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What My Mom Knew

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In the spirit of spinoffs of spinoffs and who knows whom, I present this tale.


My mom knew my boyfriend's best friend was in love with me.


I was 17. I brought my boyfriend and his best friend home one day and within minutes my mom called me out of the living room and into the kitchen.


"Unsinkable," she said as she stared at my face with the mom-stare. "What is going on with that boy, that 'Best Friend'?"


"What do you mean, what's going on? What are you talking about?" I was in la-la land and wanted to get back to my guests.


"That boy is love with you!"


"WHAT? You're crazy. That is Boyfriend's Best Friend! He is not in love with me!"


She grabbed my arm to stop me from leaving the kitchen. "He can't take his eyes off of you. I am telling you. That boy is in love with you. You better be careful. This whole thing..." She shook her head. "This whole thing can blow up in your face and you'll lose both of them."


Well, I ignore her and skipped back to them. For the next few weeks, we three we always together and I gradually realized that...


Mom was right. Best Friend was in love with me. And I was in love with him, too. The whole thing did blow up in my face. I lost both of them. (For a while. Best friend came back.) It was one of the most thrilling, exciting, dramatic times of my life. And my mom knew it would happen before it happened. And I didn't listen.


But she held me when I cried because my heart was broken. I remember those times of her comforting me as vividly as I remember the times with the boys.


I wish she was still here and I can ask her how she knew, in a matter of minutes, that "that boy" was in love with me, and how it would end so badly. I wonder if she had a boyfriend who had a best friend and how that ended up with her and them?


What moms know and what we know and what we know they know and they want us to know...

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Wow. I can only say I wish my Mom were like yours. Mine was more the "head in the sand" kind of mom. I love her dearly, but when I was a teen going through tough times with boys and friends, etc...my mom was mentally absent. My mom DID know before I did that my first few boyfriends were "no good"...and she was right.

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DH and I grew up together and joke that our parents betrothed us at birth. All growing up, every time I'd talk about a boy, my mom would say, "There's always Marcus." And all growing up when DH would mention a girl, his mom said, "You could do a lot worse than Lisa." I didn't like him until 10th grade. DH didn't like me until we were Sophomore/Juniors in college (I'm a year older than him). And only after I told him to his face that I liked him and that we were going to end up getting married. He laughed at me and said no way. Took 7 months for him to see the light, but I was right.:lol:


The strange part is that I'd been dating a guy my Freshman and Sophomore years in college off and on and when I ended things with him for good, he wasn't surprised. He said, "I was waiting for you to wake up to the fact that you're in love with Marcus."

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My best friend in high school was a guy and my mother told me he was in love with me. I told her she was crazy because we were too much like brother and sister and he dated "those" kind of girls. It use to drive me crazy because he would pick absolute disasters to date. She said he was just waiting for the right time. Turned out she was right. It didn't turn into a relationship and unfortunately I haven't talked to him in 11 years but he was such a great friend and she was right.


Also, I dated a guy for 2 short months one summer and then his family moved away. My mother told me for years that this guy was suppose to be her son-in-law one day. My parents remained friends with him while I moved into a ridiculously stupid marriage at a too young age. When he would come visit them they even introduced him once to their very closest friends as "The man that was suppose to be their son-in-law"! LOL One day after my divorce he called my mother to say "hi" and she mentioned I was back in town and divorced. ;) He came right after to visit for a weekend and didn't leave.


She was right on both those counts. I've now been married to her son-in-law for 11 years. She's just says "Took long enough!". LOL

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DH and I grew up together and joke that our parents betrothed us at birth. All growing up, every time I'd talk about a boy, my mom would say, "There's always Marcus." And all growing up when DH would mention a girl, his mom said, "You could do a lot worse than Lisa." I didn't like him until 10th grade. DH didn't like me until we were Sophomore/Juniors in college (I'm a year older than him). And only after I told him to his face that I liked him and that we were going to end up getting married. He laughed at me and said no way. Took 7 months for him to see the light, but I was right.:lol:


The strange part is that I'd been dating a guy my Freshman and Sophomore years in college off and on and when I ended things with him for good, he wasn't surprised. He said, "I was waiting for you to wake up to the fact that you're in love with Marcus."


I just love this story! So sweet. :001_smile:

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My dh and I had our first date on Oct. 25. On Christmas day, he went with his mom and dad for their family Christmas a couple hours away and during the trip, he told his parents that he believed I was the one and he was going to ask me to marry him. His mom turned around and said "I wondered how long it was going to take you!"


Honstly, sometimes I wonder if there is someone so perfect for everyone ~ neither of us are perfect by any stretch, but we are definitely perfect for each other!

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I had dated dh for 2 years when he broke off our relationship and started dating someone else. I pretended it was all OK. We had been in a long distance relationship and I just told everyone I was fine to end it because we lived too far apart. I started dating someone else and this new boyfriend boldly told my mom he was going to marry me. My mom dragged me into her bedroom at the first chance, pointed her finger at my face and said, "Look me in the eye and say, I don't love _______(first boyfriend)." I started crying and she told new boyfriend to cool it. Eighteen months later I was walking down the aisle with my true love. :)


Strangely enough, my mom said the day she KNEW we would get married was the day dh broke up with me.


21 years later we're happily married with 7 kids. Now maybe I have something I KNOW...;)



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I love everyone's stories! They are really great.


"Boyfriend's Best Friend" was not DH. DH came along a few years later. ;)


I love my mom so much. She was an alcoholic and within a year of the whole crazy triangle exploding, she was dead. I wish I had talked more to her about how she "knew."

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It's family lore though.


Mom asked dad out during TWIRP week at college. (The Woman Is Required to Pay). This was back in the 60's! Mom's sister came up for the weekend and at the last minute wanted to go to the dance. Mom found her a date. After the dance mom and aunt went back to mom's room and aunt paced the room telling the roommates all about mom's date (dad) and ended it all by plopping on the bed and saying "And J is going to marry him!" After their first date!


The first time Mom went home with dad, dad got up at o-dark thirty to work with grandpa. He had breakfast before he went. Then at a much more reasonable time, mom got up and had breakfast. Grandma knew at that moment they would get married because they both asked for the same thing for breakfast - left over apple pie with chocolate ice cream. To this day, our fmily always has chocolate ice cream with apple pie!


I've heard both of these stories forever! Mom and dad have been married for going on 44 years.

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