told me the same thing. A year later he came to thank me with his new fiance!


I think the advice to just thank her or to ignore it is the best. If God wants to teach you something He will get through to you.

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I get the nudge from the Holy Spirit to pray for people, usually just as I am falling asleep, not in the middle of the night. Although this has happened numerous times during my adult life, only twice has it been anyone I know very well.


In one case, I mentioned to his MIL that God had placed him on my heart and that I had been praying for him (hadn't seen him in church for a few weeks so couldn't speak directly to him). She pulled me into a private room and broke down sobbing about a health crisis the young man was suffering that there was no way I could have known about via human means. I told her to let him know that God definitely knew what was going on with him and was notifying people to pray.


The other case was quite recently. The person brought to my mind is a homeschool mom and pastor's wife that I knew on an acquaintance level about 7 years ago. I'm not even sure she still lives around here. I have prayed about whether to try to contact her and decided to ask a mutual friend whether she is still in the area, whether they keep in touch, and mention that I had felt called to pray for her.


That's it...no big revelation or message, just the need to pray in an intercessory manner for someone. The only reason I would mention it to them at all would be in case the person was going through a hard time and would be encouraged that God was calling the prayer warriors into action on their behalf.


I do strongly agree that if God has a message for one of us, he will tell us directly. But, based on my experience, I also think He may inspire others to intercede via prayer. Don't know if it helps, hurts, or matters much at all whether the pray-er tells the pray-ee or not.

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I would be put off by the email, and I would also be leery that she was trying to be nosy. I had a "friend" one time that would always say, "Something is wrong, I can tell." and it.drove.me.crazy.


Sometimes there WOULD be something wrong, just out of sheer coincidence. And I would not tell her just because she insisted that something was wrong. She just wanted to be nosy and dramatic and seem like she was so intuitive.


If I have someone on my mind to pray for, I would never think to tell them. Besides, I don't know if they are on my mind for a reason, or if they are on my mind "just because". Either way, I say a quick prayer, move on, and never read much into it.

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they have had me on their mind lately. They said they have a deep nagging sense that God is trying to show me something, and either there is struggle and I'm not getting it, which causes a sense of frustration or maybe I am just plain afraid to see.


I don't feel this way at all. Wouldn't God reveal this to ME before he would someone else? I'm not particularly close to this friend, btw.


What do I do? I can't ignore the email.






Some thoughts...


One - would you say she is a religious person (as in, does she follow a religious path similar to yours in any way), or would you put her more in the column of a "spiritual" person? eg: Would she be more or less likely to say "God is trying to show you something" because she knows it is terminology that YOU would use, or is it something that she, herself would walk around saying.


Two - has this woman ever exhibited any signs of religiosity? If not, has she ever done anything even remotely like this to you previously?


Three - have you stopped to think, really think, why this is bothering you so much? As in, enough to post it on a message board?


There are all sorts of sages in the world. I sincerely doubt they choose it for themselves. If one thinks about it, what a cr@ppy job it would be. Everyone would immediately think them to be kooks, and they would be left standing there helpless.


You say this woman is not a particularly close friend. Imagine how awkward it must have been for her to send you that message.




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You don't need this. Yes, you can ignore it. That is why you have a delete button. Make use of it and forget it. She is not asking for a response and you don't have to give her one. Just delete and forget.


It's bad enough to be in the position you are in, without others trying to make you feel like it is somehow your fault or you are guilty somehow. You are not. Think positive, think good, think pure, think beautiful and lovely thoughts.


And use that delete button.


Praying for you. :grouphug:

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You don't need this. Yes, you can ignore it. That is why you have a delete button. Make use of it and forget it. She is not asking for a response and you don't have to give her one. Just delete and forget.


It's bad enough to be in the position you are in, without others trying to make you feel like it is somehow your fault or you are guilty somehow. You are not. Think positive, think good, think pure, think beautiful and lovely thoughts.


And use that delete button.


Praying for you. :grouphug:


I'll remember that.




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